Pick of the Week Thread.


Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
Jul 24, 2004
The World of Icelandia.
Introducing a new thread where we list one book each week, the book that was the best of your pull, the "Pick of the Week." Because this will involve books of all different series, anything spoiler must be marked as such with the tag. Now, let's say you're behind and it took you some time to catch up, that's fine. The way we'll do this is like this:

Week of [Book's release date]: Title of book (Creative team that wrote/penciled the book)
Quick explanation.

You don't have to write a lot. There's is no limit, so you can write as much as you want. Any discussion of the series should go to the proper threads. Sounds good?

Here's mine.

Week of April 16th: Batman Eternal (Snyder/Tynion IV/Fabok)
The second issue of the series and it's just as great as last week. Batman isn't the central focus character, but is definitely important.
Commissioner Gordon is arrested for shooting and unarmed man, even though he swears he didn't.
There's more to what's going on and we're teased throughout the issue as to who's the mastermind. Batman learns who it is while being visited by
Catwoman and in the end we learn Carmine Falcone
has returned to Gotham
and already has plans in motion to take it back
. Jason Fabok art is magnificent and the coloring is dark and moody, perfect for the story and of course for Gotham.
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This is good. I like this. Couple thoughts:

Maybe we should try not to use spoilers?

We should also probably make sure we include the exact issue (or volume if it's a TPB) number.

Also, maybe we should keep it to the current week's books. We can have a thread for each week, and leave past threads open. We can also link to the ship list in the opening post of each thread.
This is good. I like this. Couple thoughts:

Maybe we should try not to use spoilers?
Right, it'll be better if they can be avoided, but if not, tags of course.

We should also probably make sure we include the exact issue (or volume if it's a TPB) number.
Yes, great idea.

Also, maybe we should keep it to the current week's books. We can have a thread for each week, and leave past threads open.
If you're good with a thread each week, then that's good. I was thinking keeping it to one thread would be better, but a thread each week would make things easier.

We can also link to the ship list in the opening post of each thread.
If you're good with a thread each week, then that's good. I was thinking keeping it to one thread would be better, but a thread each week would make things easier.

I've been looking for and thinking about ideas for original content for the site, and having regular columns was one of the ideas. So yeah, having a new one every week would be fine.
THIS week? I haven't even finished LAST weeks.

I was wondering about this. i tend to be a week behind on many books I read (although lately I've been more up to date). I wondered how many people did the same.
If you're behind you just post in the corresponding thread when you are caught up. The threads won't be closed so it's no problem.

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