Scott Pilgrim (spoilers!)

Re: Scott Pilgrim

The first trailer left me a little cold... Now I am incredibly excited... I just wanted to put this in the thread that had me a little Meh on the film a bit earlier. Consider me 900% on-board.
Re: Scott Pilgrim

My favourite panel:


They show that at the end of the TV spot.
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Re: Scott Pilgrim

That final volume was pretty great, huh?

Now I'm even more excited for the movie.

I liked that he got another life in Volume 3. Do these items come into play later on? Like will Scott get a "Life Over" and then use his back-up life to resume living?

woot woot
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Young Neil calls him "Captain Homo" in Book Five, which I always felt was a strange insult, and stranger still how Kim seems to find the comment amusing. Also: Julie keeps getting angrier the more time Stills spends with Joseph. I think it fits just fine.

I really liked it. I don't think it surpassed Volumes 4 and 5 to me, but at the end of the day, I still found it a wholly satisfying ending.
After reading vol.1 forever ago, I'm finally catching back up on the book. Over-hyped but still great.

I'm on volume 2 now. poooooor Kniiiiiiives.
The (well-deserved) hype starting coming out around book 4... The last three books bury the first three in depth and emotional realness... I love the early stuff, but you haven't even hit the good stuff yet.
Young Neil calls him "Captain Homo" in Book Five, which I always felt was a strange insult, and stranger still how Kim seems to find the comment amusing. Also: Julie keeps getting angrier the more time Stills spends with Joseph. I think it fits just fine.

I totally do not remember that, but thanks for clearing that up for me.
I read the last volume the other day. Great ending, somewhat disappointing book. The final battle, as epic as I expected it to be, seemed to drag on forever and get lost in itself, only to be ended sort of abruptly. The length of it and all the resurrections and surprises gave me Dragonball Z flashbacks - which was maybe intentional. Besides that, my only complaint is all the "SO"'s and "ANYWAY"'s, which seemed a lot more excessive than they've been in past volumes. The epilogue was excellent though and it was ultimately pretty satisfying. Can't wait for the movie.
I just finished reading vol.6 after reading the first five back-to-back.

I think vol.6 is the weakest. As Mooney says, the final battle gets lost in itself. Most aggravatingly is that vol.6's tone is really nowhere near the boppy funfest of the previous volumes. It's certainly not bad, and it does have it's moments. But it feels lost and sprawling.

To put it another way; the fight with Gideon is probably the worst fight of all the evil exes, and it should've been, hands down, the best.

Vol.6 isn't bad at all, but because it's just not the best, it's kinda left me with a little bit of disappointment in my heart. Some of it was wonderful, I liked Scott's death, as well as the final pages. Where Ramona had been all this time was good. Wallace is fun as always. I particularly like how Scott hasn't noticed that his life has dissipated. It had a kind of maturity to it that the others didn't have, much like vol.5 had a sadness the others didn't have, that helped give it a substance.

I think my big problem was that if I had to describe SCOTT PILGRIM in one word, it would be "fun". I can't say that about vol.6. It was dramatic and emotional, but it wasn't fun. Which makes me think of it as an ending to a different story than the one begun in vol.1.

This August, Oni Press and Bryan Lee O'Malley will be bringing the uber-popular Scott Pilgrim series back to store shelves, but this time as an ultra-swank, 6 X 9, full-color hardcover edition. Scott Pilgrim Color Hardcover, Volume 1 reprints the Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life for the first time in full color. The digital coloring is by the Shuster Award-nominated artist Nathan Fairbairn, the colorist for Batman Incorporated and Swamp Thing, and the whole thing is capped with a new cover from O'Malley.

“Everybody loves Bryan's black-and-white artwork,” series editor James Lucas Jones explained, “but after seeing the few color stories he did with Scott and the gang, it was hard to avoid imagining a 'what if?' scenario. Now those wild dreams have come true. And to have one of the best colorists in the industry at the helm, that just seals the deal.”

“It's been eight years since the first Scott Pilgrim book was published,” Oni marketing director Cory Casoni added. “Since then, the series has seen over twenty first reprints of the original format, with over a million copies of the first volumes sold. Scott Pilgrim Color Hardcover, Volume 1 takes the familiar story from the original Scott Pilgrim series and gives it a new look. Plus it includes previously unpublished extras and bonus materials making this mighty tome one that’s required reading for Scottaholics everywhere!”

Scott Pilgrim Color Hardcover, Volume 1 will be the first of six hardcover reprints to be published bi-annually. Scott Pilgrim Color Hardcover, Volume 2 is currently scheduled for an October 2012 release.

Each volume will be sized at 6” x 9”, making it bigger than the original versions, as well. “We're upgrading the presentation in every way,” Jones said. “The traditional black-and-white versions will be there for those who still prefer that option, but now everyone can have a choice. One, the other, or both!”

Scheduled for a August 8th, 2012 publication date, Scott Pilgrim Color Hardcover, Volume 1 will retail for $24.99.
I don't really want to spend and extra hundred quid on this, though it is nice they're doing it.

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