Green Lantern discussion thread *spoilers*

How would you rate the Green Lantern movie?

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Also on thinking about the plot they should have just cut Hector Hammond completely out of the movie. He just wastes so much time in the film, his origin scenes interrupts Hal's, ruining the flow of his storyline. I would have put a bit more focus on the lanterns and maybe have some crime or rescues on Earth to add some more action scenes between the training and Parallax. I think that would have made the movie much better.

I totally agree. There could have been more training, esp the 1 on 1 training with Sinestro. Would have added more space stuff plus we could have seen the evil side of Sinestro. Rather than just having him being evil come out of left field at the end.
I'm a bit worried that because of the lackluster Box Office returns, they will want to scale back the budget which would likely equal less time in space and more on earth...which would be a terrible idea. If you want to make the "Star Wars of superhero films" as many of the filmmakers said, then you need it know...set it in space.
I saw it last night. It was okay. The story was lacklustre. They tried to throw too much in and didn't really do any of it well. The race track was the best part. And I think the fact that Carol recognized him almost immediately saved the movie for me. If she hadn't been able to tell it was him my suspension of disbelief would have broken.

In my opinion, this movie should have been about two things, Hal's relationship with Sinestro, and the idea of overcoming fear (Hal admitting that he was afraid and still being able to overcome that fear was cool character growth in the movie - they should have done more with that).

The only problem with that is that it's a little too similar to the structure of Batman Begins.
The more I think about it the more I think that Hal should have stayed on Oa until he goes to Earth to fight Parallax.

I'm interested to see if this gets a sequel. While that initial report says that WB will, the poor Box Office makes me wonder.
The more I think about it the more I think that Hal should have stayed on Oa until he goes to Earth to fight Parallax.

Not a bad idea. I didn't like how they handled his training.
He didn't really get trained. He got beat up by Kilowog and Sinestro for about 10 minutes and then he quit.

(I'm saying this in agreement with your sentiment).
After reading the reviews for the movie I kinda came up with a quick synopsis for a GREEN LANTERN movie that (obviously) I thought would've been better.

It did involve me actually changing a number of elements of how the Corps and power rings work. So my synopsis was less a "this is how to fix that movie so it's more like the GL we love" and me going "I hate Green Lantern. He sucks and should be like this."

I want to make a talking 1/6th scale action figure of myself that has "Opinionated Fanboy" talking action. Captain Hindsight can be sold with me in a two-pack.
I want to make a talking 1/6th scale action figure of myself that has "Opinionated Fanboy" talking action. Captain Hindsight can be sold with me in a two-pack.

that would be a huge action figure. Assuming you're at least 5'6", the action figure would be close to a foot tall.
1/6th scale figures exist. But, most of it would just be my ego made plastic.

It would also be a huge action figure because it would be enormously popular and successful because people love me.
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At least Spider-Man didn't ever have to face a giant tumor in his third act (unless you count Kirsten Dunst bazing!)
:lol: I thought that was Zatanna speech and I tried to read it backwards. Very nice.

Hehe, it does look like Zee spell casting. Speaking of, As much as I love the Lanterns, I'd love to see a Zatanna movie (or a Hellblazer movie that, y'know sticks to the source a little better), and postpone a GL sequel.
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This is tied with Your Highness as the worst film I have seen this year. What a complete and utter failure.

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