Pandrio said:
Can you explain who he is? The link you put there is temporarily unavailible.
The site is working now, for me, but I will copy and paste some stuff from the site here just in case.
"In 616 MU the Presence was Sergei Krylov, a Soviet scientific genius who was the most powerful behind-the-scenes man in Russia. Krylov sought physical power to match his intellectual and political might by mutating himself into a superhuman radioactive being. The experiment worked, though it also left him more insane than ever." He has battled against the Defenders and the Avengers
Powers: "Krylov's body constantly generates lethal radioactive energy sufficient to poison or kill any unshielded individual who remains in his presence for too long. He can also harness this energy for such powers as augmented strength and durability, force blasts, flight, energy constructs, telepathy and mind control. His radioactive energies presumably power the floating chair he's taken to sitting in since his transformation. Given his ego, he probably considers it a throne of sorts."
Most Despicable Act: "Krylov's past is replete with atrocities ranging from Chernobyl-esque nuclear disasters to unspeakable acts of personal cruelty and perversity. Transforming Tania Belinsky into his radioactive love slave was pretty low, as was a subsequent attempt to enslave the Black Widow and his own daughter, Darkstar, as part of a proposed harem of Russian super-women. He also threatened to kill Quasar's family and friends if Quasar himself did not submit to execution at Krylov's hands, forcing Quasar to fake his own death and flee Earth lest the Presence learn of his survival and threaten his loved ones."