thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
I share a birthday with Albert Einstein. This proves my genius.
Bow *****es.
Bow *****es.
thee great one said:One day...
Yeah, I was trying to trick TGO into thinking he mispelled, but the joke went over his head, so I just deleted it before it just confused him anymore.ultimatedjf said:Heh. Ice's post was deleted. By Ice. Heh.
Ice said:Yeah, I was trying to trick TGO into thinking he mispelled, but the joke went over his head, so I just deleted it before it just confused him anymore.
Ice said:Yeah, I was trying to trick TGO into thinking he mispelled, but the joke went over his head, so I just deleted it before it just confused him anymore.
Nice.Planet-man said:I share a birthday with Jack Black and Billy Boyd.
Friends of Peter Jackson UNITE!:rockon:
thee great one said:This isn't about you fools, it's all about this fool.
E said:I share a birthday with Charles Barkley, Kurt Cobain, & Cindy Crawford.
Using your logic, I have Hall of Fame-esque basketball skills, the ability to reinvent an entire musical genre, and am superhumanly beautiful.
Joseph "Joe" Quesada (born December 1, 1962), colloquially known as Joe Q, is the editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics and a comic book writer and artist.
ProjectX2 said:I think I have you all beat with this piece of ultimate geekery...
E said:I share a birthday with Charles Barkley, Kurt Cobain, & Cindy Crawford.
E said:I share a birthday with Charles Barkley, Kurt Cobain, & Cindy Crawford.
Using your logic, I have Hall of Fame-esque basketball skills, the ability to reinvent an entire musical genre, and am superhumanly beautiful.
Well, aren't you?E said:I share a birthday with Charles Barkley, Kurt Cobain, & Cindy Crawford.
Using your logic, I have Hall of Fame-esque basketball skills, the ability to reinvent an entire musical genre, and am superhumanly beautiful.