What are you more scared of???

What are you more scared of?

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There's no escape from the zombies.
Vamps are already faster than running zombies, smarter too. Now you're telling me they have machine guns? We are all ****ed.
Any kind of zombie is terrifying.

If I encounter a vampire, I could just tell him how Emo he is and then he'll go slit his wrists.
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I answered vampires with machine guns.

But I think if we're going to talk about the horrors that lurk in Danny Boyle movies such as fast-running zombies, then you should've asked about the sun dying.
I answered vampires with machine guns.

But I think if we're going to talk about the horrors that lurk in Danny Boyle movies such as fast-running zombies, then you should've asked about the sun dying.

Well, that's a no-brainer.

If the sun dies, we all die.

I mean, unless you're another vampire (or possibly werewolf) that's done something to piss someone off, the only thing the vamp's going to do is bite you. So, at the very worst YOU become a vampire, and how badass is that? Pretty badass. Especially since you get a machine gun. Not to mention all those other extra powers like flying, telepathy, strength, speed, transformation, etc. Hell, I'd make a kickass costume and go to work. Pluse, vampires are pretty much people, or at least their thinking entities, so there's the possibility of reasoning with them, or bargaining, or trying a lot of other stuff. And if all comes down to it, you've got a whole host of ways of keeping vamps in check, including something as simple as NOT INVITING THEM IN. Set up a perimeter with crosses and other repellants, hang out in a basement away from windows (to avoid bullets) and pray for daylight.

Zombies though, there's just no escape. You either keep running, kill yourself, or get eaten. I mean, at least with slow zombies you can improvise weapons and maybe have a shot at fighting your way out. But runners...you're screwed. They've only got one weakness, never tire, never stop, can't be reasoned with and only multiply. It's like facing a hurricane that wants to eat you.

I mean, unless you're another vampire (or possibly werewolf) that's done something to piss someone off, the only thing the vamp's going to do is bite you. So, at the very worst YOU become a vampire, and how badass is that? Pretty badass. Especially since you get a machine gun. Not to mention all those other extra powers like flying, telepathy, strength, speed, transformation, etc. Hell, I'd make a kickass costume and go to work. Pluse, vampires are pretty much people, or at least their thinking entities, so there's the possibility of reasoning with them, or bargaining, or trying a lot of other stuff. And if all comes down to it, you've got a whole host of ways of keeping vamps in check, including something as simple as NOT INVITING THEM IN. Set up a perimeter with crosses and other repellants, hang out in a basement away from windows (to avoid bullets) and pray for daylight.

Zombies though, there's just no escape. You either keep running, kill yourself, or get eaten. I mean, at least with slow zombies you can improvise weapons and maybe have a shot at fighting your way out. But runners...you're screwed. They've only got one weakness, never tire, never stop, can't be reasoned with and only multiply. It's like facing a hurricane that wants to eat you.

Entropy wins the thread.

I mean, unless you're another vampire (or possibly werewolf) that's done something to piss someone off, the only thing the vamp's going to do is bite you. So, at the very worst YOU become a vampire, and how badass is that? Pretty badass. Especially since you get a machine gun. Not to mention all those other extra powers like flying, telepathy, strength, speed, transformation, etc. Hell, I'd make a kickass costume and go to work. Pluse, vampires are pretty much people, or at least their thinking entities, so there's the possibility of reasoning with them, or bargaining, or trying a lot of other stuff. And if all comes down to it, you've got a whole host of ways of keeping vamps in check, including something as simple as NOT INVITING THEM IN. Set up a perimeter with crosses and other repellants, hang out in a basement away from windows (to avoid bullets) and pray for daylight.

Zombies though, there's just no escape. You either keep running, kill yourself, or get eaten. I mean, at least with slow zombies you can improvise weapons and maybe have a shot at fighting your way out. But runners...you're screwed. They've only got one weakness, never tire, never stop, can't be reasoned with and only multiply. It's like facing a hurricane that wants to eat you.

Now I wish that I had voted for Zombies...
This reminds me of Stephen King's Pet Sematary.

The monsters were slow and smelly, like zombies, but vulnerable to poisons and getting shot, like living people.

I bought that book for (no exaggeration) TEN CENTS at a library sale, and boy did I get gypped. I gave it back but I couldn't get my money back because I bought it from a public library.

Anyway, non-King zombies kick ***, and I read Entropy's post, so they got the vote.

I mean, unless you're another vampire (or possibly werewolf) that's done something to piss someone off, the only thing the vamp's going to do is bite you. So, at the very worst YOU become a vampire, and how badass is that? Pretty badass. Especially since you get a machine gun. Not to mention all those other extra powers like flying, telepathy, strength, speed, transformation, etc. Hell, I'd make a kickass costume and go to work. Pluse, vampires are pretty much people, or at least their thinking entities, so there's the possibility of reasoning with them, or bargaining, or trying a lot of other stuff. And if all comes down to it, you've got a whole host of ways of keeping vamps in check, including something as simple as NOT INVITING THEM IN. Set up a perimeter with crosses and other repellants, hang out in a basement away from windows (to avoid bullets) and pray for daylight.

Zombies though, there's just no escape. You either keep running, kill yourself, or get eaten. I mean, at least with slow zombies you can improvise weapons and maybe have a shot at fighting your way out. But runners...you're screwed. They've only got one weakness, never tire, never stop, can't be reasoned with and only multiply. It's like facing a hurricane that wants to eat you.

... Well. That kind of sums it up, doesn't it?

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