Ultimates 2 #12 delayed to 9/27/06 (UPDATED)

Re: Further delays for Ultimates 2 #12 and Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #3

In the words of Phil Collins, I don't care anymore.
Re: Further delays for Ultimates 2 #12 and Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #3

Baxter said:
In the words of Phil Collins, I don't care anymore.

No mo'
No mo'
Re: Further delays for Ultimates 2 #12 and Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #3

Ultimate Warrior said:
On Newsaramas list Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk is not delayed. Doesn't mean it isn't though.
It most likely means its not since what Newsarama has, that's what the list on MW has, too. But, MW still doesn't have their list up, so we'll see.
Re: Further delays for Ultimates 2 #12- UPDATED

Ultimate Warrior said:
...and Ultimates 2 #12 isn't delayed to 08/30 but 08/09. Yay..... I guess :?
Yes, that too.

And hells yeah "yay"! One week delay is better than 4 weeks!! Though of course, everyone prefers none, but you gotta work with the cards your delt.
Re: Ultimates 2 #12 delayed to 8/9/06 (UPDATED)

That's 5 Ultimate books currently scheduled for 8/9. I'd be surprised if that sticks.
Re: Ultimates 2 #12 delayed to 8/9/06 (UPDATED)

E said:
That's 5 Ultimate books currently scheduled for 8/9. I'd be surprised if that sticks.

Don't ruin the moment. :wink:
Re: Ultimates 2 #12 delayed to 8/9/06 (UPDATED)

on a happier note, Millar just posted on his board that #12 will be 36 pages - midway between the norm and the double sized issue originally promised, so as long as #13 is a reality as well I'm a happy bunny :smile:
Re: Ultimates 2 #12 delayed to 8/9/06 (UPDATED)

Lol, here we go, good news and bad news. Which do you want first?


Right, good news: Ultimates v2 #12 is 38 pages and in final production (meaning Hitch/Millar won't be tweaking it any further).

Bad news: Hitch hasn't gotten the script for #13 yet and won't until next month.
Re: Ultimates 2 #12 delayed to 8/9/06 (UPDATED)

Rhyo said:
Bad news: Hitch hasn't gotten the script for #13 yet and won't until next month.

Looks like Millar's going to have a sore stomach next summer:D
Re: Ultimates 2 #12 delayed to 8/9/06 (UPDATED)

Sacred&Profane said:
Looks like Millar's going to have a sore stomach next summer:D
I doubt it. It seems like this will just finish in December.
Re: Ultimates 2 #12 delayed to 8/9/06 (UPDATED)

at this rate it WILL be christmas by the time 13 is on the shelves.

although, to be brutally frank, when I re-read the 4 TPBs of The Ultimates 1 and 2 some time in 2007, I will not care about the delays. Just gratitude at being alive and able to read graphic literature of such class. The Ultimates is solely responsible for re-igniting my love of comics, so Millar, Hitch and Marvel can really do no wrong in my eyes.
Re: Ultimates 2 #12 delayed to 8/9/06 (UPDATED)

From MM himself, over on MW (enough abbreviations for you?). Remember the bit about #12 being in final production? Apparently not:

The complete 25 page (is that still novel length for a comic book?) UFF 32 is up in the special forum, guys, completely lettered and looking pretty sweet. Also, I just got the first 28 pages of Hitchy's pencils for Ultimates 12. He's expanded this somewhat from the 27 page script with lots of splashes and moving stuff into spreads and it looks spectacular. The ish should weigh in around 37 or so pages now and the vast chunk of it is available here for your perusal. Word is he'll be done with it in a week so hopefully I'll have the whole thing to show off when I'm in Bath next week.

Unusually, being off sick for three months means there's no final issue for him to draw and there won't be for a month as I finish Civil War (which Marvel REALLY need done). So my dear chum is forced to work with mere mortals for a short while. But I'll have this done by September at the latest so we're still good for getting this final part out before Christmas as it's only 22 pages and there's no real room for expansion anywhere.
Re: Ultimates 2 #12 delayed to 8/9/06 (UPDATED)

Rhyo said:
From MM himself, over on MW (enough abbreviations for you?). Remember the bit about #12 being in final production? Apparently not:

The complete 25 page (is that still novel length for a comic book?) UFF 32 is up in the special forum, guys, completely lettered and looking pretty sweet. Also, I just got the first 28 pages of Hitchy's pencils for Ultimates 12. He's expanded this somewhat from the 27 page script with lots of splashes and moving stuff into spreads and it looks spectacular. The ish should weigh in around 37 or so pages now and the vast chunk of it is available here for your perusal. Word is he'll be done with it in a week so hopefully I'll have the whole thing to show off when I'm in Bath next week.

Unusually, being off sick for three months means there's no final issue for him to draw and there won't be for a month as I finish Civil War (which Marvel REALLY need done). So my dear chum is forced to work with mere mortals for a short while. But I'll have this done by September at the latest so we're still good for getting this final part out before Christmas as it's only 22 pages and there's no real room for expansion anywhere.

At least we get to see this before the year ends. :roll:
Re: Ultimates 2 #12 delayed to 8/9/06 (UPDATED)

the watcher said:
At least we get to see this before the year ends. :roll:

Your naive optimism is adorable. :D

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