Batman: Arkham Origins

Apparently the soundtrack track listings have been released and one is entitled "Killer Croc" and another, "The Thieving Magpie"

Magpie is a member of Penguins gang from a while back, but the track may be a reference to an opera, not her. But either way, Killer Croc seems to be confirmned as a character.

"The Thieving Magpie" is an existing opera song, so it may or may not have anything to do with the character Magpie.

They've recently released information on the season pass, which includes a boatload of skins, a series of challenge maps featuring Wayne's training pre-Batman and an unspecified story add-on.

What would you like to see added in bonus story?

I'd like to see a non-linear Year One mission. Strip the gadgets down to the grappling hook and batarang and have it about taking down Carmine Falcone.
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The Long Halloween/Dark Victory/When In Rome/Hush storyline. Those stories all link together so it would be cool to see that. Also those are my top four Batman stories so I want them.
"The Thieving Magpie" is an existing opera song, so it may or may not have anything to do with the character Magpie. They've recently released information on the season pass, which includes a boatload of skins, a series of challenge maps featuring Wayne's training pre-Batman and an unspecified story add-on. What would you like to see added in bonus story? I'd like to see a non-linear Year One mission. Strip the gadgets down to the grappling hook and batarang and have it about taking down Carmine Falcone.

I'd be totally down for that. Good idea. I like the minimalist approach.
Batman: Arkham Origins Main Story Is 12 Hours Long

"The main narrative arc and side missions last about 12 hours, and then you have all the collectibles. To get 100 per cent of that will take much, much longer. We have a new difficulty level, New Game Plus is coming back – that's really difficult – and when you're done with that there's I Am The Night mode – which is no saves and one life."
Batman: Arkham Origins Main Story Is 12 Hours Long

"The main narrative arc and side missions last about 12 hours, and then you have all the collectibles. To get 100 per cent of that will take much, much longer. We have a new difficulty level, New Game Plus is coming back – that's really difficult – and when you're done with that there's I Am The Night mode – which is no saves and one life."

Awesome! The brevity of the story was one of my few complains with Arkham City.

I'd be totally down for that. Good idea. I like the minimalist approach.

Say, it's a mode where you have a diagram of the Falcone hierarchy and rather than have a rigid narrative, you have to work your way to the top of the family. So you start with the street thugs who are just bros on the map like the Riddler informants. They offer you information on one of 6-8 lieutenants who are more heavily fortified targets on the map and require a strategy to get to and take out.They squeal on one of four generals who are squirreled away in buildings and each lean towards varying combinations of stealth and brawling. Then you work your way to the consigliere and then Carmine himself.

You could rush your way through it, just pinch one dude in each tier and rush straight through to Carmine or you could take your time and tear apart the whole family.
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They're never going to give us the Zurr-En-Arrh skin, are they? :cry:
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Apparently the 7th assassin is Electrocutioner. And I guess Joker isn't one of them, so I can still hold out hope for a Talon.
I could see Joker as an assassin if he was in disguise and just there to sabotage the other assassins or something but.... Yeah, I'm not guessing he's one.

Fingers crossed for KGBeast! Or Flamingo!
Troy Baker is probably the best voice actor in the game right now. This is just another great example of that.

Towards game's end, it's revealed that Black Mask didn't put the contract out on Batman, but Joker did...wearing Black Mask's black mask. Kind of an unnecessary twist given how heavy a role Joker played in AA and AC.

There a shot of Joker being wheeled into Blackgate prison (reminiscent of the beginning of Arkham Asylum) and we see a quick shot of Dr. Harleen Quinzel before she snaps and becomes Harley.

And there's an after credit's scene where Deathstroke is in Blackgate prison (after being beaten and captured by Batman earlier in the game) doing push-ups. Amanda Waller and two guards approach his cell, and Waller throws a file marked "confidential" into his cell. Deathstroke mentions refusing to which Waller replies he can rot in Blackgate, and it's obvious he's going to accept.

I couldn't read the paper marked confidential, but other did and screen capped it, and some are thinking this may lead into a Suicide Squad spin-off. Odd choice, but it could work.

Also, the spin off Arkham Origins: Blackgate for 3DS and PS Vita features multiple endings based on how it's played (and in what order you beat the bosses). One ending confirmed Bronze Tiger, Deathstroke, etc escaping at the end of that game, which may indeed be further set up for a Suicide Squad spin off game. Wondering if that won't be WB Montreal's next project after AO, while Rocksteady works on (hopefully) the sequel to Arkham City. It'll be nice to play a game which allows for more focus on Batman's other rogues besides Joker.
Sounds like fun.

Eh, it's not getting the stellar reviews the first two Arkham games got, mainly because it didn't introduce enough new stuff, but if you liked the first two (and I loved them), it should be enjoyable. The AO - Blackgate spinoff for 3DS and PS Vita sounds good too: a Metroid/Castlevania type game set in the Arkham verse? Sign me up. It'll be a bit before I play that one though as I need to first buy a 3DS or a Vita... And then there's the question of which to buy.

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