DC Cinematic Universe Timeline


The Timeline Guy
May 27, 2004
You are all just obstacles on my path to Nirvana.
16122 BC
Man of Steel - Prequel (pg. 2-18)

16112 BC
Man of Steel - Prequel (pg. 19-35)

16112 BC - 1980 AD
Man of Steel - Prequel (pg. 36-37)

1980 AD
Man of Steel Chapter 1 (0:00:00 - 0:11:16)
Man of Steel Chapter 2 (0:11:17 - 0:20:00)
Man of Steel - Prequel (pg. 1)

1989 AD
Man of Steel Chapter 3 (0:22:46 - 0:22:51)
Man of Steel Chapter 3 (0:22:55 - 0:24:59)
Man of Steel Chapter 14 (2:10:42 - 2:11:27)

1993 AD
Man of Steel Chapter 3 (0:26:15 - 0:30:08)
Man of Steel Chapter 4 (0:30:09 - 0:32:17)

Man of Steel Chapter 7 (1:07:22 - 1:08:57)

1997 AD
Man of Steel Chapter 6 (0:54:28 - 0:57:29)

2013 AD
June ??
Man of Steel - Prequel (pg. 38-39)
Man of Steel Chapter 3 (0:20:01 - 0:22:45)
Man of Steel Chapter 3 (0:22:52 - 0:22:55)
Man of Steel Chapter 3 (0:25:00 - 0:26:14)
Man of Steel Chapter 4 (0:32:18 - 0:34:15)

September 25
Man of Steel Chapter 4 (0:34:16 - 0:37:13)

September 26
Man of Steel Chapter 4 (0:37:14 - 0:39:20)
Man of Steel Chapter 5 (0:39:21 - 0:43:00)

September 27
Man of Steel Chapter 5 (0:43:01 - 0:48:56)
Man of Steel Chapter 6 (0:48:57 - 0:52:25)

September 28 - October 1
Man of Steel Chapter 6 (0:52:26 - 0:52:46)

October 2
Man of Steel Chapter 6 (0:52:47 - 0:54:27)
Man of Steel Chapter 6 (0:57:30 - 0:57:44)

October 3
Man of Steel Chapter 6 (0:57:45 - 0:59:02)
Man of Steel Chapter 7 (0:59:03 - 1:01:22)

October 24
Man of Steel Chapter 7 (1:01:23 - 1:05:51)

October 25
Man of Steel Chapter 7 (1:05:52 - 1:07:21)
Man of Steel Chapter 8 (1:08:58 - 1:17:34)
Man of Steel Chapter 9 (1:17:35 - 1:28:35)
Man of Steel Chapter 10 (1:28:36 - 1:40:47)
Man of Steel Chapter 11 (1:40:48 - 1:50:55)
Man of Steel Chapter 12 (1:50:56 - 2:00:52)
Man of Steel Chapter 13 (2:00:53 - 2:08:44)

October 26
Man of Steel Chapter 13 (2:08:45 - 2:10:12)

October 27
Man of Steel Chapter 14 (2:10:13 - 2:10:41)
Man of Steel Chapter 14 (2:11:28 - 2:11:38)

November ??
Man of Steel Chapter 14 (2:11:39 - 2:12:49)

2015 AD
Batman vs. Superman Chapter ?? (?:??:?? - ?:??:??)
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This is the timeline for the DC Cinematic Universe, currently consisting of Man of Steel and the Man of Steel - Prequel comic.

As with the other timelines, it's color coded, with the Superman related entries currently in red (this may be changed to light blue if a Flash movie ever ends up happening).

It will hopefully be added to in the coming years with Man of Steel 2, Justice League, a new Batman movie, and possibly The Flash and Wonder Woman. We'll see if the Green Lantern movie from a few years back is included, but I doubt it will be.

You all knew it was coming. ;)
Ha, I thought about it too when the MoS prequel was released.

I'm actually doing one for the G.I. Joe Cinematic Universe, if some are interested, I will post it. :D
My little stone to the building, from the novelization :)

Between -20 000 to -18 000 before Present Day: Kara's ship crashes on the Arctic.

1979: Kal-El is born ; Krypton is destroyed ; Kal-El arrives on Earth.

May, 1981: Baby Clark cries and exploses all glasses around him.

September, 1988: Clark is 9. He discovers his X-ray vision.

March, 1992: Clark is 13. He doesn't want to fight Ken Braverman.

October, 1992: Clark is 13. He saves students from being drowned.

April, 1997: Jonathan Kent dies. Jonathan Nathaniel Kent (1951-1997)

Present Day, October, 33 Years from Kal-El's arrival on Earth: Clark works as a fisherman, fishing tuna.

All these dates are written, it's not my point of view or some calculations, except for the 1979.
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My little stone to the building, from the novelization :)

Between -20 000 to -18 000 before Present Day: Kara's ship crashes on the Arctic.

1979: Kal-El is born ; Krypton is destroyed ; Kal-El arrives on Earth.

May, 1981: Baby Clark cries and exploses all glasses around him.

September, 1988: Clark is 9. He discovers his X-ray vision.

March, 1992: Clark is 13. He doesn't want to fight Ken Braverman.

October, 1992: Clark is 13. He saves students from being drowned.

April, 1997: Jonathan Kent dies. Jonathan Nathaniel Kent (1951-1997)

Present Day, October, 33 Years from Kal-El's arrival on Earth: Clark works as a fisherman, fishing tuna.

All these dates are written, it's not my point of view or some calculations, except for the 1979.

Nice. My only gripe would be the 1992 dates. I thought Clark saves the bus full of his fellow students before the scene where Ken tries to fight him (and Jonathan sees it), mainly because Pete was bullying Clark on the bus, but then gives him a hand up after Ken pushed him down. I thought that'd indicate the bus scene occurring before, since Pete was bullying Clark previously, but after being saved by him changed his opinion of Clark.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Maybe its not even the same kid, I'll have to go back and rewatch it.
It's not the same kid.

March 1992 (Ken Braverman):


October, 1992 (Whitney Fordham):


No I know those were different kids, but the kid on the bus (Whitney Fordham) who Clark saves, isn't he also the one who helps Clark up after Ken Braverman leaves due to Jonathan Kent watching? Hence my point before that Whitney was bullying Clark on the bus, was saved by him after the crash, then decided to stop bullying Clark and act friendly toward him hence lending him a hand up after Kent tried to fight him (where Clark crushed the fence pole).
I just discovered that the red hair big boy is Pete Ross, thanx to the book.. (I was used to know Pete Ross as a black boy.. thanx to Smallville..).

Otherwise, you're right, it's written March, 1992, but it's more March, 1993! (must be a writter error)

In the chapter of March, 1992, Jonathan Kent has already shown the spaceship to Clark, and the bus' accident already happened. They even say that a new year began ("another year, another bullies").
I just discovered that the red hair big boy is Pete Ross, thanx to the book.. (I was used to know Pete Ross as a black boy.. thanx to Smallville..).

Otherwise, you're right, it's written March, 1992, but it's more March, 1993! (must be a writter error)

In the chapter of March, 1992, Jonathan Kent has already shown the spaceship to Clark, and the bus' accident already happened. They even say that a new year began ("another year, another bullies").

Ah ok. Yeah it must be an error on the writer's part.

Otherwise all the other dates make perfect sense. Thanks for posting those, as always extremely helpful. :)
I've sent a mail to Greg Cox (very cool guy by the way to answered my questions so quickly!), here is his answer:

Hmm. I see what you mean. The playground bully scene definitely takes place after the bus accident, but the dates contradict that.

To be honest, I wrote that book nearly a year ago, so my memory is a little fuzzy, but I dug out my notes and, in the original script, the dates for both scenes are just listed as "1992." Not sure where the "March" and "October" business came from. I can only assume that was my mistake, but, at this point, I honestly can't remember why I put those scenes in those months. Probably had to do with what sort of weather I wanted for both scenes.

For your timeline, the script definitely put both scenes in 1992, so I'd suggest changing the months, depending on how the kids are dressed in the movie and what the weather looks like.

Sorry for the confusion. I'm amazed nobody's caught that before.

Glad you enjoyed the book, though. I had a lot of fun writing it!



Thank you again Greg, if you read us! ;)
So picked up the Man of Steel DVD and got around to finalizing the timeline.

My little stone to the building, from the novelization :)

Between -20 000 to -18 000 before Present Day: Kara's ship crashes on the Arctic.

1979: Kal-El is born ; Krypton is destroyed ; Kal-El arrives on Earth.

May, 1981: Baby Clark cries and exploses all glasses around him.

September, 1988: Clark is 9. He discovers his X-ray vision.

March, 1992: Clark is 13. He doesn't want to fight Ken Braverman.

October, 1992: Clark is 13. He saves students from being drowned.

April, 1997: Jonathan Kent dies. Jonathan Nathaniel Kent (1951-1997)

Present Day, October, 33 Years from Kal-El's arrival on Earth: Clark works as a fisherman, fishing tuna.

All these dates are written, it's not my point of view or some calculations, except for the 1979.

I did have to adjust the years a bit, based on the novelization dates.

The novelization apparently sets the movie in 2012, with Clark being born in 1979.

However, in the movie, in the scene where Lois is at the Antarctic site where the Kryptonian ship is being unearthed, there's a scene where she takes a few pictures and notices Clark climbing up the ice towards the ship. The camera shows a date of September 25, 2013. Given the movie was released in 2013 I think this makes at least some sense.

Therefore, with Clark being 33 years old in 2013, it stands to reason he was born in 1980 (or very late in the year 1979). And based on the ages of Clark in the flashback scenes (9 and 13 years old based on the credits), that places those scenes likely in 1989 and 1993, respectively.

Otherwise I used the month dates as outlined in the novelization, but switched the May/October dates due to the author's admitted mistake of mixing those scenes' date placements up.

Let me know if you guys have any thoughts or suggestions.

Some of the specific dates are definitely open for speculation/debate, since there's only the one date shown in the movie (on Lois' camera) and there aren't many direct references to time passing between scenes, so much of it is assumed. The 3 week jump between October 3 and October 24 is in reference to Perry telling Lois she's suspended for 3 weeks without pay due to leaking her story against his wishes. This also allows a period of 3 weeks for the Kryptonian ship Clark takes to send the signal out into space for Zod's ship to receive. While Zod's ship is capable of teleport/transwarp/folding of space for instantaneous travel (as was baby Clark's ship, as seen in the film's opening), the signal would've taken awhile to be received by Zod's ship, at which point they'd likely have instantaneously traveled to Earth's orbit. Again, this is all assumption so it very well could've been longer (and likely is).

I may do away with the month/day placements and just use the year's for accuracy's sake, but wanted to get opinions first.

Also, it still remains to be seen if Arrow and the upcoming Flash series will be a part of the DC Cinematic universe. Originally the producers of Arrow said it was unlikely, but recently they mentioned that if the Flash actor is well received that he'd also appear in the future Justice League film. So, until we know for sure I'll leave the shows off, since it could go either way still. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they do include them, though.
Oh in the novel there is no 2012 or 2013 or even 1979, as I said it's calculations based on the 33 years old in the present day.

All the other dates and months are given in the novel.
Oh in the novel there is no 2012 or 2013 or even 1979, as I said it's calculations based on the 33 years old in the present day. All the other dates and months are given in the novel.

Oh ok. Are any years mentioned specifically in the novel, like when Clark is a kid (9 and 13 years old)?

But that's reassuring. Least that way there isn't a discrepancy.

And I posted this in your Arrow timeline thread, but its confirmed the Arrow and Flash series aren't connected to the DC Cinematic universe.
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