Law & Order: UC Episode 2

I need to think out the next episode as soon as I finished this one

this one I collaborated with Bass on, the next one I could use some help as well

Just PM your ideas, and we'll see what we can do
compound said:
Any chance we'll eventually get to see Rhyo as a tough-talking, independent Special Crimes officer who doesn't take crap from E?

That would be cool.
A couple of days later, inside the 82nd precinct.

Houde and Bass were entertaining a few of the officers around there desk, as well as two new officers, Ice and Nigma.

Houde:...and then Bass slammed him against the wall.
Bass: He deserved it
Houde: And old Slimmy started to cry.
Bass: It was great.
Ice: Wow, you guys are cool
Nur: Trust me, the coolness factor wears off once you get to know them.
Houde: How's your hand?
Nur: Getting better, the Doc said by next week the manicure shoudl be gone and I can take it out of the cast.
Bass: Too bad MWoF is stuck in the hospital until his chest hair grows back.
Nur: Funny part is, Hawkeye101 seems normal by it.
Nigma: Yea, and that hot girl is talking to him right now.
Houde: Hot girl? Who?

Houde looks over to see Skotti and Hawkeye101 talking. Skotti is obviously flirting as she casually runs her hands over Hawkeye101's chest.

Houde: I gotta put an end to this.

He walks over to the two of them.

Skotti: Wow, it feels really nice.
Hawkeye101: It's suede
Houde: Hey guys, what's up?
Skotti: I'm admiring Hawkeye101's shirt, it's real swede.
Houde: That's nice, did I tell you I caught Loebendis?
Hawkeye101: And my bathroom shower curtain matches the rugs.
Skotti: That's so hot.
Houde: It is?
Skotti: Oh yea, I love a guy who can color coordinate his bathroom.
Hawkeye101: Did you know I have three, count em, three different shampoo's?
Skotti: I need to take you out, right now.
Houde: HEY! I can cook a mean mac & cheese!
Skotti: Sorry Houdey baby, tell E I left early, okies?
Houde: No...

Skotti walks out arm and arm with Hawkeye101. She turns right before she leaves the door, to give Houde a wink, then she leans her head against Hawkeye101's shoulder, and walks out with him.

Bass and Nur walk up behind Houde.

Bass: Can't win em all.
Nur: I wonder if I show her my hand, I could get some play as well?
Houde: This sucks.

ProjectX2 comes stomping around the corner.

ProjectX2: You guys better hurry and get into E's Office. He wants a word with you all, except for you Nur, he doesn't want to talk to you.
Nur: Why not me?
ProjectX2: He's afraid you might have metro cooties.
Nur: Dammit!

Houde and Bass look at each other, and shrug, they wander into E's Office. They see E looking out the window, he face hidden, and Cad, crying into the desk.

Bass: What happened?
Cad (muffled): His case was brillant. Hitllar was his lawyer, I had no chance.
Houde: What?
E: Loebendis got out.
Bass: What? How?
Cad: His lawyer was Hitllar, the one who defended Brian K. Moore, and Joe DiDio. Anyways, he told the jury that Loebendis wouldn't be able to finish the story in prison, so the jury let him out.
Bass: That bastard.
Houde: He knew he was going to get out.
E: Yup, he just wanted the coverage for his story.
Bass: I should have shot him, you should have let me shoot him!
Houde: Next time, I'll let you do that.
E: And I'll look someplace else.
Cad: And I'll make sure you don't go to jail for it.
Bass: Next time. By the way, they get the stain out of the lobby?
E: Oh yeah, turns out club soda got it out.
Cad: Still, never thought black cherry soda left a stain like that.
Houde: That's the last time we let our Nexus drink before going after a serial writer.

The office laughs at the corny joke as the screen fades to black.

I love the fact that Nur's manicured hand is in a cast. That's superb.

Loebendis... one day...
I have a collaborator for the third one, one is compound, the other was a small idea from Project I plan to use.

I may need help from a lyrics master though

Expect it to be appearing soon
Ultimate Houde said:
I have a collaborator for the third one, one is compound, the other was a small idea from Project I plan to use.

I may need help from a lyrics master though

Expect it to be appearing soon

It's strange because I can't remember what I said.

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