Ultimate Houde
UC's Resident Genetic Recombinator

NRAMA: For people who haven't heard what the story is about, recap for us: What is RASL about?
JS: RASL is this guy who has a special immersion suit that allows him to go into other dimensions. It's a very sci-fi idea, or at least a far-out idea of physics, where he straps these giant engines on his shoulders and knees, and using thermo-magnetic forces, he can actually warp space around his engines and step into a parallel dimension. And if you give him enough money, he'll go to those dimensions and steal things for you. He's found a really lucrative market in doing things like getting someone their own Mona Lisa, or something like that. A world leader who is really rich can pay him go get their own Venus de Milo or whatever.
NRAMA: Right. And he spray paints RASL on the wall where he leaves the painting.
JS: Yeah. But the trick is that going into another dimension is really, really painful for RASL. It hurts him a lot. It takes him days to recover. He spends about four or five days just drinking and gambling and womanizing until he can stop hurting. But to go back, it's the opposite. He has to clean himself physically and mentally. He has almost become centered like a zen monk. I love it because he has to do this back and forth, where he has the pleasures of the flesh and then almost this zen abstinence. He has to do this all the time.
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I like this idea of a dimension traveling thief stealing art. I'm willing to see how this goes, I just hope he keeps up on the work.