They're finally making that Aunt May espionage spinoff movie we've been waiting for


Excelsior Club
May 17, 2004
Now, it's my solemn duty to put another wild Sony thrashing Spider-Movie on the pile of rumored Spider-Man movies. I was told by the Latino Review editorial brain-trust that this is completely true: Sony is pursuing an Aunt May movie.

Yes, an Aunt May movie. A movie about Aunt May as a youth, before she was shouldered with the responsibility of raising Peter Parker. The target mood is some sort of espionage story in the vein of AMC's Mad Men, which sounds like a way of saying "classier Agent Carter" without name-dropping Marvel's upcoming series.

Speculation is that they are looking to make a movie out of Trouble.
Re: They're finally making that Aunt May espionage spinoff movie we've been waiting f

ugh. Even if it's not "Trouble" (and please, no), this just smacks of desperation.
Re: They're finally making that Aunt May espionage spinoff movie we've been waiting f

Finally! I thought this would never gey made!
Re: They're finally making that Aunt May espionage spinoff movie we've been waiting f

Even if the rumor had an ounce of validity to it, there's no way this was going to happen. Everybody would be saying WTF all over the place and Sony would either back down or just come out and say there were never any plans to do it.

However, unless it was a complete hoax, which it doesn't sound like, I wouldn't be surprised to find out the idea at least came up - even if it was shot down quickly. Rumors don't come out of thin air. Reporters pester executives or people in the know for news and they get fed scraps, even if the scraps are meaningless.

Someone somewhere brought this up and someone talked about it.

The story is sensationalized a little but knowing that they've already felt the need to reboot once and are taking a lengthy time off between the second and third movies, I wouldn't be surprised if the idea came up as a way to prolong the franchise just to keep it with Sony while they figure out what to do next.