An Apology for Ultimate Iron Man

Pandrio said:
Why? :? :? :?
When a TPB (sometimes HC) comes out, it comes out 2-3 months after a mini series (or story arc in an ongoing series) ends. Ultimate Iron Man ends in December. 3 months later, its March.
icemastertron said:
When a TPB (sometimes HC) comes out, it comes out 2-3 months after a mini series (or story arc in an ongoing series) ends. Ultimate Iron Man ends in December. 3 months later, its March.
Why the HC first?
icemastertron said:
That......I don't have the answer for.
Yeah, I'll probably get this in TPB, but there is no way I'm getting the HC, so Marvel is making me wait longer for a crappy story.:? Wait, I won't have to read it as soon, yay!:D
I finally broke down the other day and bought the Ultimate Iron series.......

I just finished reading it this morning......O Holy Hell!!!!!!

How can a comic be that bad?!?!?!?! I'd rather watch newborn kittens and puppies be violently thrown into a pillowcase and smacked with a ballpin hammer........repeatedly..........then drowned in a river, rather than read another issue. :cry:

The sad part is that I will more than likely continue reading future issues just to say that I have read them.
Victor Von Doom said:
The sad part is that I will more than likely continue reading future issues just to say that I have read them.
You can always download them. :shock: Or buy CDs with pre-scanned comics on them, if you're lucky enough to be living in a place where commercial media piracy is rampant (like I am :wink: ).

By all means, subject yourself to the crap, so you can 'legitimiately' criticize it later -- that's no reason to give your hard-earned cash to Marvel for doing so! :twisted:
I dont know.......there are very little comic shops where I love that allow you to just read the comic without buying it. Which I kinda agree with. If I'm trying to run a successful business---the last thing I want is people freeloading in shop by reading the comics when they're new---then maybe getting $15 every few months outta them when the TPB comes out.

Maybe I might get lucky and find a current issue on the rack at Barnes & Nobles or something.

And everyone keeps talking about downloading them.................but from where??? If you don't wanna say---that's cool.....just PM or e-mail where I can find them.

I still plan on buying the TPBs for my library.....but I don't wanna have to keep paying for the issues just to keep current.
Victor Von Doom said:
The sad part is that I will more than likely continue reading future issues just to say that I have read them.

Welcome to my hell.
There's gotta be some kinda AA thing for comic readers who can't NOT read a bad comic based on its name.

"Hi.....I'm VVD.........and I read Ultimate Iron Man. I'm so ashamed." :oops:
But seriously---what was Card thinking??? I just went thru 4 issues of UIM and the most exciting thing was that Tony got his leg almost burnt off. It took 4 issues to get to that????

And don't get me started on the Blue Baby thing. :roll:

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