Dream-Teaming Round 1: Heroes for Hire

Last entries must be in by tomorrow at midnight Pacific time. Cause I don't know the timezone thats most prevalent here. So I'm going with mine.
Heroes For Hire
Writer – Brian K. Vaughan
Art – Khari Evans​

Danny Rand aka Iron Fist – As owner of the Heroes For Hire logo/brand, it's only right that Danny be on the team and leading. Backing his product.

Luke Cage – Danny's right hand man. As far back as these 2 go, it's only natural. After growing tired of the global problems and politics he faced while serving in the Avengers, although fully aware of the good he is doing for the world on The Avengers…he finally notices the decline of his neighborhood and frequency of his absence from Jessica and Danielle. After the kidnapping of Danielle, Cage finally turns his back on the Avengers and decides to stay and help closer to home and make his neighborhood a better place for his daughter to grow up in. And what better way to make a difference than by his best friend's side.

Carlos LaMuerto aka Black Tarantula – Out on probation, Carlos tries to do right this time and stay the straight and narrow course. Unfortunately, a nasty run-in with The Hand shows Carlos that this world of heroes and villains will never let him live a normal life. As part of a favor to his friend Matt Murdock, Danny Rand agrees to sponsor Carlos in a work-release program with Heroes For Hire. Carlos now has help staying the straight and narrow path of do-gooder…but should he decide to slip back into his old ways, a correction in the form of a hero-butt kicking isn't out of reach.

Misty Knight – Did you really think Misty was gonna let Danny bring back Heroes For Hire and not include her? Always down for her man and baby daddy….Misty proudly works alongside her longtime partners doing her thang!

Colleen Wing – Danny and Luke…Misty and Colleen. The 2 go hand-in-hand. While the entire team helps with the community cases…Colleen and Misty specialize in their old jobs…super-powered bail bondsmen. When Rhino or The Shocker or Mr.Fear fail to make court appearances and jump bond----Misty and Colleen are ready to hit the streets and bring them back to justice……………..and get their money back in the process.

Jessica Jones – No longer content to be the stay-at-home mom….but not willing to jump back into the frying pan due to her child at home, Jessica closes down Alias Investigations for good and decides to lend her talents to husband Luke Cage and his job. Jessica takes a job as Heroes For Hire receptionist and office clerk. Able to stay off the front lines, but able to handle super-powered trouble from a disgruntled former client should they decide to pay the office a visit…Jessica finally is able to find her niche and carve out a little happiness for her. Plus daycare don't pay for itself.

The Premise
From the pages of Immortal Iron Fist---Danny Rand has decided to re-open Heroes For Hire. He needs help…and best friend Luke Cage is there to help. But Danny's gonna need more than Luke. And in a world where best friends can be torn asunder by registration acts, secret cabals who dictate the events of historical Marvel events, and can even replaced by shape-shifting aliens…Danny needs more than friends. He needs family. And that's where our team comes in---they're more than friends to Danny. They are family. And together they fight crime and travel across country in a multicolored bus and sing songs. Okay…maybe not that last part about the bus and singing. But they DO fight crime! They are Heroes For Hire…………and they're back in business!

The Story

Back In Business -- a 6 issue arc

#1—Open For Business: Danny re-opens the Heroes For Hire firm along with Luke and first order of business---getting a team together. In this issue, Danny and Luke walk the streets of New York and observe other heroes/vigilantes trying to figure out who to pick. While Luke wants to bring in other Avengers like Clint and Maya…Danny wants to bring in other Immortal Weapons. Neither likes the other's choices. Finally Luke tells Danny that he doesn't have time to mess around with this little pet project of Danny's….he's got a family to support. And that's when it hits them both. Family. Why bring in teammates when you have family. And just like that…the issue ends with open-ended phone calls to other team members telling them of this opportunity.

#2—You Can Choose Your Friends…: With the other members accepting the invitation to work for the firm (except for Carlos LaMuerto who has yet to be invited). This whole issue deals with open loose ends from New Avengers, Daughters of the Dragon and Immortal Iron Fist. Luke tells the Avengers he's leaving…Danny tells the other Immortal Weapons that their time on Earth's plane of existence is coming to an end and that they need to return to their worlds…and Misty and Colleen have very loud words with Danny on just who should run the business since Danny left and it was up to Misty and Colleen to run the firm. Eventually compromises are made and everyone comes to agreement. Next on the checklist? Who wants to handle the paperwork and man the phones? None of our adventurers? Cue Jessica Jones.

#3—To Catch A Thief You Gotta Think Like A Thief: The group gets their first case---local businesses have pulled their money together to hire the Heroes in order to put a stop a protection scam run by a local gang. The crew thinks this is an easy fix---Luke and the gang show up en mass…scare a few local thugs and send them on their merry way. Too bad when you're a hero, nothing ever goes as planned. The local gang ends up being backed by the international organized crime syndicate The Hand! And when the group is outnumbered in a fight…who shows up to lend a hand? Your Friendly-Neighborhood Former Criminal Black Tarantula (*--assumingly freed from his mental capture by The Hand in the pages of Daredevil). After a brief brawl, Murdock contacts Danny asking to help Carlos in staying away from crime.

#4—The Personal Side of Business: The Hand, not taking defeat too well decide to pay retribution on the foes they quickly recognize. A small squad from The Hand decide to pay a visit to the offices of Heroes For Hire, just as the gang returns to the office to wrap up for the day (baby Danielle in tow). After a quick battle, Misty is hurt trying to protect Danielle (although the baby isn't hurt or bleeding…a cut on the baby's sweater shows that she may have her father's indestructible skin---nothing confirmed though. She could've just had a shirt cut. But something for writers to explore if they want). With that, Danny and Luke rally those who are able and get ready to launch a counterattack.

I haven't finished working this story out….so it's kinda up in the air…but you get the gist. The overall goal for the first arc was tie-in all the characters from their previous respective stories.

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