Doctor Who

Someone has obviously gone back in time to trick me.
My TV site calendar also has Doctor Who episode 2 listed for today. Weird.

It was definitely scheduled for today, it was just changed to this Saturday. A sudden change because even the sites that report the dates had it for today originally.

Oh well, nothing to do but wait until Saturday.
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I blame the cracks in the wall. All of time went weird and penguins lived in the Nile. Go check the museum if you don't believe me. Just don't touch the Pandorica.
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So I was re-watching the regneration and dammit, is anyone else astonished at how old he seems? Moffat put this up on his twitter on March 31st:

Steven Moffat said:
Just coming out of an edit. The extraordinary thing about Matt Smith is that, of all the Doctors, he's the best at being OLD.

I think he's referring to that very scene. Matt Smith is old.

Also, the whole regeneration thing is just... bamboozling. I can comprehend the possibility that the astronaut has to discharge its green energy and for some reason it must be the Doctor who takes it (since he can survive), but what I don't get is that it's very clear that the astronaut shoots the Doctor multiple times, waits till he's regenerating, then kills him. Perhaps he's not shooting him dead, but taking energy from the Doctor and it needed the regeneration energy?

It's very, very intriguing because the Doctor must have a very big reason for casually accepting his death. Perhaps it was the terms of a negotiation? The astronaut doesn't kill everyone if he can kill the Doctor 50 years hence?

But I'm certain that not only is that the Doctor properly dying for real, but that he doesn't have a way out. Maybe Amy and River and Rory or whoever will work out a way to save him afterwards, but I honestly don't think the Doctor has a plan. I think he's very aware he's going to die, and a part of me honestly thinks that this won't be fully resolved in part two. I think that the mid-season finale (ep #7) or the season finale (ep #12) will end with this scene.

What's wonderful is for the first time since... since BABYLON 5, the head writer of the show says, "You haven't seen anything. Major changes are coming your way." I actually believe them and I just do not know what's going to happen.

So happy.
Possibility: Wherever he got the car from?

The car is the TARDIS! :p But seriously, the missing TARDIS is a big plot point, I'm sure.

No one else wondering why only Amy and River got sick?

The Silence make you a bit nauseous when you forget them, and in Amy's case, it's possibly also a bit of morning sickness. There's a part of me that wonders if the girl in the space suit is Amy's child...
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I thought that too, bout the being sick, but so far none of the guys have had anything happen to them yet.

It could be an early warning system.

It seems to only happen the second time they see the Silence. Rory only saw them once.

Yes, I think so, too. It's not like he can just leave it anywhere!

Considering the effort to dispose of his body (and that in and of itself is weird! The spaceman goes back into the lake and then the Doctor's body is burned alive on a boat that just happened to be there on the very lake, just where the spaceman appeared), the TARDIS must have been equally destroyed. This is, of course, why the summons had to take place in Amy and Rory's time, since they couldn't time travel.
I was looking at some awful Doctor Who fan tumblrs (so many washed out, photoshopped pictures of Amy oh god) and it turns out people have been scouring last season for hints of the Silents/Silence showing up. There are a couple instances that could be blamed on odd acting or production screw ups. (Amy looking around the TARDIS at the end of "The Eleventh Hour" and looking horrified for just a second before turning around and asking the Doctor something, the door of the TARDIS moving on its own in the background at the end of "Vampires of Venice" when they're returning to it)

The one that seems totally legitimate and creepy happens at about 21:45 in "The Lodger", while Amy is talking to the Doctor. Who the hell is she yelling at?? And why was it not mentioned at any other point in the episode??
I am pretty convinced it isn't River. Because if it was River she'd already know. Her reaction to when the Doctor is shot mid-regeneration is way too spontaneous for her not to know. Even if Kingston didn't know when she played the part, Moffat, who sees the rushes, would've told them to dial it down. He had them reshoot the opening of THE BIG BANG because Karen Gillan said, "This is where it gets really complicated" and he had them redo it because he didn't want her to say "really". I dunno. River doesn't seem right to me (based on what we know). Doctor, Amy, Rory, Amy and Rory's child, Canton 3 all seem plausible too. It's possible we haven't even seen the person who'll be in the suit yet. Indeed, the little girl in the suit could be Rory and Amy's child. As for River killing a 'good man' - I wonder if it's the Doctor. It's possible she killed someone else.
Well, in regards to the "good man" thing, I wondered if it was a bit of reverse psychology. Your first thought last season is that the Doctor being the "good man" is too obvious and really just impossible, so in a way it's unpredictable. But you're right, the Doctor's killer could be absolutely anyone. All we can really say is that the Doctor (200 years from now) recognizes this person, which doesn't exactly narrow it down.
I didn't expect the lighting-explosion thing. That was pretty fricking worrisome. What I don't get though, is why they live in sewers but dress smart. Also! Did everyone notice that the machine River and Rory found in the tunnels is exactly the same as the machine above Craig's bungalow in THE LODGER? And it seems the Silence want to eradicate existence, which probably ties into the fact that they themselves kinda don't exist. Their Pandorica plan was to make nothing to have existed ever, the cracks in space made people forget, they want Amy to tell the Doctor his future which may rip open the fabric of space and time... weird guys.

I think the set that looks identical to the one above Craig's apartment was glimpsed in the trailer and I know
James Corden was seen filming for
the finale, so there must be a connection with the Silents there.
So I was re-watching the regneration and dammit, is anyone else astonished at how old he seems? Moffat put this up on his twitter on March 31st:

I think he's referring to that very scene. Matt Smith is old.
Man, I was thinking this during "The Big Bang" last year, when he's talking to little Amy near the end of the episode. When he gets really wistful like that he just seems so incredibly old. It's funny to remember the first shots they released of him before they'd decided on his "look" where he was dressed all in black with a hip hairdo and everyone thought they were mistaken to pick an actor so young.

So something occurs to me.

Where is the dead Doctor's TARDIS?
I was looking at some awful Doctor Who fan tumblrs (so many washed out, photoshopped pictures of Amy oh god) and it turns out people have been scouring last season for hints of the Silents/Silence showing up. There are a couple instances that could be blamed on odd acting or production screw ups. (Amy looking around the TARDIS at the end of "The Eleventh Hour" and looking horrified for just a second before turning around and asking the Doctor something, the door of the TARDIS moving on its own in the background at the end of "Vampires of Venice" when they're returning to it)

The one that seems totally legitimate and creepy happens at about 21:45 in "The Lodger", while Amy is talking to the Doctor. Who the hell is she yelling at?? And why was it not mentioned at any other point in the episode??


Okay. Well, now I have to see season 5 again.

EDIT - Weird. I must have edited this before. Anyhow, I just rewatched THE ELEVENTH HOUR and THE LODGER for the pertinent silence bits.

Nope. They're not there. I mean, if these things happened... I'd remember.

EDIT - I don't remember putting any of this up.

Anyhow, a thought occurs.

Let's say that the Silence are indeed on the TARDIS. A lot of things start to make sense. First of all, how did they sabotage the TARDIS? Because they were in it. While River was trying to fix it, the Silence were actually on the TARDIS causing it to go boom. How did they get on the TARDIS? Because they exist on the other side of the cracks in space. That's where they come from. They blew up the TARDIS in order to create the cracks so they could get into our side of reality. This is why no one remembers them. Like the cracks, they make you forget. And what was the vehicle that got them from one side to the other? The TARDIS. It pulled them into our world. How does this whole thing start? It's a friggin' time loop.

But, wait, it gets better.

If the Silence were in the TARDIS, where would they go? Wherever the Doctor went. And where does the Doctor go? Earth. A lot. In all time periods. So he's been inadvertently dropping the Silence off throughout human history, giving them free reign.

Which is why the 1100 year old Doctor said, "Humans. I never thought I'd get done saving you." Those escapades at the beginning of the episode? They weren't frivolous. The Doctor was going through time and space defeating the Silence throughout history. When he finally finished defeating all the Silence's incursions, which took 200 years, he accepted his fate and returned to 2011 to die. (And I can imagine when this is revealed, someone asks about the Laurel and Hardy thing and the Doctor would reply, "Oh that. I deserved a break.") Notice that when Amy sees the Silence on the beach, the Doctor is very aware that's what she saw.

I should do a manifesto.
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I watched it too. I thought so too... but I'm just not sure.

EDIT - Right. So some crazy thoughts:

1 - River Song is Amy Pond's daughter.

2 - The Silence tell Amy to tell the Doctor about his death because they know that this will put the Doctor in an impossible situation: either he avoids his death and the universe is destroyed by a paradox, or, he dies. I think that's there plan here, and the gasoline is to make certain that the Silent who watches the Doctor's death can't get his body.

But then... maybe he did. Think about it. He could walk up to the body and take a cell and no one would remember.
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Does this mean the little girl is the Doctor's daughter?
My Theory: When Amy reimagined the universe with the Doctor in it, she remembered him as a part of herself. Now she is part Time Lord, and I bet Rory is similarly shoddily recreated as both man and machine. They're both Anomalies, and the Baby is as well.

Also: I wasn't that impressed with the second part, honestly... The Doctor just basically programmed the Human Race to kill the bad guy. I realize it was a ploy to get The Silence running, but it seems too easy for him. The Doctor is supposed to be better than that.
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