Caduceus said:I've bolixed up this thread but anyway, which do you hate more. Personally, I really don't mind having characters die frequently as long as the other characters react properly. Its when they just keep on going and move on instantly that I get annoyed.
Guijllons said:I get annoyed at the sloppiness of some writers that think killing a character is a great way to grab someones interest. It's like they're coming to the end of their run, have run out of ideas, made a hash of the plot they were trying to work through, so, easy solution? kill marvel girl again. I'm hardly surprised at the lack of reaction, I read it and think"well, there goes another one for 50 issues until they bring them back with amnesia, or an alien has resurrected them, or some other such rubbish", so how can I expect the characters to care? I sure as hell don't.
Dying is easy, living is hard, as they say.
Guijllons said:I didn't like that run. But I think that it was a purposeful setup for scott and emma to get together, and that will have larger repercussions. But I don't think that was fully realised at the time of writing. So maybe it was a bit of both.
In fact, I just wanna go on the record and say that I think the New X-Men as a whole was a bloody carcrash. I really didn't like it.
The Captain said:wait wait...what happened to juggernaut???
Caduceus said:Read Adjectiveless X-men. He got sucked into Xorn II's head along with Nocturne, the weakest Exodus for years and Mammomax, the single worst character in recent memory.
IcyFlames said:Death is alright in comics, and a great device to show how the other character react and develop from it. It's need to stop right there. Resurrections are stupid and overdone. Either kill the character and be done with it or don't even touch them at all. If a writer (or the next writer coming in) doesn't need a particular character, stick this character somewhere else. Don't just kill 'em off only to have three writers down the road bring thim back.
Also, I see death as seeing the body die, whether stabbed or heart attack or whatever. So I feel Cyclops never died when he was merged with Apocolypse, and Juggernaut isn't dead now since he was just sucked into the black hole of a character that shouldn't have existed in the first place. But Psylocke should be dead, Colossus should be dead, Phoenix should stay dead, yadda yadda yadda...
So I dislike death because at the end of it all, it's meaningless.
Caduceus said:True but Jean's returns should always be because of the Phoenix. Not for a wide variety of reasons.
It's part of the story. The story wouldn't go right if she didn't die.IcyFlames said:Phoenix's return from death is alright, except when you continuously kill her. Everytime the Phoenix dies, you know she'll be back, so what's the point of killing her in the first place.
IcyFlames said:Phoenix's return from death is alright, except when you continuously kill her. Everytime the Phoenix dies, you know she'll be back, so what's the point of killing her in the first place.