Hellboy II: The Golden Army discussion (Spoilers!)

the watcher

Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
Has any one seen this besides me?...

Well anyways, over all this was a good movie. It's not up to Iron Man standers. But still a good summer movie. Hellboy seemed a little looser. A little more fun loving than he was in the last movie. And this movie had a lot more humor to it too. I loved the fight between Hellboy and Johann Kraus, funny. Also the fight between Prince Nuada and his father's guards was spectacular.
I loved this movie, IMO it was better than Iron Man.

Disagree incredibly, but such is life.

I enjoyed it, but thought it could have been much better. I am definitely a little bit in love with Selma Blair, though.
I just saw this today. Awesome movie. Way better than the first one. Very, very funny. Johann Kraus was awesome. Del Toro is one of the most creative filmmakers working today.

What will Hellboy's kids look like?!?!
little ones, and little tails, .....and really small right hands of doom

that can create fire!

David Hyde Pierce no longer voices Abe Sapien, and it's kind of noticeable that it's just Doug Jones in this film....

But get this, SETH MCFARLANE of Family Guy fame voices Johann Kraus!
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that can create fire!

David Hyde Pierce no longer voices Abe Sapien, and it's kind of noticeable that it's just Doug Jones in this film....

But get this, SETH MCFARLANE of Family Guy fame voices Johann Kraus!

He sounded like German Stewie, especially when he was yelling.

I actually preferred just Doug Jones in this film, it made Abe sound like less of a *****
I just saw these and it was really funny. The drinking scene had me on the ground. It was absolutely hilarious. The special effect were great, the action was awesome, and was a fun time. Though Abe's love interest was tired and predictable.
There's a 12 part video interview with Guillermo del Toro about Hellboy 2, The Hobbit and other movies up HERE.
I just saw these and it was really funny. The drinking scene had me on the ground. It was absolutely hilarious. The special effect were great, the action was awesome, and was a fun time. Though Abe's love interest was tired and predictable.

Abe was a selfish prick at the end. Very out of character. But then again, he had never been in love before.
Saw this tonight, a very fun movie. I loved Krauss and his poltergeisting ways, and the golden army was awesome.
Saw this last night and really liked it. (Now I'll have to go back and watch the first one again. For one thing, I don't remember the character who got shipped off to Alaska.... :?)

Now that they know where the entrance to the Goblin Market is located, I would love to wander around there for several hours. Great collection of creatures and people and magical items. One of the best parts of the film for me.

Also the scenes with the Earth Elemental, which in my opinion left behind a great gift when it died. I wonder, if someone potted up all those shoots and transplanted them, perhaps in deep woods somewhere, if anything interesting would grow from them? :)

I suspect I'll have to watch this again at some point to pick up things I missed the first time through. (I'm still trying to figure the whole pregnancy thing out, since the parents are members of completely separate species. Yes, I know it's fiction, but still....)
I really really enjoyed this movie, despite all its flaws... and there were quite a few of them.

I liked how the film really expanded the universe, moving from the abandoned sewers and subways and into more lavish set pieces like the Elvish Underground, and Ireland. I liked how they made the BPRD feel like a real motley collection of freaks, a sort of ragtag band of people who do good because no one else can or will.

But sometimes, it felt like the film was at odds with itself in terms of tone. Everything involving the BPRD was laugh a minute humor --- Kraus beating the crap out of Red, Red & Blue singing Barry Manilow, Red being a big old adolescent jerk --- but every scene featuring the bad guys was just so serious and ominous that it felt like I was watching two movies at once.

Johann Kraus was probably my favorite character of the BPRD, but I didn't like the complete turnaround in character he made. Suddenly he just comes up to Liz, hints at his backstory, and he's with them in breaking protocol. There was also no real explanation as to why Abe would REALLY REALLY risk the End of Man by giving the crownpiece to the Prince.

Another plot hole was how the Prince didn't spirit his sister away when he had the chance after he unleashed a forest elemental, yet he did it after he speared Hellboy. In effect, it felt like the characters were bending themselves too much in the service of the plot, which itself is an excuse to move from one lavish set design to another and show lots of awesome creatures (and make no mistake, the design is wonderful).

But all those flaws aside, I still enjoyed it a lot. My girlfriend got into the Dark Horse comic because of the first movie, but I think we both like the movies more. They're just so much darn fun in terms of personality and character that its difficult to let their weaknesses overwhelm them.
It was alright. Ourchair states most of the problems with the movie but I didn't like the general style of the film. The first film was sort of the perfect blend between sci-fi and fantasy - I felt that this one went overboard with the fantasy. Whether Del Toro did this because of the success of Pan's Labyrinth, I don't know, but I would have liked a more even mix.

It was still a fun movie though and I'll definitely watch it again.

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