Avengers The Problem With The Sentry.


#1 reason not to join UC
Nov 30, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
The problem with The Sentry is he's overpowered and, like they said in the Ronin arc, he's gonna end some conflicts in a matter of less than a second.

So I was thinking how is he gonna be on this team and still make things interesting?

What if The Sentry doesn't get involved in fights with ninjas. It's been said that The Watchtower determines what problems are more crucial to fight. So maybe half the time the Avengers are fighting their secret wars of politics, The Sentry will be off fighting Natural Disasters.

Any thoughts on this?
I don't read the book, but that makes him sound like Captain Planet. You know, when the regular kids try to fight the bad guy themselves, they realize that's no good, so they call Captain Planet and he cleans up their mess.

But, like I said, I don't read the book so I'm probably just talking out my ***.

But that blonde bird on the show was hot, right chaps?

Upon reading my post, I realize that I am, in fact, not making much sense. Carry on.
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TheManWithoutFear said:
The problem with The Sentry is he's overpowered and, like they said in the Ronin arc, he's gonna end some conflicts in a matter of less than a second.

So I was thinking how is he gonna be on this team and still make things interesting?

What if The Sentry doesn't get involved in fights with ninjas. It's been said that The Watchtower determines what problems are more crucial to fight. So maybe half the time the Avengers are fighting their secret wars of politics, The Sentry will be off fighting Natural Disasters.

Any thoughts on this?

The original idea, and why the first series was so brilliant, was that sure he could end a conflict in a second, but in doing so he makes the threat of the Void that much bigger.

If they stick with this then everything will be cool.

But you can't have him as Superman. Superman doesn't even work; a copy of him would be even worse.
superman works plenty, when used right.

but for the most part, your sentry idea is good. he doesn't need to fight ninjas, tony can take them all out himself in a second anyway.
Steve GMan said:
I don't read the book, but that makes him sound like Captain Planet. You know, when the regular kids try to fight the bad guy themselves, they realize that's no good, so they call Captain Planet and he cleans up their mess.

But, like I said, I don't read the book so I'm probably just talking out my ***.

But that blonde bird on the show was hot, right chaps?

Upon reading my post, I realize that I am, in fact, not making much sense. Carry on.







iceman said:
he doesn't need to fight ninjas

Right. It's overkill. Why would you risk him using his powers and empowering the Void on some lowly ninjas.

I was disappointed that Bendis didn't use that.

Sentry is like a nuclear warhead - you only use him when you absolutely need him, because chances are what happens after he's done is worse than what he was brought in to fix.
I agree with all of E's points.

Also, I find it really silly that a character being uberpowerful is somehow antithetical to being interesting. Omnipotence or nigh-invulnerability work in a character if you contrast it properly, which is exactly what has been done with The Sentry and Superman.

See if there were message boards since the dawn of genre fiction, you'd have people saying, "Sherlock Holmes is a lame character because he's too smart! How many stories can you tell with that jackass?"
UltimateE said:
Right. It's overkill. Why would you risk him using his powers and empowering the Void on some lowly ninjas.

I was disappointed that Bendis didn't use that.

Sentry is like a nuclear warhead - you only use him when you absolutely need him, because chances are what happens after he's done is worse than what he was brought in to fix.

Exactly. People go on about how Bendis knows his characters, but he completely doesn't. All his characters talk and act the exact same way, with virtually nothing except the artist to make them different. Also, Bendis loves to resolve his stories by having a god come down and obliterate the enemy. The Sentry is his "god-in-a-box".
Well, based on the last of the 3 "New Avengers" spoilers in the Ultimate Guide to the Avengers that came out in OCTOBER, I believe that what will eventually happen is that Sentry will eventually be
written off as something/someone who doesn't actually exist on this plane of reality.
This spoiler wasn't as obviously stated as the other two (Ronin's ID and the fact that Spider-Woman was a double-agent for Nick Fury inside Hydra).
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Rhyo said:
Well, based on the last of the 3 "New Avengers" spoilers in the Ultimate Guide to the Avengers that came out in OCTOBER, I believe that what will eventually happen is that Sentry will eventually be
written off as something/someone who doesn't actually exist on this plane of reality.
This spoiler wasn't as obviously stated as the other two (Ronin's ID and the fact that Spider-Woman was a double-agent for Nick Fury inside Hydra).
If that happens, I swear to God I am going to shoot that Bald git one day.
GMaster said:
If that happens, I swear to God I am going to shoot that Bald git one day.

Actually that sounds like it's something that will be coming out of the current Sentry mini being written by Jenkins, which Bendis has nothing to do with.
I brought this thread back from the grave (read: marked for deletion) because I thought it was a pretty good topic.

Bendis has destroyed Sentry. He was my favorite Marvel character, even though I didn't even think Jenkins developed him completely properly. But the coolest part of the character - the strengthening of The Void due to Sentry's use of his powers - has been completely forgotten and neglected.

What a sad, sad waste of a cool character.
I brought this thread back from the grave (read: marked for deletion) because I thought it was a pretty good topic.

Bendis has destroyed Sentry. He was my favorite Marvel character, even though I didn't even think Jenkins developed him completely properly. But the coolest part of the character - the strengthening of The Void due to Sentry's use of his powers - has been completely forgotten and neglected.

What a sad, sad waste of a cool character.

Sentry worked best as a one shot character, brining him back defeats the whole purpose of the character. It makes him another Superman clone.

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