I'm completely against this.
Where's the exploitation? Where's the inability to look past someone's sexuality? These characters have dimensions that aren't related to their sexuality, and that's just complete hollywood bollocks. We all know, if Will & Grace have taught us anything, that when someone is gay, they can't shut up about how they're gay for more than a minute. It's in the genetic material. Since, Hulkling and Asgardian have barely mentioned their relationship, or even he concept that they might be gay, it can only mean that the writer has decided that there is more to those characters than who they ****. Boo I say. Boo.
Unless, of course, he's too scared to make them really gay. In which case, he's doing the right thing by keeping gay people in their place.
And now, for the non-ironic statement, or "translation": I had no idea they were gay. He's actually writing characters that happen to be gay, rather than gay characters. There's more to them, and there's no gratuity by exploiting the taboo. Kudos to the Heinberg blimp on that one.