If you could meet any 5 people....

I see no point in choosing living people. If they're alive, there's probably still a chance you could meet them. But if you could meet anybody, why wouldn't you pick people who you know you're never going to meet in your life, no matter how hard you try.

Jesus Christ
An obvious choice (Whether he lived or not). What is there to say? Maybe the most influential person to ever live. What I'd really like to know is how much his actual teachings differed from what has been attributed to him (Because I've had a theory for a long time that this difference was probably quite dramatic).
Leonardo Da Vinci
Without a question, the man was a genius. Just the way his mind worked and how he saw the world was astonishing. Like Planet-Man said, it would be great to see what he thinks of the modern world.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
In my humble opinion, the greatest president and perhaps the greatest figure in American history. The more I read about him, the more I absolutely love him. I want to go back in time and have his babies. He overcame a huge disability and led the country with more love, compassion, and strength than any other president before him. They just don't make leaders like this anymore.
Guatama Buddha
Another religious figure who'd just be really interesting to talk to. What would actually be more interesting would be to get Buddha and Jesus in a room together and listen to their conversation.
Albert Einstein
Perhaps the most important scientist that ever lived. I'd just like to hear him explain his own theories and talk about science. He seemed like a really great guy.
William Shakespeare - Anyone who has ever wanted to put pen to paper has wanted to talk to the bard. I'm no different.
Shakespeare is highly overrated.

I see no point in choosing living people. If they're alive, there's probably still a chance you could meet them. But if you could meet anybody, why wouldn't you pick people who you know you're never going to meet in your life, no matter how hard you try.

Jesus Christ
An obvious choice (Whether he lived or not). What is there to say? Maybe the most influential person to ever live. What I'd really like to know is how much his actual teachings differed from what has been attributed to him (Because I've had a theory for a long time that this difference was probably quite dramatic).
Leonardo Da Vinci
Without a question, the man was a genius. Just the way his mind worked and how he saw the world was astonishing. Like Planet-Man said, it would be great to see what he thinks of the modern world.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
In my humble opinion, the greatest president and perhaps the greatest figure in American history. The more I read about him, the more I absolutely love him. I want to go back in time and have his babies. He overcame a huge disability and led the country with more love, compassion, and strength than any other president before him. They just don't make leaders like this anymore.
Guatama Buddha
Another religious figure who'd just be really interesting to talk to. What would actually be more interesting would be to get Buddha and Jesus in a room together and listen to their conversation.
Albert Einstein
Perhaps the most important scientist that ever lived. I'd just like to hear him explain his own theories and talk about science. He seemed like a really great guy.
Boring. None of them ever killed anyone.
Shakespeare is highly overrated.

Overrated and not good/great are two totally different things. He may not be the be all, end all of writers that every teacher you've ever had has made him sound like, but I defy you to read some of his better stuff and tell me he's not a brilliant writer.
Boring. None of them ever killed anyone.


And Roosevelt totally oversaw the creation of the A-Bomb.

Which Einstein CONTRIBUTED TO.
Overrated and not good/great are two totally different things. He may not be the be all, end all of writers that every teacher you've ever had has made him sound like, but I defy you to read some of his better stuff and tell me he's not a brilliant writer.
Yeah...But he's still overrated.

And my current English teacher actually agrees.
Forgot about that. Plus he and Moses killed the Romans with machine guns.
And Roosevelt totally oversaw the creation of the A-Bomb.

Which Einstein CONTRIBUTED TO.
Contributed to deaths and killed are two totally seperate things.

Yeah...But he's still overrated.

And my current English teacher actually agrees.
Your English teacher will soon be taken away in the night to the English Major Re-Education Facility in Northwic, Maine. There he will be 'enlightened' by a team of Grammar Nazis and Poet Laureattes.
My final list;

Bruce Lee: The most important person EVAAR. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

Jack The Ripper: Admit it. You're curious. You want to know just who this ****er was, and why he (she?) did it. I read From Hell, so I'm basically an expert. Bow before my expertise!!

Abraham Lincoln: I went through this before. He's a ****ing fascist, and I'd really enjoy punching him in the mouth.

Yip Man: If I'm going to meet Bruce Lee, then I'm also going to meet the man who trained Bruce Lee. Yip Man is a legend, and deserves a spot on my fantastically awesome list.

Natalie Portman: mmmm...Natalie Portman...:heybaby:

Kevin Smith: Down to earth, Funny and a fantastic writer. Clerks, is arguably the funniest movie I've ever seen.
Johnny Cash - Probably my favourite musician. I'm not really into 'bands' per se, I just like songs when I hear them. He's the only musician who's songs I pretty much always like. I read his autobiography last year and it was just amazing. Not to mention 'Walk The Line' is one of my favourite films.

Johnny Cash is one of my favorites. I have the Unearthed box set and the 3-disc Sun Records set on my iPod and I just put it on Johnny Cash shuffle.

I'm surpised there is no Kristin Kreuk on there.

He already met her. Duh.
I see no point in choosing living people. If they're alive, there's probably still a chance you could meet them. But if you could meet anybody, why wouldn't you pick people who you know you're never going to meet in your life, no matter how hard you try.

I totally agree, which is why my main list has no currently living people, but my runner-up list is full of them. However, somebody made a good point about the situation thing, where you could meet your comic creating idol and actually converse with them without just being the fan.

I've got a mental list of people I fully intend to meet someday, including Ol' Boomstick, Stan the Man, Noell Neill & Jack Larson(I think I'll be able to go the Metropolis, IL Superman festival next year), Michael Showalter, David Wain, Michael Ian Black, and Gothamite. And hopefully, a handful of you guys.

Shakespeare is highly overrated.


Out of curiosity, which of his plays have you read?
I just realised Gothamite is Planet-man's friend who he is writing a Batman story or something with. High five!
Wade_Wilson broke the game

I'm surprised I'm on nobody's lists, I'm crazy awesome

Here's mine

Victor Von Doom: Cause we're lovers
McCheese: Cause we're lovers
ProjectX2: Cause we're lovers
E: Cause we all want to be his lover
Thee Great One: Cause he's great, and he likes to watch male orgies
Wade_Wilson broke the game

I'm surprised I'm on nobody's lists, I'm crazy awesome

Here's mine

Victor Von Doom: Cause we're lovers
McCheese: Cause we're lovers
ProjectX2: Cause we're lovers
E: Cause we all want to be his lover
Thee Great One: Cause he's great, and he likes to watch male orgies
This post was so POTD it made me hard.

And on that note, can I watch you uh... love?
Wade_Wilson broke the game

I'm surprised I'm on nobody's lists, I'm crazy awesome

Here's mine

Victor Von Doom: Cause we're lovers
McCheese: Cause we're lovers
ProjectX2: Cause we're lovers
E: Cause we all want to be his lover
Thee Great One: Cause he's great, and he likes to watch male orgies
I don't know what to say to this.

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