Wolverine #1
Wolverine #2
Ms. Marvel #1
Captain America #16.NOW
Captain America #17
Nova #13.NOW
Thor: God of Thunder #19.NOW
X-Men #10.NOW
X-Men #11
Inhuman #2
Black Widow #3
Avengers #26
All-New X-Men #23
Guardians of the Galaxy #12
All-New X-Factor #3
Savage Wolverine #15
Mighty Avengers #6
Mighty Avengers #7
A+X #17
New Avengers #15
Uncanny Avengers #17
Marvel Knights X-Men #4 (Of 5)
Hawkeye #17
Amazing X-Men #4
Origin II #3 (Of 5)
Uncanny X-Men #17
Wolverine and the X-Men #41
Wolverine and the X-Men #42



• It's the end of the year for the Jean Grey school – but where do our graduates go from here? And who will have survived the experience?!
• Jason Aaron, Pepe Larraz & Nick Bradshaw bring the story of the Jean Grey school to a close!


This is officially the end of Aaron's run on the series. Whether or not it will be relaunched with a new creative team is currently unknown. This is an instant where I want a relaunch...
Uncanny Avengers #7
Daredevil #36
Hawkeye #17

And that's all… And Daredevil is ending. Wow. I mean it will relaunch, but I'm not sure I'm all that interested in reading it if it's not Waid.

EDIT: Okay, I'm adding Avengers #26 & New Avengers #15

EDIT AGAIN: I'm dropping Avengers & New Avengers for Superior Spider-Man #27 & 28

and I'm probably going to pick up Cataclysm #5 too.
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And that's all… And Daredevil is ending. Wow. I mean it will relaunch, but I'm not sure I'm all that interested in reading it if it's not Waid.

Daredevil has been, by far, Marvel's most consistently good book for years now. Aside from the Shadowland garbage it's been an excellent book for something like 14 or 15 years now. They do a really good job of matching up writers to the book that seem to get the character. I loved Waid's run but I'm pretty optimistic that they can keep up the quality.

And that Wolverine & The X-Men cover above is terrible. I wouldn't read it just based on that.
Yeah, Bendis and Bru both did a really good job, and then Diggle sucked. But Waid's run has been so fresh and cool. I'll give it a shot, I guess. This may just be them renumbering stuff b/c DD's 50th anniversary is in 2014.
Daredevil has been, by far, Marvel's most consistently good book for years now. Aside from the Shadowland garbage it's been an excellent book for something like 14 or 15 years now. They do a really good job of matching up writers to the book that seem to get the character. I loved Waid's run but I'm pretty optimistic that they can keep up the quality.

And that Wolverine & The X-Men cover above is terrible. I wouldn't read it just based on that.
Nick Bradshaw's art is anything but terrible. You are sadly mistaken.

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