crikey Pro, have you been reading the other threads!!! :lol: that's just the idea I kinda had, great minds think alike and all that. But with arcade running things, I'm a little concerned that he might not. I see Mojo as a fat black Don King / Jabba the Hut character. A manager who sees an opportunity to put Longshot for his good looks and Dazzler, (for her punky style and lighttype effects) together for his own shows after watching Arcade's show).
That era defining moment when Frank Miller showed the world what a truly evil man the Kingpin was could be applied to Mojo. Mojo is the spin doctor, the record producer, the film star manager. He is the man we all hate. The man with real power. The Kingpin is the power of the underworld. Mojo is the power of the real world and he revels in his fame of being the best.
Maybe because in 616 he has no legs, but artificial spider type mechanical legs, maybe we could put him in a wheelchair. As he has a lack of a spine in 616, we could make him human but paralized from the neck down. Mojo does have limited telekenetic/telepathic ability in 616 so this could be what makes him able to control what ever mechanical devices around him enables him to move. The idea that this evil, extremely powerful man is actually physically very weak due to the lack of a spine would not only be cool but also ironic.