thee great one said:I loved it...
This show had great flow. The way episodes in a late season tied into one the first episodes. I always loved the Wild Pack (I think) and Puck.
Major Spoilers.
I almost had a heart attack when I found out that Owen was Puck.
Seldes Katne said:Just wanted to post an update on the Gargoyles comic series expected to start in June. Here's the preview page from Slave Labor Graphics (the same folks who publish Rex Libris for my reading amusement...).
DIrishB said:I actually just saw this the other day as well, through a link on CBR. Looks interesting...also looks like this will be ignoring the third season of the show.
Yes. Intelligent cartoons for kids that adults can enjoy too. I also miss this show.
There's a graphic novel Gargoyles series, and it's good, too. I just finished Garoyles: Bad Guys, Volume 1, and liked it a great deal.
One of the most amusing aspects of this cartoon was the appearance of pretty much everyone who worked on Star Trek: the Next Generation. It was like a series reunion or something.
I could have sworn we had a thread for this. Maybe if I get some spare time I'll dredge around in the bottom of the boards for it. In the meantime, carry on....
Gargoyles rocks.
I have no idea where season one ends, and all that jazz, I just know that Pucks' revelation ROCKS.