I know the film is coming out soon, but I don't understand why Elektra is used so much by Marvel, there are so many other cool female characters that don't get used anywhere near as much, roll on Carol Danvers in Ultimates.
I love it it is the most reality based comic out there. I mean this is stuff that happens most of the time at night (except for the super killers and stuff) but laundring money and all the other stuff seems like something you would read in the news and stuff. Only one complaint and that's where's DD coustume?
And I agree about the series being the best reality-based series. I think most people that don't like it go into it expecting or hoping for another Ultimates, and that's not the case.
I voted for AVERAGE. It was a good read, but it could have been done better. But not "crap" or "not worthy of ultimate marvel" as some have put it to be.
I already voted.. I cant remember what I voted for but I wish I had voted for disappointing cos the ending was kinda.. just.. it left something to be desired.. HEY MY COMICS SHOP HASNT GOT ULTIMATES 2 2 in yet.. im horked.. ok bye..