Ultimate Howard the Duck and other lameness

Guijllons said:
man.. like.. for real... howard was a duck that sometimes had a rocket launcher.
Of all the characters that had a socio-political bent or agenda, Howard ain't it :)

I didn't mean it that way. Look, Howard was created amidst a glut of comics that had a general vibe of weirdness/surreality that reflected the escapist cultural mood of the 70s, and presaged the shift to slasher Nightmare on Elm Street/Friday the 13th/Halloween movies, that juxtaposed blatantaly fantastic elements (dreamworlds, literally), into the drab, everyday settings of American suburbia.

~ from here: http://www.geocities.com/utherworld/seasons/horrorcomix.html

In the 1970s, Marvel and DC often incorporated horror elements into their comics. Marvel, in particular, made a Hollywood-style Wolfman the star of Werewolf by Night, reprinted old Atlas horror comic stories as the back-up feature to various Dracula titles, and introduced other horror-themed superheroes, such as Ghost Rider. Superman, meanwhile, found himself up against the odd werewolf or vampire.

In 1972, the rival publishers introduced rival Heap-imitations, DC's Swamp Thing and Marvel's Man Thing. The Swamp Thing has demonstrated greater longevity, though in the process, he became more of an outcast superhero than the creepy figure he'd originally been. Marvel's version has been less successful, though he did spin off Howard the Duck, whose early adventures appeared in Giant-Size Man-Thing . Possibly, the Marvel creation just couldn't live down his ribald name.
Guys, we don't want Ultimate D-Man.

We NEED him.

The world NEEDS him.

He has superstrength.

But not much of it.

And if he uses it, he suffers a mild heart attack.

Plus, he's scared of heights.

Tell me that's not the recipie for all out Ultimate goodness.
Bass said:
Guys, we don't want Ultimate D-Man.

We NEED him.

The world NEEDS him.

He has superstrength.

But not much of it.

And if he uses it, he suffers a mild heart attack.

Plus, he's scared of heights.

Tell me that's not the recipie for all out Ultimate goodness.
Ok, it's not.

What? You TOLD me to tell you! :wink:
"The world doesn't need him."

"The world doesn't want him."

"But he's here anyway."

"Ultimate D-Man."

"Shipping... delayed."
Ultimize what?

"The new Ultimate What If? series... ULTIMIZE WHAT? Coming soon."
Ultimate Doctor Demonicus

C'mon. The guy, having seen so many people get powers through radiation, exposed himself to radiation and ended up with skin cancer.

So he put on a cape and tried to rule the world.

Granted, now it would have to be some kind of genetic engineering where he ends up sterile or something, but man, there's a true super villain.

He should have a charity or something.
That piece of cheese that Peter named when he was living with Randy Robertson in Peter Parker Spider-Man after he believed that Mary Jane was dead!!!!!

:D :D :D


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