Bendis: "I smell an Ultimate Deadpool comin’"

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As MWOF said, I would be surprised if DP is overshadowed, because while Secret will probably still be going on (grumble grumble), at least 1 UIM will probably have finished before its even solicited. Maybe both depending on how Card gets his act together. The hype for that has pretty much died down now anyway, so there's a bit of room to do the promoting of DP, especially with Secret, Nightmare (and probably by extension, Extinction)'s hideous delays.
Still, I think the timing is way off... There's virtually no place for him in the Ultimate Universe and, without a place, I don't feel he should really come around. That would be an an unnecessary appearance and we've seen plenty of those within the five years that the UU has been living. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see the Deadpool mini-series take shape, but it would not only be irrelevant, but a bad idea because you can't ultimize a character that's "ultimate" enough.
Goodwill said:
Still, I think the timing is way off... There's virtually no place for him in the Ultimate Universe and, without a place, I don't feel he should really come around. That would be an an unnecessary appearance and we've seen plenty of those within the five years that the UU has been living. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see the Deadpool mini-series take shape, but it would not only be irrelevant, but a bad idea because you can't ultimize a character that's "ultimate" enough.

What merits "Ultimate Enough" ? Everyone's got a place in the Ultimate Universe. Deadpool is the most underrated character in the Marvel Universe, whose popularity is hindered by a not so great solo title and a complicated history. Deadpool's the reason they ultimize people.
TheManWithoutFear said:
What merits "Ultimate Enough" ? Everyone's got a place in the Ultimate Universe. Deadpool is the most underrated character in the Marvel Universe, whose popularity is hindered by a not so great solo title and a complicated history. Deadpool's the reason they ultimize people.

And to add to that, who should be ultimized then? Characters that are so bad in the MU that no one likes them? Who wants that? Who wants Howard The Duck? They created the UU for popular characters because they want titles to sell. Deadpool will sell and he'll get patched up... perfect ultimization.
Hi guys - I registered here wholly because of this thread, this is great news.

I think there are plenty of ways Deadpool can be Ultimized without too much hassle. Firstly; his ties to WeaponX are not that big a deal. Someone mentioned that Deadpool has always been a Wolverine character, well this isn't true. Despite his Weapon X connections he has hardly crossed Wolverine, and to tell the truth only exists on the outskirts of the Marvel Universe, having ties to X-Force, New Mutants and Cable more than any others. His Weapon X history could easily be completely re-written so as to fit better into the Ultimate Universe - it wasn't really a character defining link in the way that Wolverine's ties are.

As for Bendis handling Deadpool - I couldn't be happier, if this is the case. Bendis has the perfect sense of humour for deadpool, obvious from his letters pages in Powers, and I think a MAX or 'mature rating' title would let Bendis really let loose with the character, and show Deadpool off properly as the depraved maniac that he is.
Morley83 said:
Hi guys - I registered here wholly because of this thread, this is great news.

I think there are plenty of ways Deadpool can be Ultimized without too much hassle. Firstly; his ties to WeaponX are not that big a deal. Someone mentioned that Deadpool has always been a Wolverine character, well this isn't true. Despite his Weapon X connections he has hardly crossed Wolverine, and to tell the truth only exists on the outskirts of the Marvel Universe, having ties to X-Force, New Mutants and Cable more than any others. His Weapon X history could easily be completely re-written so as to fit better into the Ultimate Universe - it wasn't really a character defining link in the way that Wolverine's ties are.

As for Bendis handling Deadpool - I couldn't be happier, if this is the case. Bendis has the perfect sense of humour for deadpool, obvious from his letters pages in Powers, and I think a MAX or 'mature rating' title would let Bendis really let loose with the character, and show Deadpool off properly as the depraved maniac that he is.

First off, it's awesome where getting this mass migration of Deadpool fans now, because of this thread. Where the hell have you guys been? Do you all post at EDBoards?
Secondly, I agree with everything you said. Deadpool's history can easily be rewritten and speaking from a Deadpool fan's standpoint, I don't think it'll piss any of the fans off. We love Deadpool for the character not the history.

Welcome to the site, Morley83 :twisted:
Yeah - I post at EDBoards a lot, I also got a letter printed in C&DP 14 that came out a couple of weeks ago :D I found this site from a search for 'Bendis Ultimate Deadpool' on Google to see if he'd said anything else on the subject... seems like he hasn't though - ill just have to content myself with that one delicious sentance for now
Morley83 said:
Yeah - I post at EDBoards a lot, I also got a letter printed in C&DP 14 that came out a couple of weeks ago :D I found this site from a search for 'Bendis Ultimate Deadpool' on Google to see if he'd said anything else on the subject... seems like he hasn't though - ill just have to content myself with that one delicious sentance for now

Yeah, I submitted a question in Bendis' Q&A. Hopefully he won't cop out and we'll give me an informative answer. I'm over at EDBoards a lot also, so I'll see ya around.
I'm hoping that this rumor really doesn't come into fruition; I think it would just litter the Ultimate Universe with more irrelevant characters... If Marvel wants to contain the Universe in the four main titles, why are they adding to the roster of the universe as a whole? Fans will just keep asking for more if they see Deadpool...
Goodwill said:
I'm hoping that this rumor really doesn't come into fruition; I think it would just litter the Ultimate Universe with more irrelevant characters... If Marvel wants to contain the Universe in the four main titles, why are they adding to the roster of the universe as a whole? Fans will just keep asking for more if they see Deadpool...
So? He can be handled in minis. And there ain't nothing wrong with that.
Goodwill said:
Fans will just keep asking for more if they see Deadpool...
If they do a mini, it will mean that fans will either hate it Marvel will have made a bit of money, or fans will love it and marvel will be able to continue to milk just the chance of DP showing up.
I think minis in the Ultimate universe are a good idea. It means that characters can be introduced whilst not interfering with the 4 core titles - otherwise every time a new character appeared in one of the core titles they would need to devote an issue or two just introducing him and fleshing him out.
Morley83 said:
I think minis in the Ultimate universe are a good idea. It means that characters can be introduced whilst not interfering with the 4 core titles - otherwise every time a new character appeared in one of the core titles they would need to devote an issue or two just introducing him and fleshing him out.
The only problem with that is that writers won't bother with the continuity of every mini. Hell, they barely try with FF and it is one of the four titles, introducing mini's too the mix is just asking for trouble. Its a better way to do someone like Deadpool who doesn't fit with any of the titles, but I'd prefer to keep the continuity streamlined and limit the number of titles I have to collect.
Morley83 said:
I think minis in the Ultimate universe are a good idea. It means that characters can be introduced whilst not interfering with the 4 core titles - otherwise every time a new character appeared in one of the core titles they would need to devote an issue or two just introducing him and fleshing him out.

Herein lies the problem of containing the universe. The universe has gotten bigger than the titles that it's got in it!
Well, minis must be left open ended so that the character can last in another story, so it kind of defeats the purpose anyway.
Goodwill said:
Well, minis must be left open ended so that the character can last in another story, so it kind of defeats the purpose anyway.

You're very difficult with this. What do you mean it defeats the purpose? Ultimate Deadpool has his own mini with his own story that doesn't interact with one of the core titles so much as to mess with it's continuity. Then if it's left open MAYBE he could make a guest appearance somewhere. Just because a character is runnin around doesn't mean we have to know where he is. He could disappear after the mini for all I care.
I just can't fathom why they would want to toy with all of these other characters at once, especially Bendis, when the quality of Ultimate Spider-Man, the title that got me into comics in the first place, is tripping. It appears that the creative teams of the UU have pulled out all the stops and they allow and continue to ultimize these characters as they see fit, failing to realize that these congested titles aren't getting the proper attention that they should be. Furthermore, the way they have things coming out it's screwing with character growth, continuity, and a togetherness among the ultimate characters that already exist. It's like they are using Deadpool and the like to mend the fences and to patch up the seams that are so obviously tearing apart. It just frustrates me to no end to see what's going on with the UU at this point... I wish things would just simmer and get going.