Squadron Supreme (2006) series discussion (spoilers)

So, with Quesada saying that Thor is going to be JMS' only ongoing, what's going to happen with this book? Are they just going to pretend it doesn't exist anymore? I thought Deodato was supposed to be the new artist on it?

They should just give it to Guggenheim and Gulacy. I really, really hope they do.
Did they ever come out with the first trade? I know they HC Premiered it, but I don't want the damn hardcover! And yes, Iwonder what the curent status of this is.
Joe Kalicki said:
So, with Quesada saying that Thor is going to be JMS' only ongoing, what's going to happen with this book?
Yeah, so that means he's off ASM?
He's off ASM.

As for Squadron, I dunno. I haven't read it for ages. Really slow and plodding and convential I thought.

I'm surprised the series' fate is in the air, since Ultimate Power is out. Odd.
Yeah, Squadron Supreme #8 was scheduled to come out in October. It then was delayed, then canceled until it could be re-solicited. The Hyperion vs. Nighthawk mini-series has been filling in the gap in the meantime, but #4 comes out mid-April, and there are no Squadron titles specifically in May, though Ultimate Power #6 will be out that month. It might be possible that Marvel is holding off on resoliciting #8 until the Ultimate Power series is over later this summer.

We'll see if Marvel solicits anything Squadron related in the June previews, which should be out soon.
From NJF:

Q: stingermck 03-16-2007 03:56 PM

Where is regular Squadron Supreme title? Is it delayed? I recently bought all the hardcovers on recommendation, but am disappointed to find no new issues of the series (save for the minis).

stingermck, the most current Squadron stories are being published in the Hyperion vs. Nighthawk mini right now. As for the future of the title, look for announcements to be made about that soon - but it will be returning!
Have completely lost track - can someone help me out here?

The last issue I recall ended right in the middle of a brawl with "Redstone", the superpowered serial killer. "Power Princess" had flown Redstone's nuke into space, where it exploded... and Nighthawk and Blur showed up to join the fight, and...



And no next issue. For like forever.

I came across the issue above the other day, and kind of went "Hey - did they EVER publish a next issue?". From what I see above, believe the answer is NO, but if anyone could confirm, bring me up to speed, would greatly appreciate it!

It all started with Supreme Power, 18 issues and probably the best thing JMS has ever written IMO.

There's a Doctor Spectrum mini which isn't great.
Supreme Power: Hyperion, basically follows on from supreme power
Supreme Power: Nighthawk is a batman/joker stand alone story

Those are all on MAX, marvel thought it could boost sales so moved it onto MArvel Knights and released a marvel knights one-shot (saga of the squadron supreme) to let under 18's get up to date and not have to read the MAX issues

Then we had 7 issues of Squadron Supreme, where issue 7 ends with Nighthawk, Hyperion and Blur about to kick Red-stones arse....these issues are on hiatus I guess...

..then we have the Squadron Supreme: Hyperion vs Nighthawk mini which just finished last week...I thought it was pretty good....

I wouldn't mind Guggenheim taking over, but i think this is gonna be like Babylon 5 or Rising stars where JMS has it all planned through to a natural conclusion, even if guggenheim takes over he'll probably be following JMS's plot for the next X issues....oh and Ultimate power...but we're not sure if that's in continuity on account of the lameness
Yeah, as a result of the Hyperion mini, there's definitely a sort specific direction written into the story, if not an actual conclusion.
From new Joe Fridays (Jon Barber Edition):

So, where exactly is Squadron Supreme? When can we expect it back?

We're working on it. This was a book that came to me to edit when J. Michael Straczynski had left the book, as had Gary Frank. It was a pretty awkward time to come aboard, because those two guys are really big shoes to fill. Moreover, this was always their book. The whole thing with the series was that it was JMS writing his version of the Squadron Supreme story, and Gary Frank drawing it.

Now, the series can be great with other people at the helm—and it will be great. But the problem is making sure this next iteration of the book is as distinctive and unique as the JMS/Frank one. Making it something that stands on its own as much as the first did, and making sure it still satisfies the readers that've been around for the whole time.

It wasn't a matter of finding somebody who could write in the JMS mold—no matter how talented a writer—or draw in the Gary Frank mold—no matter how good a penciler. It was a matter of finding a writer and a penciler who would bring their own unique talents to the fray.

So to get to your questions. We've got a writer working on it now and we'll see it end of this year or early next. Sorry for the wait.

Don't miss Ultimate Power, though, because that series has a huge impact on the future of Squadron Supreme.

What? When did Straczynski leave? They never told us! Is he going to finish the cliffhanger he left us with?
They have just let JMS and Gary Frank carry on doing Supreme Power in MAX.
They have just let JMS and Gary Frank carry on doing Supreme Power in MAX.

I don't blame that at all, for anythig. Just because the book can't show nipples or use the F word anymore doesn't mean it's worse. Eveery issue of Supreme Power easily could've been a regular Marvel book (these days at least) with almost no content change. The quality drop (if you believe there is one) is from a different focus in the series that was bound to happen anyway and that I seriously doubt was editorially mandated.
I don't blame that at all, for anythig. Just because the book can't show nipples or use the F word anymore doesn't mean it's worse. Eveery issue of Supreme Power easily could've been a regular Marvel book (these days at least) with almost no content change. The quality drop (if you believe there is one) is from a different focus in the series that was bound to happen anyway and that I seriously doubt was editorially mandated.

Oh, I know the MAX rating has nothing to do with it, but the quality changed a whole lot when it shifted to Marvel Knights. I'm guessing they lost enthusiasm for it or something. Frank even told me that he preferred the MAX stuff, but then again, he might just like drawing titties.
Oh, I know the MAX rating has nothing to do with it, but the quality changed a whole lot when it shifted to Marvel Knights. I'm guessing they lost enthusiasm for it or something. Frank even told me that he preferred the MAX stuff, but then again, he might just like drawing titties.

I agree with Proj. It wasn't the lack of naughty bits that made the book worse, and it did seem like the move sort of sucked the life out of the creative team.
I agree with Proj. It wasn't the lack of naughty bits that made the book worse, and it did seem like the move sort of sucked the life out of the creative team.

What it was, as stated by {whoever it was that just did Joe Fridays} was the change in focus, i.e, the characters becoming a team. That's what really did it I think. Then it just became another team book.

A real damn shame, as this was one of my favourite books published today. Really disappointed. No matter who they find to replace them, I doubt it will be anywhere near as good.

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