Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen a movie, either because of great reviews, your friends' talk about how good it is, Acadamy awards, or because it's considered a 'classic', only to discover it's a bunch of over-rated garbage?
I'll probably get a lot of guff for starting the thread with this one, but it's honestly the best example I can think of.
Fight Club
This movie is Mediocraty Incarnate. A wimpy guy living in a dank house listening to his roomate, who he hates, constantly doing it with a trampy girl who he hates even more.
It started out okay, but just got worse and worse.
Helana Bonham-Carter's performance was like watching someone do a bad impression of Allison from The Breakfast Club, only much more annoying because of her raspy, grating voice. Brad Pitt's was even worse. It was just him doing his patented "Smoldering Stare" for two hours.
The "Fight Club" scenes were boring and stupid and I even figured out the "suprise" ending about halfway through.
Anyway, it had a few saving graces, but not too many. Edward Norton gave a decent perfomance.
I'd give it a 4/10. It probably would've gotten a 6 if I hadn't spent the last few years listening to people rave about it.
So what about you? Have you ever had a similar experience while watching a movie?
I'll probably get a lot of guff for starting the thread with this one, but it's honestly the best example I can think of.
Fight Club
This movie is Mediocraty Incarnate. A wimpy guy living in a dank house listening to his roomate, who he hates, constantly doing it with a trampy girl who he hates even more.
It started out okay, but just got worse and worse.
Helana Bonham-Carter's performance was like watching someone do a bad impression of Allison from The Breakfast Club, only much more annoying because of her raspy, grating voice. Brad Pitt's was even worse. It was just him doing his patented "Smoldering Stare" for two hours.
The "Fight Club" scenes were boring and stupid and I even figured out the "suprise" ending about halfway through.
Anyway, it had a few saving graces, but not too many. Edward Norton gave a decent perfomance.
I'd give it a 4/10. It probably would've gotten a 6 if I hadn't spent the last few years listening to people rave about it.
So what about you? Have you ever had a similar experience while watching a movie?