I Understand This Discredits Me


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007

I think too much about the Ultimate Universe. I reread the comics constantly, often for no discernible reason. I have all of them except Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk, which, believe it or not, I'm looking for. That is why I have my theory that not only retcons most Loeberrors but kind of works.

I'm really sorry to have come up with this at all, because it centers on Ultimates 3, but.... eh:

(No, these aren't entirely in order)
1. In U3#3, Wolverine flashes back. Therefore, it is post Gulf War.

2. If Wanda is/was his child, she is not in any way related to Magneto.

3. If she is not related to Magneto, he only harbored her out of love for Magda (mutant?), and ultimately(tm) would have no compunctions about killing her.

4. It would be pretty easy for Forge to frame Hawkeye if needed.

5. At the end of Magnetic North, Magneto mentioned a new plan, a new way.

6. Wanda does not, in fact, resemble Magneto, especially with the hair but also, I think, the way she was drawn.

7. We know Ultimate Power is part of the March On Ultimatum, so both Fury's disappearance, Wanda's power level, and maybe even Zarda impact things somewhat.

8. If Xavier and Fury maintained a secretive plan it is not impossible Magneto would understand some of it (including the 'Safety Valve').

9.Magneto has turned against killing as of late. Amazing Friends had a distinctive empty body count.

10. Venom was after Scarlet Witch, as is deducible through the time honored method of the eliminating process.

11. Venom could have been trying to save her, but was unable to elucidate such due to a noun malfunction.

12. Who is Darkman?

13. The Fantastic Four are involved. Cosmic Cube mayhaps? Now I stretch things.

14. Conjecture: Magneto's Ultimatum is really a plan, not a demand by a grieving father. Loeb gave in an interview that Magneto does give the Ultimatum.

15. I hate Loeb as much as he hates the Ultimates. I just can't stop thinking about the UU sometimes.

16. I am prepared to renounce my dignity now.

Conclusion: Magneto hopes to take advantage of the chaotic nature of the UU at the moment through a complicated plan that instead of installing him as the world's leader will allow him to try and change it.

Spider-Man will continue as always.

This will be my final thread in the UU section of the boards, as I'm off to explore the rest presently. I heard it's rather empty of late.

Have fun destroying my crackpot, childish theory. :wink:
I doubt it's what'll happen, but it's undoubtedly about a hundred times better than what Loeb will do. not childish and crackpot at all.
It's definitely not your theory that's flawed -- it's the chaotic, unstructured nature of the UU, at the moment. You're just doing your best to make sense of madness.

See, things were just as cluttered and contradictory before. However, there was never an explicit editorial mandate to tie everything together; the pieces were never required to add up, for storyline purposes, since each title was meant to be distinct, by design.

That's why I was never bothered by the multiple prisoner breakouts at the Trisk, for example (Ultimate Six, "Magnetic North", Ultimates 2). Sure, it was all the same universe, and this supposedly impregnable fortress of national defense had been compromised, on various occasions. But it could all be happening months apart, within the fictional timeframe, for all we knew. There was no narrative imperative for it to fit neatly.

But Loeb has now gone and told us that it's all *supposed* to fit, and we're left attempting to make wild guesses about how all these loose strands tie up.

Me? Personally, I'm far beyond caring. I've pretty much lost all interest in the imprint. I just can't seem to get as excited about this as I did when Bass unveiled the "Loki Manifesto", or the fevered speculation about who the traitor would be.

I just can't seem to feel intrigued.

None of this is your fault, of course, Pearl. You've just come to the board at the wrong time.

I really do wish I could indulge your enthusiasm, but at this point, all my goodwill is spent.

I sincerely hope you'll stick around to participate on the other forums here. We *do* appreciate the insight you bring to the board.
Good post, Pearl. It's certainly more thought than I've given on the subject, and I've given a LOT of thought to the UU of late.

I hope you're not too turned off by the other forums!
See, things were just as cluttered and contradictory before. However, there was never an explicit editorial mandate to tie everything together; the pieces were never required to add up, for storyline purposes, since each title was meant to be distinct, by design.
I agree with this.

A lot of people before and even now, think that the source of the Ultimate Universe's moments of excellence was that it was a planned universe, or that its moments of craptitude is a lack of planning.

It's not.

Just like the 616 universe of Stan Lee's day, which also had no Real Plan to begin with. It's only driving force was a 'zeitgeist' - fear of the atomic bomb, McCarthyist paranoia, post-war anxiety - and Stan and his pals ran with that.

The Ultimate Universe, was at its height, the same thing. It took a 'zeitgeist' - of 21st century geopolitical paranoia, America's self image as a superpower, etc - and ran with that as well, and it had No Plan either.

The problems only began when they started claiming a plan, which in fairness, seems to originate with Bendis as far as one can tell from the outside looking in.
I'm gonna also stick my head out on the chopping block here and make a bold statement...

I actually liked Ultimate Power and Ultimates 3 for the story. I understand they ruin many aspects with continuity and there are some dumb moments. But all in all, I really enjoyed the stories for the stories sake.

Don't hate me or ban me for this...please...!
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I'm gonna also stick my head out on the chopping block here and make a bold statement...

I actually liked Ultimate Power and Ultimates 3 for the story. I understand they ruin many aspects with continuity and there are some dumb moments. But all in all, I really enjoyed the stories for the stories sake.

Don't hate me or ban me for this...please...!

We don't ban anyone for their opinions, no matter how wrong they are.
I couldn't resist, I like the story of Ultimate Iron Man, Ice adopted me, and how does me liking a story constitute making me a lurker?

It doesn't. It's worse. It makes you a nanomonkey sympathiser. And that is something that earns you a place down with the Lurkers.

As the older sibling, you have the duty of putting him in shape with what you see wrong.

Like with that UIM loving stuff.

Come on Cheese. Do what an older bro does best and kick the crap out of him until he knows better.
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