X-Men/Runaways Crossover Discussion (Spoilers)


#1 reason not to join UC
Nov 30, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Runaways have misplaced Old Lace. As they're looking for her they run into Cyclops, Beast, Colossus, Kitty, Emma, Wolverine. In the wake of HoM, The X-Men feel they need to take Molly Hayes under their wing. Fight occurs showcaseing powers except Gert and Kitty who make friends. Old Lace telepathically finds Emma and Emma learns a lesson that you can't force things on people.

The characters all seemed like they weren't written properly and it felt like a Saturday Morning cartoon.

.... And the art sucked.

Yeah....I was kinda hoping for a one-shot issue. But instead I got a preview. WTF?

I liked the art....but the coloring was way off. It made it seem like Penny Arcade. Which is a shame because I really dug Skottie Young's art in Ultimate X-Men and Young Warriors.

Overall I was very displeased with the whole thing.
I thought it was great. The characters, while obviously not written by Vaughan, were still well written, at least the Runaways. And Skottie Young rocks.

But come on, it was free. What did you expect?
Fuzzy Birds said:
I thought it was great. The characters, while obviously not written by Vaughan, were still well written, at least the Runaways. And Skottie Young rocks.

But come on, it was free. What did you expect?

See, I didn't think the characters were well written at all. Especially the X-Men. I thought everyone was basically written with some extreme attitude most of them being bad with the exception of Kitty and Gert who were the "good girls". I just thought it was lame.
TheManWithoutFear said:
When was Young on UXM? :shock:

I thought he was a guest artist for a couple pages in several issues (the arc where Beast is chatting with Blob online and Wolverine leaves Cyclops for dead in the Savage Land). I might be wrong...I need to check my issues again. It looks like Young's art....but it might be someone else.
Moving it from the other thread-

Yeah, I liked the issue. Too bad Nico didn't have a b**** slap or something. I would've liked to see that happen here. I mean, I know they all have this "No trust adults" thing, but a little too quick in the hitting department.

Beast did have like a monkey face, but other than that, I loved the issue.

Victor Von Doom said:
I thought he was a guest artist for a couple pages in several issues (the arc where Beast is chatting with Blob online and Wolverine leaves Cyclops for dead in the Savage Land). I might be wrong...I need to check my issues again. It looks like Young's art....but it might be someone else.

That was Kaare Andrews. Similar styles.
Fuzzy Birds said:
I thought it was great. The characters, while obviously not written by Vaughan, were still well written, at least the Runaways. And Skottie Young rocks.

But come on, it was free. What did you expect?

Im with Fuzzy here, I liked this, i don't know how many crackers you people have been eating, to get that dull taste in your mouth, but stop eating them crakers!!!!!!

i found the whole thing funny as hell, "look who got Cookie monsters glasses"-chase. i busted up laughing after reading that. its gonna be sad when they kill him off.


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