Shocking News: No One Is Reading Your Stupid Blog


Without him, all of you would be lost souls roamin
Feb 23, 2005
(Took me forever to find where this is mentioned...)

According to Derek Gordon from Technorati:

Q Any idea how many of the 109.2 million blogs you track get no hits in the course of a year?

A Just over 99 percent. The vast majority of blogs exist in a state of total or near-total obscurity.


Am I the only person who finds this utterly hilarious?
I think I was the only person reading my blog. :lol:
Am I the only person who finds this utterly hilarious?

No. I do too.

I have no idea what would possess people to create an entire site about what they had for breakfast that day. No one cares. No one reads it.
No. I do too.

I have no idea what would possess people to create an entire site about what they had for breakfast that day. No one cares. No one reads it.

Its probably just taken the place of a diary or journal. Writing something into a blank book takes time and commitment, typing into a box can be done quickly after checking your e-mail. I doubt most of them expect anyone to read it, they just want some record of them being there.
A lot of the stories I post here in the social thread make my blog.

Sometimes I just go on rants about peanut butter or why I don't have a flying car yet.

I did post the McDonald's McManager story as a blog.

I blog. Sue me.
I am still complaining about the fact that I don't have a flying car.

Seriously, you think an evil scientist who makes death robots could have one.
A lot of the stories I post here in the social thread make my blog.

Totally different. People want to read that - nobody cares about what some 15 year old emo girl had at McDonalds and how it makes her feel fat.
I started a blog a while back because I thought it would be cool, but I haven't posted anything in ages. Here it is.

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