Well-Known Member
I used to visit my local shop, which is REALLY nice. But I recently found www.popularcomics.com. this place has TONS of books, not to mention everything 40% off. Just spent $150 on a good sized order.... 
I often order comics from Amazon.com to Finland, and the shipping cost is 4.49$ per shipment + 4.49$ per item. So for example for 3 books the cost would be 17.96$SeAcoW said:Is the shipping from Amazon to DK very expensive? Sorry too lazy to check it out. I would love to help the site man.
vintsukka said:I often order comics from Amazon.com to Finland, and the shipping cost is 4.49$ per shipment + 4.49$ per item. So for example for 3 books the cost would be 17.96$
The shipping prices are less but often the books cost a little more than Amazon.com and also UK has lower VAT than Finland and Amazon.co.uk adds the difference to the price, which Amazon.com doesn't do. So all in all for me it's cheaper to order from Amazon.com.UltimateE said:Is it cheaper to order/ship from Amazon.co.uk?
UltimateE said:Is it cheaper to order/ship from Amazon.co.uk?
Ultimates said:popularcomics.com....
I gave u the address because u asked, but I will forewarn u, prepared to be let down and BORED.
If those are the same guys as the eBay seller then thier shipping is horrific too.Johnny Bravo said:Yeah i checked that earlier. Good prices, too bad about the ****ty range.