Ultimate X-Men#48 cover


Excelsior Club
May 17, 2004
Here's the cover of Ultimate X-Men#48, about half a day early (it wasn't shown in the original solicitation):


Discussion on this issue can go in this thread as well. :D
Haha - I didn't even notice it looks like a surf board. But no, it's Iceman.

I don't like the purple, but other than that it's an OK cover.
Another really solid issue, great character moments, good development of the plot, a few little extras and a huge misdirection.

Splitting the group has been used very well to give good chunky bits of characher development. The younger members of the team get a nice little scene in the danger room, we have a great Cyclops moment in Scott and Piotr's team up and some really great interplay between Storm and Wolverine. Vaughn again pulls in other mutants' views of the X-men which gives a bit more of the wider picture.

Seems that Ultimate Apocalypse is simply a figment of Sinister's twisted mind. The figure we saw him speaking to in the previous issue is a manequin, looking like a silly version of Apocalypse (which isn't too hard as Apocalypse does look a bit silly to begin with). The fact that Apocalypse didn't have proper speech bubbles now in retropsect works with the whole thing being in Sinister's mind. But this still raises the question as to who and what is Sinister (or Essex, as this is confirmed as being his real name this issue), and where he got his powers. I'm really looking forward to next issue and the arc following now, as I really want to know what's going on. I'm still not quite down with Sinister as a dumb stuttering thug but this is turning out to be really interesting. Cheers to Vaughn really messing with us.
Though on second thought this could be another bit of misdirection by Vaughan. All three Ultimate titles right now are firing on all cylinders, I'm loving this.
Seems that Ultimate Apocalypse is simply a figment of Sinister's twisted mind.

Ooh, I hadn't thought of that. Good call.

One of the many great things about this issue (and the arc so far) is the use of Wolverine and how Vaughan can make him an integral part of the story without focusing everything around him. I like Wolverine but like many I'm get tired of this being Ultimate Wolverine guest starring Ultimate X-Men. But Vaughan doesn't fall into this trap - yet Wolverine was important in this issue because he figured out to go to the tattoo parlor, etc. I admire Vaughan's ability to use Wolverine like that.
Agreed, the total focus on Wolverine has been a constant bane for the X-books for years (and now I believe Wolverine is somehow in three out of four of the MU X-titles - Excalibur sounds garbage enough without that addition - which is just one reason out of many I won't be reading any of them, though Whedon's title sounds to be half decent). But UXM hasn't been too bad. Bendis has been most guilty of this but since his whole plot arc revolved around an anti-mutant conspiracy built on Weapon-X I can forgive that to a large extent, especially as the second part largely left Wolverine out (save for that really cool issue about the kid with the power of destroying organic tissue). Millar's run was a bit borderline Wolverine heavy but all together not too bad, but definitely Vaughan's been the best. Wolverine's just one of a team and that reads quite nicely.
though Whedon's title sounds to be half decent

It is good and worth check ing out. He seems to have a decent grasp on how to use Wolverine as well.

Excaliber is total garbage. $2.99 is too much to pay for toilet paper. :p
I'm really liking what Vaughan is doing with the characters, I wish that he could stay longer than 4 issues.
Ultxon said:
I'm really liking what Vaughan is doing with the characters, I wish that he could stay longer than 4 issues.

He's doing at least 8 more. 50-53 is the Gambit storyline, and he recently announced that he's doing at least one more arc after that, before Singer takes over.
Yeah, tell me about it... We get something really good and then something really crappy. I can't wait for the movie-verse to makes its ultimate appearance. Freakin' sucks to have Singer come on.
I've said it before and will say it again - we should hold off judgement on Singer's writing (or actually the writing of his ghost writers). Which isn't to say that the early reports of his run don't make it sound very appealing.
Well, I will stick to my gut when he pokes around in Wizard claiming that the Ultimate-verse is the movie verse and vice versa.
Well, I will stick to my gut when he pokes around in Wizard claiming that the Ultimate-verse is the movie verse and vice versa.

What ish of Wizard did he say that?
Umm... Not sure, but I know that I have. Once I get a hold of it, I will let you know. I wanna say it's the issue with Silvestri's Wolverine, but don't quote me.
I like how people always bitch about how Bendis was the worst offender of the bunch for putting an over emphasis on Wolverine. The man wrote one freakin' storyarc about the character. In fact, "Blockbuster" was the only arc that was centered around Wolverine in the Ultimate universe. And I especially love how everyone applauds Vaughan for using Wolverine sparingly instead of making him the focus of every issue. I've been re-reading my back issues for UXM (I have every issue except for #7), and Wolverine has been featured in about the same capacity in EVERY FREAKING ISSUE with the exception of the "Blockbuster" arc.

Funny how people remember things the way that they want to instead of the way they occured. :shock:

HA! That face makes me laugh every time I see it.

Yeah, I think they are referring to the Wolverine that appears on all of the covers of every book in Marvel... There hasn't been a week in a few months that hasn't had Wolverine on the cover. He's in all of the X-books pretty much and it gets kinda disgusting, you know? I can see what you're saying because I noticed that, too, but I'm not one to complain, really. Unless it is about Singer. Wolverine is as interesting as anyone on the team.

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