Do you consider Geldoff and Tony Stark mutants?

Do you consider Geldoff and Tony Stark mutants?

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Well there are two theories to this. One is that everyone has an X-Gene inside them, therefore however technically you get, you're a mutant basically. The other is my opinion, that they are not mutants just enhanced humans therefore going under a IUGM or Misc. option. But I haven't read Ultimate Iron Man yet, so tell me if somethings wrong.
Um, yeah, i'm not getting ultimate iron man in single issues, so i have no idea why Tony Stark could be considered a mutant... :?
Personally, I consider mutants people who are born with the extra abilities- anything "normal" humans can't do. If its artificial, it doesn't count.

Geldoff was altered before his birth. This means that he is artificial. Thus, not a mutant in the comics sense (He is a mutant in the sense that he can do things normals can't)

I haven't read Iron Man 1 yet but it sounds the same with Stark.
I think Stark is a mutant because his enhancement is due to the mutation that his mother was enduring because of the virus she made and then got exposed to.. it wasnt an accident.. it was a mutation.. although.. come to think of it .. I already voted but I want to take my vote back because she was already pregnant at that time.. neither are mutants, but are mutations whether intentional or not..
TheApostle said:
I think Stark is a mutant because his enhancement is due to the mutation that his mother was enduring because of the virus she made and then got exposed to.. it wasnt an accident.. it was a mutation.. although.. come to think of it .. I already voted but I want to take my vote back because she was already pregnant at that time.. neither are mutants, but are mutations whether intentional or not..
Same here about Tony. But Geldoff IS NOT a mutant. He WAS NOT born with his powers, therefore, he is not a mutant. To be a mutant, you would have to be born with the powers already inside you, ust dormany until puberty, sometime before (SUPER RARE cases). Geldoff was given the powers through experimantation on him. So Geldoff is just like Captain America. An artificial genetically andvanced human.
Nope, Geldoff was experimented on whilst still inside the womb. Remember what Xavier said? The mutant gene was injected into the placenta, which is the organ women have to give birth to after giving birth to their child. Like mutants, he was born with his abilities but they didn't manifest until puberty. I don't think either him or Stark are mutants, the Ultimate U mutants have been described as an "act of God". Stark and Geldoff are both cases in which a foreign outside factor has altered them geneticallythrough no fault of their own.
They are geneticaly altered creatures, based upon the human genome. Not homo-Superior or Homo-Sapian. They're a whole new ballgame folks.
This is working on the assumption that Maria's baby in Ult. Iron Man #1 is Tony. Likely - yes, confirmed - no.
I've been thinking. And I wish I could change my vote to both Tony and Geldoff being non-mutant. Not even likely will Tony become a mutant. A mutant is born with their powers, genetically, from the father's side. What happened to Tony, is that his mother got a virus in her, that got into Tony as well, which is going to/led to his smartness. Tony didn't get that from just the DNA from his father, but from a virus, so Tony, therefore, is not a mutant.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Just curious on what you guys officially thought...

Geldoff is a test tube mutant and one that definitely needs to be elaborated on...

Tony Stark, on the other hand, is definitely out of left field... I'm guessing this has to do with whatever is going on in UIM. If he was a mutant, that would be stupid. SHIELD can find out that Wasp is but not him?
Goodwill said:
Geldoff is a test tube mutant and one that definitely needs to be elaborated on...
Geldoff is in terms, not a mutant. He wasn't born naturally with his powers. Tony is also not a mutant, as I explained above. That also applies to Geldoff, except the parts about the virus.
My thoughts on the subject (if anyone cares):
Geldoff is an artificial created mutant and Tony Stark is a advanced evolutioned human cause by an illegal mutation.
I can't really explain the differences more than that but I don't consider any of them as regular mutants. Geldoff MAY be an new kind or classification of a mutant but that is as far as I can go.
Ultimate Warrior said:
My thoughts on the subject (if anyone cares):
Geldoff is an artificial created mutant and Tony Stark is a advanced evolutioned human cause by an illegal mutation.
I can't really explain the differences more than that but I don't consider any of them as regular mutants. Geldoff MAY be an new kind or classification of a mutant but that is as far as I can go.
Think of it this way:

Geldoff was MADE into a mutant. He never was one naturally.
I've voted neither because of the official ruling. The sentinels only attack those with the X-gene, the X-gene then is the official government line for what is or is not a mutant. Neither carry the X-gene, so officially, they are not mutants, just as Normon osborn isn't. Although the incidents that gave them abilities were before their birth, they had already begun to form, meaning that the existing genetic structure was altered, and was not a natural occurrence in either case.
It's simple really:

Geldoff - Illegal Unnatural Genetic Mutation (The X-Gene was injected into him, giving him powers that he wasn't born with.)