Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2 (Discussion/Spoilers)


Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
Jul 24, 2004
The World of Icelandia.
Wow. This was one hell of a damn annual. Bendis did good on us with this one.

The issue starts off with DeWolffe at the hospital were Moon Knight had just left after waking up from his coma. Then there's the scene were Spider-Man is fighting Shocker and runs into Foggy Nelson who tells him why Shocker never ends up in prison. Once he tells him to actually leave him with the cops, Spider-Man does so and leaves him at the police station where then DeWolffe asks to talk to him on the roof.

After they meet up, she tells him about The Kangaroo and how she can't go after him since he hasn't actually been caught doing anything. So she asks Spider-Man for help and he agrees, but doesn't like it. So once he gets the info from her, he goes to where Kangaroo will be and DeWolffe makes a call to Kingpin telling him she sent Spider-Man off to Kangaroo. When Spider-Man gets to where he should be, and all the fun starts, he sees Daredevil is the one who began the little party. Right then, DD hits Spider-Man and throws him out the window, still not liking him at all.

Flash back to the previous day. Murdock's office. He and Foggy are with someone who's telling him about the Kangaroo. He asks for the info where Kangaroo would be, and after assuring he wouldn't give it out since its the law, he got what he wanted. Foggy asked what he would do with the info, and the next panel is DD swinging off. Back to the present day. After Spider-Man webs up Kangarro, DD senses something's wrong and it's that Punisher has sent off a rocket to their location.

Another flashback. Previous day, but now Punisher in jail. He's eating his food with no silverware. After another inmate tells him he's getting out that same day and that his cousin, the Kangaroo, said to thank Punisher for him for helping their jobs easier on getting territory, Punisher gets pissed and flips the table and holds back the guy and two others infront of a wall with bars. Punisher takes his tray and kills the guy who was talking to him. The guards subdue Punisher, only to escape a few mintues later.

Present day again. The building just blew up and Spider-Man and DD are ok and hiding behind a wall as Punisher is shooting off with his guns. Moonknight appears and fights Punisher. Flashback time again, but this time it starts out with a "dream" wher two guys and a girl meet up in a field with a swing set. Moonknight then is shown on the ground with a a dagger (cuz I cant remember the weapons exact name right now) and the others are telling him to wake up. So he does. He's at the hospitals and escapes right then and there through the window and goes back to his home where Marlene is at. He tells her he can't quite yet after being asked to, as he still has work to finish.

Back to the fight. It's a no-holds-bar between Spider-Man, Moonknight and Punisher. As they punch, throw thins, and shoot, DD is off making sure Kangaroo doesn't get away. Flashback again. This time it's where Kingpin and Kangaroo first meet and Kingpin tells him to back off from trying to get his own territory unless he's going to do with through him. Kangaroo doesn't care and tells the people he was having dinner with that Kingpin is only just scared of him.

Back again to the present time, the cops show up and take Kangaroo in as DD disappears from the wreckage. DeWolffe whispers in Kangaroos ear that "He told you...It would come in shapes you'd never imagine." Right then, Spider-Man had webbed up Punisher and Moonknight, but Punisher was able to make a shot and killed DeWolffe after Spider-Man had gone down to talk to her. Spider-Man, pissed, goes up and punches the hell out of Punisher asking why he did that. He tells him she was a dirty cop and Spider-Man didn't believe him. DD comes in to confirm what he was saying. He tells him there was even a rumor that she was sleeping with him. Spider-Man then leaves with DD after he tells him about leaving since the cops were on their way, with Punisher still there. Moonknight looks on from another corner of another building.

Moonknight heads back to his home to soon find DD there. DD asks him about coming together as a group to help make sure Kingpin doesn't have "anymore more nights like tonight". The issue ends with Kingpin in his room with a sad face as of course, DeWolffe is not there. END.

Overall, issue was awesome. Great writing, great dialogue, a lot fun. This is how USM should be like.

i totally agree. its a really awesom issue. i also noticed brooks has cleaned up his art and taken away the anime effect that was there in annual 1. i loved 98 as well and all i can say is its been a great month for usm fans:D. i wonder if dewolfe is actually dead. i doubt it.
Secret_Riddle said:
i totally agree. its a really awesom issue. i also noticed brooks has cleaned up his art and taken away the anime effect that was there in annual 1. i loved 98 as well and all i can say is its been a great month for usm fans:D. i wonder if dewolfe is actually dead. i doubt it.

Sounds like a good read. Is that the issue with DD's head is all big?
Hibiki said:
Sounds like a good read. Is that the issue with DD's head is all big?
Yes, this is the one where it has the cover with DD's head being big in the background.
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3rd. if you count the Ultimate Marvel Team-UP's as Spider-Man issues.
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I liked it, I'm interested where this "Ultimate Knights" thing is going. But I dont like how they do Punsiher. He's too simplistic and his design is too 616 and not realistic. They could of made him a lot more interesting, raising the debate of kill for justice, It just seems like a waste. I was surprise to see DeWolfe go so early. Good issue
Random said:
I liked it, I'm interested where this "Ultimate Knights" thing is going. But I dont like how they do Punsiher. He's too simplistic and his design is too 616 and not realistic. They could of made him a lot more interesting, raising the debate of kill for justice, It just seems like a waste. I was surprise to see DeWolfe go so early. Good issue

Maybe their waiting. Maybe a Ultimate Knights Mini. Or Maybe a new book.
Hibiki said:
I don't remember him in the carnage arc.

I was going to say this earlier but my power when out in mid-post. The Punisher showed up in the second issue of the Carnage arc. After Peter agreed to let Dr. Conners test his blood. He was shoting at Boomerang. Spider-Man said he felt sorry for the Punisher cause he lost his whole family. But he wasn't going to let him kill everyone because he was going after this jerk.
the watcher said:
I was going to say this earlier but my power when out in mid-post. The Punisher showed up in the second issue of the Carnage arc. After Peter agreed to let Dr. Conners test his blood. He was shoting at Boomerang. Spider-Man said he felt sorry for the Punisher cause he lost his whole family. But he wasn't going to let him kill everyone because he was going after this jerk.

hmm it rings a bell.
If they were to do a Ultimate Knights. I wonder who else would join the team?
Would we get new characters? Or a just the old ones that don't have their own book?
Iceshadow said:
Woohoo! Ultimate Knights! :D (maybe)

Most definitely.

the watcher said:
If they were to do a Ultimate Knights. I wonder who else would join the team?
Would we get new characters? Or a just the old ones that don't have their own book?

It would hopefully be a mini. We might see any mixture of the following characters against Kingpin; Black Cat, Shang-Chi, Iron-Fist, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Spider-man, and Punisher plus any other new characters.

The Kingpin could have but isn't limited to; the Enforcers, Elektra, and Bullseye.
It could be an interesting mini.
Prof. Toad said:
It would hopefully be a mini. We might see any mixture of the following characters against Kingpin; Black Cat, Shang-Chi, Iron-Fist, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Spider-man, and Punisher plus any other new characters.

The Kingpin could have but isn't limited to; the Enforcers, Elektra, and Bullseye.
It could be an interesting mini.
I doubt Punisher would be on the team, and I wouldn't bet on Spidey though I think DD would keep him in the loop eventually
I really shouldn't comment until I read this (tomorrow) but this sounds mediocre to me. Sounds like a few things were wasted here and it sounds like there might be one or two things that were out of character for some people.

1. So what ever happened to Vanessa? I thought Kingpin would be loyal to her but he was sleeping with DeWolff? Kind've brings the Kingpin character down a few notches on my favorites belt if that's the case.

2. Ultimate Kangaroo causing all the commotion? And you thought Shocker fans were pissed before. Now we get this C-List joke villain being Ultimized into a bigger threat when it would've been the perfect time to throw in Ultimate Jigsaw or a DD rogue or get a better ultimization out of Spider-Man's rogues.

Still can't wait to see Ultimate DD and moreso Ultimate DD along side UMK and UP.

I loved hearing about that ending.

More later I guess.
TheManWithoutFear said:
1. So what ever happened to Vanessa? I thought Kingpin would be loyal to her but he was sleeping with DeWolff? Kind've brings the Kingpin character down a few notches on my favorites belt if that's the case.
Yeah, it could've been argued that it was just a rumor, but from the last page, it looks like it was true.

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