Well-Known Member
In this week's Ultimates 2 #9, we saw a new character being named, who represents a character from 616 continutiy, who was supposedly already Ultimized in an earlier series.
Now, it's most definitely another character taking over the same role and code-name as the previous one. I have no problem with that. In this case, it makes sense, because of the nature of the character.
However, it sets an interesting precedent for the 'ground rules' of the Ultimate Universe...
For example, it would now be possible and reasonable for there to be a separate Luke Cage who is different from the Power Man from the Defenders(whose civilian alter ego was never properly named).
Of course, this is nothing new -- there have been characters designated by Roman numerals in superhero comics for a long time.
But, of course, we'd like to believe that the Ultimate U is unique, in that it avoids such messy limitations.
So, what I want to know is, under what circumstances (if any) do you believe "double Ultimizations" are acceptable?
Now, it's most definitely another character taking over the same role and code-name as the previous one. I have no problem with that. In this case, it makes sense, because of the nature of the character.
However, it sets an interesting precedent for the 'ground rules' of the Ultimate Universe...
For example, it would now be possible and reasonable for there to be a separate Luke Cage who is different from the Power Man from the Defenders(whose civilian alter ego was never properly named).
Of course, this is nothing new -- there have been characters designated by Roman numerals in superhero comics for a long time.
But, of course, we'd like to believe that the Ultimate U is unique, in that it avoids such messy limitations.
So, what I want to know is, under what circumstances (if any) do you believe "double Ultimizations" are acceptable?
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