DC Nation

And friend and I are kind of in a competition to see what would make a better Justice League storyline over the course of 50 or so issues. I'm trying to find the characters people would like most on that team so I can make something good about it.

Whoa. You're going to write 50 issues of script? Or are you just going to do, like, a proposal outline?

My suggestion would be to work on story first and let the characters involved arise organically.

;) But I'll totally submit my team a little later anyway.
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Whoa. You're going to write 50 issues of script? Or are you just going to do, like, a proposal outline?

My suggestion would be to work on story first and let the characters involved arise organically.

;) But I'll totally submit my team a little later anyway.

Oh hell no this is all proposal first. I don't have the time to write out full script if I ain't getting paid.

And I think I've got a pretty damn impressive cast of characters so far with a few good storylines so far. I was just interested in seeing what everyone else thought.
HeroesCon: DC Nation

Missing characters, sudden deaths, and shiny, happy stories are the focus of DC's only panel at HeroesCon. Senior Story Editor Ian Sattler hosted a discussion of "Brightest Day," "Flash," and DC's new direction.
So Captain Britain and MI13 and Dark X-Men and Wisdom writer Paul Cornell signed an exclusive deal with DC

good for him but it really pisses me off that CB&MI13 wont be revisited again anytime soon Marvel never really gave any of his work the publicity they deserved so much
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I always liked the skirt she had in Superman: Red Son, but I like this too (though I think she should lose the jacket and choker).
It'd be good to have a poll on all the different outfits she's had over the years.

There's an image in Dark Knight Strikes Again of her riding a pegasus, which is still my favourite WW image. That's the standard american flag design. I didn't rate the white catsuit in her new series much at all, but the new one seems like it could be good.

From what i can gather about the direction - amazons have been wiped from history, but they are still there in the shadows - kinda like neverwhere or some such. It probably won't be too long before that gets rewritten - but if JMS is trying to bring together 3 different versions or historys of Wonder Woman i can see why he'd want to do some reality altering.
I'm interested. There are parts of the costume i like but parts I dislike. I always liked the longer skirt and battle armor look for her.
yeah, the jacket definitely has a 90s X-Men feel to it.

I read Wonder Woman #600 and I am sold on the new direction.

There was also a great story about Power Girl and Wonder Woman involving Egg Fu and "manga monsters."

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