Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

Hello is the Comics tva from shehulk mit mobius und ob the same from Loki TV a series
No, the TVA in the MCU is separate from the comic TVA.
Nathaniel Richard locked Earth-199999's time stream away from the rest of the multiverse and created a TVA exclusive to this section of the multiverse.

Assuming Deadpool 3 gets into these Fantastic Four and Daredevil cameos from FOX's non-MCU versions, those would be confirmed branches of the MCU as well since the MCU TVA appears in DP3.
just finished loki S02E01 and it was great, btw there is a mid-credits scene but now im having a difficult time wondering where the mid-credits scene,what if? and the adjacent spider-man and x-men timelines fit together.

atm my timeline is as such:

loki s01
what if S01 and s02
your place at the tva video
loki s02e01
loki s02e01 mid-credits
butterfly effect tva video


can anyone help narrow down the placements
It takes place immediately after season one; and it's mainly set in the TVA dimension thus far, making it distinct enough to be before What If or any other universe that branched from it chronologically.
There was the date 06.12.2321 on the display of the He Who Remains / Renslayer recording. Thoughts?
awesome catch, this combined with ob being there for at least
400 years
makes me now think that the tva stuff is set somewhere, whether it's the quantum realm or some other pocket dimension, in the year
or later
Loki S02E01 events added and GotGV3 moved behind Quantumania. Also on a totally unrelated note I hate time slipping lol
Just a note, you gotta make the format like:
TV Series 1x01: "????" (0:00:00 - 0:00:00) (Audio Only) [Alternate Timeline]

The name is capitalised, the time codes that are less than 10 are done as "01" rather than "1", and the brackets need to be in black/no colour. Hope that helps!
Just a note, you gotta make the format like:
TV Series 1x01: "????" (0:00:00 - 0:00:00) (Audio Only) [Alternate Timeline]

The name is capitalised, the time codes that are less than 10 are done as "01" rather than "1", and the brackets need to be in black/no colour. Hope that helps!
I'll give that an edit later!
Loki S02E01 events added and GotGV3 moved behind Quantumania. Also on a totally unrelated note I hate time slipping lol
Yeah, the time slipping will make things a toughie to sort out, but on a related note, the season 2 premiere was soooooo good. Can't wait to see what new information we'll get from the coming episodes.
How much time do we think has passed in the TVA scenes since Loki first arrived there? Days? Weeks?
I don't think there's a way to tell and I don't think they put much thought into it given the nature of the TVA.
Who else is in favor of moving Iron Man 3 up one year?
I think once the book releases, we should take a vote on placements that would need to be changed (Fury's Big Week, Iron Man 3, The Winter Soldier, Eternals, Moon Knight, Love & Thunder, etc.) and see what the consensus is. I'm personally fine with all the changes and A Bit of Everything does a good job of giving reasoning on why Marvel is going with the placements they are. However, I still think it's best that the site matches the overall consensus. Whether I agree or not.
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something interesting of note regarding the final moments of loki episode 6
at the end when loki returns to the tva and he isn't recognized my mobius, mobius is still talking about branching timelines with b-15, before the variants had their memories wiped as mobius would have recognized Loki; could this be the end of the original war and leading to the sacred timeline being isolated? the tape with renslayer also sounded like the war had recently ended/was coming to an end
Let me explain time-slipping for you all:
1.) Loki was inadvertently sent to the beginning of the TVA pocket dimension's existence due to the "Citadel at the End of Time" and the timeline's "threshold" looping back from the end to now the start of time for Earth-199999. TVA and the Citadel exist in the same dimensional space.
2.) Everything has a beginning, middle and end. Even in a place outside of the constraints of time, events can still occur that that eventually develop into different "time periods". (ex. 400 years pass between two people, that implies some sort of time span in a timeless place.)
3.) Loki being brought to the past-TVA created a paradox that tried correcting itself by sending him back and forth between past and present.
4.) In order to prevent this, Loki was sent to the very end of the TVA's "time span", but before the Void at the end of time. The extractor OB built was to catch him at that point and fling him to the present - which could ONLY be done if the pruning stick blasted him toward the end of time.

This isn't made up on the spot. They put cosmic, unhealthy amounts of thought into explaining extremely convoluted lore and logic they created in season one. This had to be done otherwise the rulebook is broken forever.
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Basically you need throw out the idea that time in the TVA Dimension isn't "linear", because it actually is and it has a beginning, middle and end as well.
I know not everyone has the headspace for this stuff, but as someone who is equally unhealthy in terms of studying the nichest of details this is VERY consistent with the rules they established.
I think I read somewhere the TVA scenes are set in October of 2023 sometime before Stark's funeral. The book may shed light on this.
I think I read somewhere the TVA scenes are set in October of 2023 sometime before Stark's funeral. The book may shed light on this.
Time is linear in the TVA, but it's still outside the Present Day MCU. The show is a direct follow-up to Endgame due to 2012 Loki. So, timelines and the book will place it after the movie since it's the most logical place for it. You really can't narrow down when exactly the TVA scenes take place. Hence on this timeline, why they're completely separate.

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