yea gargoyles was hot. I think lexington was my favorite him and Demona. That show was amazing the stories were great and the art was on point.
I loved it...

This show had great flow. The way episodes in a late season tied into one the first episodes. I always loved the Wild Pack (I think) and Puck.

Major Spoilers.
I almost had a heart attack when I found out that Owen was Puck.
thee great one said:
I loved it...

This show had great flow. The way episodes in a late season tied into one the first episodes. I always loved the Wild Pack (I think) and Puck.

Major Spoilers.
I almost had a heart attack when I found out that Owen was Puck.

That was a surprise, Xanatos' aide actually turning out to be some pixie dude.
Seldes Katne said:
Just wanted to post an update on the Gargoyles comic series expected to start in June. Here's the preview page from Slave Labor Graphics (the same folks who publish Rex Libris for my reading amusement...).

I actually just saw this the other day as well, through a link on CBR. Looks interesting...also looks like this will be ignoring the third season of the show.
DIrishB said:
I actually just saw this the other day as well, through a link on CBR. Looks interesting...also looks like this will be ignoring the third season of the show.

Yep....according to Diamond Shipping List---#1 comes out next week.

I thought this show was really cool when I was younger. I really, really wanted the Goliath action figure with the pop-out wings and was euphoric when my Great Aunt finally got it for me for my birthday. I still have it, and all the parts.
I remember having the Goliath toy with the pop-out wings and a silver sword... he was pretty cool. This show was definitely one of the better Disney animated TV series...
Gargoyles rocked. They still show reruns on Boomarang or Toon Disney, neither of which I get, but when I'm at someone house who gets them I usually try and watch them. There was something about that show that made me want wings really bad.

I try and pick up the first issue if my comicbook shop gets it.
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I picked this up on Wed. and just got done reading it. I can't believe I still remember all the voices from the show. As I was reading it I slipt right into hearing those voices as I read. It writen by Greg Weisman who created the show.

It starts off with a news report. I think reflecting back on the last episode. People are scared and the Gargoyles afraid of what might happen now that the humans know they exist. Goliath goes out for a glide as the others say they don't think its safe to do so. He says he going to see Elisa. He glides though the city as a guy takes pot shots at him. The guy ducks down as Goliath charges at his window. The guy peers out as Goliath says "Gargoyles do not scare easily. But since we are not your enemy, you have nothing to be frightended of either. Do we understand each other?" The guy: uh, yes, sir. Goliath bends his rifle as he says "Good. Then you may keep your weapon. As Goliath glides over the city we see Vinnie Grigori (the guy who toss a pie in Goliath's face in the show.) He is greeted by a Mr. John Castaway and brought into his building. Switching back and forth. We See Goliath talking to Elisa reflecting back to when they to the night his whole clan was almost distroyed. As Mr. Castaway works up a crowd of people to kill all Gargoyles. To join his clan called the Quarrymen. The grab hammers and masks as Mr. Castaway smashes a stone Gorgoyle. Goliath stays the at Elisa's during the day. As sun sets the clan see Goliath and calls for back-up. Elisa gets ready for a night out with Goliath. A helicopter swoops in and drops off some of the Quarrymen. Elisa kicks their butts. One of them pulls out a gun and tells her to back up. Just as one of the Quarrymen pick up his hammer to destroye Goliath, Goliath wakes up. Elisa tells Goliath to look out. Goliath knocks them out cold. Just then a shot rings out from the helicopter. Goliath picks up Elisa and glides off with the chopter right behind them. One shot clips Goliath's wing and... To be continued....

Not a bad issue. I can't wait for the next one.

Also in the back they have a few web sites to visit.
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So. I started watching this because it was made by Greg Weisman, the guy who worked on the excellent Spectacular Spider-Man. I remember watching a few episodes back when I was a kid and liking what I saw, but never thought much more of it because I was distracted by B:TAS and Power Rangers.

Crazy kid, I was.

This show is excellent. Brilliant animation (as expected from a Disney cartoon), fantastic writing, and great characters. Special mention goes to the villains are some of the most watchable and complex characters I've seen in a long time. (Xanatos and Demona, I'm looking at you.) It's quite similar in tone to B:TAS, but stands on its own with consistent quality and great characters.

I'm currently watching the second season (Puck is awesome and Vows was one of the best time travel stories ever) and just felt I'd make a thread for it since I couldn't find one. I know at least Houde and Ourchair like it.
Yes. Intelligent cartoons for kids that adults can enjoy too. I also miss this show.

There's a graphic novel Gargoyles series, and it's good, too. I just finished Garoyles: Bad Guys, Volume 1, and liked it a great deal.

One of the most amusing aspects of this cartoon was the appearance of pretty much everyone who worked on Star Trek: the Next Generation. It was like a series reunion or something. :D

I could have sworn we had a thread for this. Maybe if I get some spare time I'll dredge around in the bottom of the boards for it. In the meantime, carry on....
Yes. Intelligent cartoons for kids that adults can enjoy too. I also miss this show.

There's a graphic novel Gargoyles series, and it's good, too. I just finished Garoyles: Bad Guys, Volume 1, and liked it a great deal.

One of the most amusing aspects of this cartoon was the appearance of pretty much everyone who worked on Star Trek: the Next Generation. It was like a series reunion or something. :D

I could have sworn we had a thread for this. Maybe if I get some spare time I'll dredge around in the bottom of the boards for it. In the meantime, carry on....

It wouldn't surprise me if there was a thread for this. I saw it discussed a bit in the Disney and old cartoon threads.

Nice to see you again, Seldes.
Threads merged.

I remember loving Gargoyles when it was on. Goliath was awesome.
I never got into it. I remember as kid thinking it was a combination of Batman and X-men. X-men because of the team idea, some setting, and story arc. And Batman because of it's style.
Gargoyles rocks.

I have no idea where season one ends, and all that jazz, I just know that Pucks' revelation ROCKS.


To be technical, the first season ends after the debut of Coldstone. Season 2 is wicked long. I'm barely a quarter through!

EDIT: For those of you interested, Greg Weisman put together a radio play for a Gargoyles convention that is a crossover between this show and the Spectacular Spider-Man. You can find a link over in that SSM thread.
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I remember this show, but I think my parents didn't let me watch it for some reason.
So I don't know that I've ever even seen a whole episode.

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