Well-Known Member
Ok i was just readint the ultimate venom arc the other day and noticed how the death of richard and mary parker seemed to be a big issue there and i noticed when peter is talking to nick fury how peter kept blaming him for everything and fury said he was in india or sumthing at the time but then i noticed that this whole conspericy thing is all starting to come together so as we know norman was working with someone on the OZ serum for quite a few years before he became the gg and aparently those trask people eddie mentioned in issue 34 had somthing to do with the plane crach so the point im getting at here is that trask and osborn at one time were working with the government and this suit thing the parkers and brocks were working on seemed to rival that which osborn was trying to do with the OZ formula so could he have somthing to do with the death of richard and mary parker???