The All About Dreamcasting Thread

Re: Dreamcasting 2009

I think this thread would be pretty suited for that. We could just get a mod to change the name to All About Dreamcasting or something like that and we can have general chats and random dreamcasts take place in here.

It's actually a pretty good idea.
Re: Dreamcasting 2009


because I've been sitting on a few casts for properties that I don't think will ever get the nod for a full round
Re: Dreamcasting 2009

I've just got a bunch of half-assed, unfinished casts on various projects.

And they're all just drafts. Nothing set in stone. As new actors come out and prove their screen worth, I change choices.

Right now I'm working on a super-Avengers cast. It consists of your classic "massive showdown" cast based on Norman's Dark Avengers and Barton's New Avengers.
Re: Dreamcasting 2009

Which is the current dreamcasting that's in play right now?
Re: Dreamcasting 2009

There really isn't a current one. The last one was for Wonder Woman and that one kinda died out since there was only 2 entries.

That's why I'd like to get it going again.
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Re: Dreamcasting 2009

Ah I hadn't seen read previous page. Sorry. Yeah i'd be interested in this starting again. But may I make a small suggestion. Only 1 dreamcast thread. The reason is when there's multiple its easy to get distracted on both. or half ass one ect... Plus it limits how likely it is we have to dig out the unknown properties just to meet that genre.

Maybe the suggestion has its flaws or people disagree I don't know i'm just throwing it out there.
Re: Dreamcasting 2009

I'd be all for it. Though we really need a restructuring for this one to last.
Re: Dreamcasting 2009

Though we really need a restructuring for this one to last.

I agree. That's why I suggested just one dreamcasting. Still let it be anything since this site is about anything really. So say you win you could pick Justice League, then say I win (unlikely but hush :p) I could then choose say Assassin's Creed.

But I think it needs to be mixed with dreammovie and make it so you HAVE to explain cast or you HAVE to add a description of the movie you had in mind or else your post doesn't count.

Something else I'd like but this one is not important but more vague topics. like say "A Super team" so people go with the team they want. In this Doom could post his "super-Avengers" he mentioned a couple of posts back. But Ice could do X-men. That way if we do another "team" one later it'll be all different. You also won't have people doing the regular "Damn you stole my pick" as often.

That would also be more creative and give more leeway. As let's face facts not everyone likes the same thing. This way everyone could do something they know and something they like more and be more passionate about. But again it's not important as i know most will probably prefer the 1 property structure.
Re: Dreamcasting 2009

I agree. That's why I suggested just one dreamcasting. Still let it be anything since this site is about anything really. So say you win you could pick Justice League, then say I win (unlikely but hush :p) I could then choose say Assassin's Creed.

But I think it needs to be mixed with dreammovie and make it so you HAVE to explain cast or you HAVE to add a description of the movie you had in mind or else your post doesn't count.

Something else I'd like but this one is not important but more vague topics. like say "A Super team" so people go with the team they want. In this Doom could post his "super-Avengers" he mentioned a couple of posts back. But Ice could do X-men. That way if we do another "team" one later it'll be all different. You also won't have people doing the regular "Damn you stole my pick" as often.

That would also be more creative and give more leeway. As let's face facts not everyone likes the same thing. This way everyone could do something they know and something they like more and be more passionate about. But again it's not important as i know most will probably prefer the 1 property structure.
Good ideas, I think the subject should determine the extent of the plot. If it's a simple Avengers round than you can focus more on the cast and give a line or two for the plot. If it's a general round like "Super Team" than there should be more focus on plot, style, whatever. Because it could be hard to compare castings of two different movies
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Re: Dreamcasting 2009

Good ideas, I think the subject should determine the extent of the plot. If it's a simple Avengers round than you can focus more on the cast and give a line or two for the plot. If it's a general round like "Super Team" than there should be more focus on plot, style, whatever. Because it could be hard to compare castings of two different movies

Thank you and I agree. I mentioned having to explain cast and giving description for that reason. Two casts may be done perfectly but one could have plot or story you'd like to see more so you'd vote that.

But yeah you are correct about the subject.
Re: Dreamcasting 2009


I'm gonna post up some ideas/guidelines to all this later on. Hopefully it'll please everyone.
Re: Dreamcasting 2009


Ok, so here's what I'm thinking…I think the current revamped rules that ourchair put in place are still valid.

To be honest, you can't really control the "he stole my pick" situation. There's nothing wrong with people having the same person in mind for a role. And just because someone "stole" a pick doesn't mean that you have to change your choice. The only time there'd be a problem is if people had multiple same choices (ex.—Mole and McCheese both chose Michael Hall for Batman, Kate Beckinsale for Catwoman and the kid from Sarah Connor Chronicles as Robin). Well ok….obviously we'd have a problem. And personally, in my ruling style—it'd be a first come/first serve…but there's nothing saying that they couldn't both have the same. I think in terms of picking a winner in that case, folks would have to look at the supporting cast and pick the better between the 2.

In terms of property choices, since this is just Dreamcasting there isn't anything saying that you only have to pick a comic property (it just happens to have been all comic choices). Whoever wins the round could pick a comic, a TV remake, a book, a videogame, etc. So it's all open.

As far as what you present, you must at least produce a cast. Whether you want to give just a cast…or a cast with reasoning…or a an actual cast with a pitch…whatever. So long as you have a cast. Just understand that if you choose to do a cast and write out a full pitch and someone else just does a cast with no explanation---both are still eligible and hold the same weight. Just because you put more effort into your entry doesn't mean you automatically deserve to win over someone who just listed a cast.

And my opinion on the vague "super groups" is that we should stay away from vague properties like that. Reason being that you can't really judge 2 completely different casts fairly. You can't properly compare X-Men to OutsidersAvengers to Exiles…and so on and so on. So I don't think we should do that. If the round is Avengers and you don't want to compete in it…then don't. If you have an Exiles cast but don't think it's ever gonna be a viable round property---then go ahead post it to the general Dreamcasting thread (this one :confused: ). Now there is no rule against taking a cast you've posted here in the general Dreamcasting thread and using it in a future round (ex.—I make a Gears of War cast and post it in the general thread, then a couple months later Gears of War becomes a round option---I can take the cast that I've already made and submit it). But overall, I think we should stay away from general properties. You wanna do a cast…you can either do the one presented or do your own.

Another rule based on a suggestion is a "grace period". Something that prevents someone from posting a cast within the first 24-48 hours of a round being initially posted. What this does is allow members to see the property suggested, but not have their hopes of participating dashed by someone else who sees the round and posts a cast within the first 45 minutes or so…meanwhile someone else is just now seeing the new round like the day after it's posted only to find that 4 people have already put in a cast and "stole their picks" and now they don't wanna play. But if we have a no casting policy for the first 24 hours, then that give people a small chance in seeing the round and getting something together. Let's face it, not everyone is on the internet all day. Some of us have lives outside the internet. So the way the rule would work would go something like this: Zombiepanda posts a new round on Monday night. But nobody is allowed to post a cast until Wednesday night. This gives someone like Bluebeast an opportunity to see the new round on Tuesday afternoon without having to see 6 casts posted within the first 2 hours and thus taking away multiple choices from his casting pool. So come Wednesday night…casting is open season and it's first come/first serve.

So there are my supposed rules/ideas. No need to fix what ain't broken. Just tweak it a bit so everyone has their fair share of say so…while still having some sort of solid guidelines. What say you?
Re: Dreamcasting 2009

One thing to add - I don't think anyone should be allowed to post what they would choose if they won the round because I feel that people were beginning to vote for people based on what property they would use rather than the strength of the entry.

Otherwise, I agree with everything you said.
Re: Dreamcasting 2009

One thing to add - I don't think anyone should be allowed to post what they would choose if they won the round because I feel that people were beginning to vote for people based on what property they would use rather than the strength of the entry.

Otherwise, I agree with everything you said.

Oooh. Good one. I forgot about that one.

We had mentioned something like that before, and there was talk of a "property pool" but in the end I think that would be too difficult to manage and take the fun outta the game.

I think it's best that everyone keep whatever property to themselves until they've actually won the round. At that point, since you have a couple days to actually put up a round, if you want to PM a couple people to get some feedback on a potential property, then that's fine. I'd do that with ourchair or compound regularly.

But no PMing folks saying "I wanna do an X-Men round so vote for me and that's what we'll do next."
Re: Dreamcasting 2009

Oooh. Good one. I forgot about that one.

We had mentioned something like that before, and there was talk of a "property pool" but in the end I think that would be too difficult to manage and take the fun outta the game.

I think it's best that everyone keep whatever property to themselves until they've actually won the round. At that point, since you have a couple days to actually put up a round, if you want to PM a couple people to get some feedback on a potential property, then that's fine. I'd do that with ourchair or compound regularly.

But no PMing folks saying "I wanna do an X-Men round so vote for me and that's what we'll do next."

I just want to note that this shouldn't prohibit suggestions for rounds after voting.
Re: Dreamcasting 2009

No offence Doom when I say this at all. But it sounds like it'll be the same thing just adding the posting what they would choose if they won rule and the 24 hour rule. But in my opinion isn't the problem the fact the old format got stale or whatever? No i'm not saying we have to do what I suggested before it was just ideas but something needs doing.

I respect the fact you looked over everything and came up with a basis of what we could add and gave the pros and cons to ideas. But the problem is the "No need to fix what ain't broken. " because it clearly was broken when it wasn't getting entries or people just stopped caring.

Think of any form of entertainment. When things become stale or the public stop showing interest they normally try to be more innovative or to reinvent it in a new way. That's what needs to be done here. Again I'm sorry if sounds like I'm trying to put it down or insult your work.

In terms of property choices, since this is just Dreamcasting there isn't anything saying that you only have to pick a comic property (it just happens to have been all comic choices). Whoever wins the round could pick a comic, a TV remake, a book, a videogame, etc. So it's all open.

I thought that was why dream adaptation was started. As it was a said Dreamcasting = comics. Dream adaptations = Everything Else. But I may have been wrong.
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Re: Dreamcasting 2009

Honestly, I think the idea of a property pool is a good idea. It would allow players to already have ideas in mind for possible upcoming rounds of the game. Each regular player picks two properties before we reboot the game; when a player wins, they have to pick a property other than their two recommendations, and add a new property to the pool.

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