Wildcats #2 delayed until.....MARCH?

a fan

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2005
hmmm good question
Just read this over at newsarmama.com
Is this true? what would make them delay this for so long after having wildcats #1 out? then they shoulden't have solcitited wildcats #1 for september it should have been solcicited for january
HA! I'll be supprised if it comes out then. I mean ASBARTBW shipped a whole one issue in 2006, this won't be any diffrent.

Jim, I know you want to be involved with the Wildstorm Relanuch but maybe you should have just done the covers?
If Jim Lee has such issues with getting books done on time, why in God's name is he doing 2 books?!
I didn't like the first issue of Wildcats, so I care very little that this is over.

Now, Morrison's Authority? That, I'm ****ing pissed about.
I still think Eric Canete should have been tapped to do Wildcats.
I didn't like the first issue of Wildcats, so I care very little that this is over.

Now, Morrison's Authority? That, I'm ****ing pissed about.

he's going to complete it in a one-off special. I'm just annoyed that both books are 2 of the best team books invented in the last 10 years, and almost have flawless records, he's now gonna half write some stories he doesn't seem to care about for them. gr....

At least Wildcats is something he's planned to go ongoing with. I'd like to see what kind of approach he's going for, I really can't tell much from the one issue.

and wtf happened to Void? her history's messed up. last thing i heard was she was combined with spartan/jack marlowe..then she reboot the universe..now...?
he's going to complete it in a one-off special.

Hm. It sucks that that's probably the last we'll see of him on Authority though.

I remember him talking about a story where the Authority basically meet the Ultimate versions of themselves.
The Grant Morrison/Jim Lee Wildcats will be released as a graphic novel, solicited only after it's complete.

I would have preferred to see the rest of the Morrison/Ha Authority run. :(

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