Dream-Teaming Round 4: The Suicide Squad

The Suicide Squad

The Pitch
This is something different. My idea is a Suicide Squad in space made up for some of the worse the universe as seen. A mysterious person is going around promising these characters what they want in exchange for services. They all agree at first, but like any villain team it is not easy to control.

The Characters


Last seen starting a new species of her race. It failed after Lady Styx ravaged the planet, only she survived, and she has been roaming with no purpose. The person confronts her and promises her an empty planet to try again and revenge.

Forerunner is one of the swiftest killers in the galaxy. She possesses telepathy and the ability to become temporarily invisible.


Lobo was the easiest one to convince and the hardest one to control. Given a huge amount and cash with a brand new copper. He agrees after promised more money than ever received.

Lobo is basically unkillable. Able to regenerate by a drop of blood.


Sister to the Titan Starfire. She was striped of her powers by Hawkman. The stranger gives them back to her for exchange of her help. A first disgusted by Lobo, she eventually gives in and has a night of passion with him.

Processing extreme energy powers.


An old enemy of Hal Jordon and Kyle Rayner. Rayner imprisoned him inside a core of a planet. For his freedom, he has agrees to help.

He was originally a warrior of great ferocity on his home world. He was eventually upgraded, merged with an armor that fed on the energy of dying stars and could adapt to any weapon thrown at it



The drill sergeant of the Sinestro Corps. Banished by Sinestro after his defeat by Mongul. Allowed to keep his ring until he can prove himself that he is allowed by in. The stranger promises him revenge on Mongul.

His ring isn't as powerful as it could be, but it is still a formidable weapon.


The Sentient Universe. The Stranger reveals that he isn't not completely dead after his battle with Frankstein. That his consciousness is still in tact. The stranger resembles his body in exchange of his work and the promise to return him to his Queen.


Dark Angel
The Stranger found her wondering the stars with no memory. She has no idea who she is or was. With promises to return her memory, she joins. Her and Forerunner have an old rivalry that Forerunner is forced to forget for now.

Dark Angel has vast powers and is able to perform a variety of feats including mind control, altering her size, teleportation and altering the time stream.

The First Mission
Killing Lady Styx

The Stranger - Vril Dox

He is revealed to be Vril Dox or Brainiac 2. Leader of The Legion. It seems he was paid to kill Lady Styx and has decided that his Legion is not up to the task. So he creates this team of killers and madman to combat this threat. He is positive that most of them will die and will succeed. He will deal with the survivors and the promises later.

I see other arcs including them fighting the Green Lanterns, Adam Strange & Hawkman, and Captain Comet, going to Earth. Stuff with Dark Angel and Donna Troy.

The Creative Team

Writer - Keith Giffen

Creator of Lobo and the writer of Marvel's Annihilation. I think he is a perfect fit.

Artist - Phillip Tan

After seeing his art on Final Crisis - Revelations and the current Green Lantern arc. I think he can really design this space epic.​
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TOG's is pretty good, oddly enough I guessed right that someone would use Arkillo if they did a cosmic Squad. However I am disappointed in the lack of Solaris The Tyrant Sun. I'm getting pics of my squad together.
TOG's is pretty good, oddly enough I guessed right that someone would use Arkillo if they did a cosmic Squad. However I am disappointed in the lack of Solaris The Tyrant Sun. I'm getting pics of my squad together.

I was going to go with some random chick Corp member. But eh.
TOG's team would self destruct in a matter of minutes.

Which would be hilariously awesome, and started by Lobo, who would try to feel up Blackfire.

And from there they would simply degenerate into chaotic infighting.
Round ends in a little under an hour. Barring any last minute entries I think we can start voting.

That's me you're talking about.

Edit: Never mind. **** it. I know I'm not going to end up getting it done.
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****, I completely forgot about this. I had my cast but I'm can't make my pitch in time.

Ahh **** it, here:

Fred Van Lente scripting and Jimmy Palmiotti

Trying to take over the world is so last year. Seeking revenge only gets you a punch in the mouth at the least. Getting rich quick is the best strategy, let those other chumps try to take over the world they wouldn't know what to do if they succeeded anyway. Enter The Suicide Squad, when the heavy hitter villains need a new trans-dimensional gate stolen from S.T.A.R. Labs, who they gonna call? When a rogue nation needs a nuclear stockpile, who can help? When shadowy government organizations need a political figure assassinated, who do they turn to? The Suicide Squad that's who. Run by villains for villains they will help anyone who requests it*, no matter how dangerous the mission.

*Of course the requestees have to be able to pay the hefty fees. Otherwise, no deal.


Powerhouse, can also adapt other technology to his body thereby customizing himself for any mission. Metallo is also the field leader since he has the most experience. Says he put together the Squad for the financial payoff but that might not be entirely true...

Gemini/Madame Rouge II

Infiltrator, the daughter of the original Madame Rouge has all of the shape shifting powers of her mother, making her the ideal inside man to have on any job. For so far unknown reasons she prefers to take the shape of her late mother when she's not working.

Killer Croc

The Batman villain believes himself to be too big a fish for the pond called Gotham, so when Metallo offers him a spot on his Squad he jumps at his chance to make it big. Croc is there as a secondary bruiser specializing in underwater operations.

Killer Frost

Ice powers. Supporting fighter/bait, Frost loves creating havoc so that's exactly what what Metallo lets her do. Frost's powers allow her to hold her own with most heroes as well as cause problems on the ground that are big enough to keep do gooder attention on her and away from the rest of the Squad. Causing chaos and getting paid obscene amouts of money? Killer Frost is definitely the member who has the most fun with her job.

Silver Banshee

Has sound based powers. Like Killer Frost, Banshee usually serves as a distraction but can also perform on the main mission if it is required of her. Says she's in the Squad for the money but it seems that Metallo might have some info on her that she doesn't want getting out.

The Calculator

Planner. Calculator directs the team from an isolated location. Metallo secured his services by promising a way to help his daughter Wendy wake from her coma.

The first arc had The Brain hiring them to steal "IF" from the JLA satellite. Madame Rouge uses her powers to infiltrate the satellite and sabotages the water pumping mechanism, Croc stows away in one of the temporary freshwater tanks sent up and meets up with Rouge. Meanwhile Metallo, Killer Frost, and Silver Banshee start wrecking Metropolis. Most of (but not all!) the JLA gets sent down to handle the Metropolis situation, giving Rouge and Croc (directed by Calculator) 30 minutes to get what they came for and get out before the JLA heavy hitters get back. Can they do it!?
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Sure, close enough. I only have one vote so far anyway and he can change his vote if he wishes.

Anybody else? I can push the deadline to tomorrow night if there's anyone who still wants to participate.

Yeah. Push it forward. I'll put my something together.
Yeah. Push it forward. I'll put my something together.
Alright, I've got two votes now and you're both welcome to change them after ZP and anyone else enters their submissions. If I don't receive new PMs I'll just assume that you're happy with your current selections.

Round ends tomorrow at midnight and a winner will be announced Saturday night/Sunday morning.

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