MWoF: AGAIN! He plays it every five damn minutes. I swear it's the only keys he knows!
Nur: Hey, manwithoutfear, you know somethings?
MWoF: No? What is it?
Nur: Without Houde or Bass here, we are both the coolest, and bestest, cops here
MWoF: Even with Houe and Bass around, we are the coolest and bestest and FUNNIEST cops here!
Nur: Everyone loves us!
MWoF: I know!
Both of them pause during their mutual masterbation of each other's egos to look at a strange man walking past them. He fake mustache falls off, and he grabs it, putting it back on,
Moonmaster: Excuse me fine piggies, I mean, coppers, gosh I hope they don't see through my disguise, I am looking for a most excellent pig..copper by the name of Bass.
MWoF and Nurhachi both look at each other.
MWoF: Is he serious?
Nur: Right this ay sir.
Moonmaster: Thank you fin...
Nur grabs Moonmaster by the arm.
Moonmaster: NO ONE TOUCHES ME! NO ONE LAYS A HAND ON THE GREAT MOON....I mean, don't touch me sir, I have scientology.
Nur: Heard that's going around lately.
Moonmaster: Yes, it makes me want to eat small naked babies.
Nur: Oh, that's nice, I think our police cheif wants to see you.
Moonmaster: Um, I think I must go.
Moonmaster begins to run for the exit.
The only person in the way of Moonmaster was ProjectX2.
Moonmaster: I can take you old man.
He puts his head down, and runs full tilt at Project.
He bounces off Project onto the ground.
ProjectX2: I do love my ab-roller. Hard as steel, STEEL!
In London Bay
Houde: I don't think we are in the right place.
Guji: So your an Englishman, aren't you.
Houde: No, but this is the clothing store, London Bay.
Guji: And?
Houde: This picture is definitely of the docks.
VVD: Can we leave here, I'm feeling gayer by the second.
Houde: Sure thing, Ice, let's go!
Ice: But...But...There's a sale on the pink sweaters!
Houde: COME ON!
Guji: ***
Houde: Hey, he may be a ***, but he's our partner.
Guji: Actually I was asking if you would like a smoke.
Houde:: Oh, no thank you
Guji: Asshat
Houde: What crazy British slang does that one stand for?
Guji: That's no slang, you are an asshat.
VVD: You walked into that one
Guji: So, this is the docks.
Houde: Thank you
VVD: I want to teach these blokes the word of VVD
Guji: Overtestonerol?
VVD: What?
Ice: Hey guys, look, a clue!
Ice runs over to a box that is wrapped in birthday paper. It has Houde's name on it. Houde opens it, and finds another photo inside, this time it's one with a foot.
Houde: Amsterdam...
VVD: Wow your detective skills are amazing.
Guji: Esp. since the sign in the back says Amsterdam.
Houde: Joykill.
Guji: SO I guess this means you leaving now.
Houde: Yup, thanks for the help.
Guji: Use me and leave me.
VVD: My motto
Ice: It's okay Guji, you can have some of these clothes I bought.
Guji: No thanks, if I wanted these clothes, I steal some of my girlfriends.
Ice: Hey.
Houde: Time to go to Amsterdam boys...
TGO: Amsterdam, that's the next stop
Random: Kinda Random, isn't it?
Entropy: I fail to see how this situation has anything to do with you
Random: I'm talking about the word Random
TGO: Random, stop talking about yourself, only I'm allowed to talk to myself in thrid person, because TOG RULES!
Random: Your name is TGO
TGO: I know, TOG
Random: TGO
Random: TGO
Random: You suck
TGO: I know your mom sucks, she did it to me last night
Random: Last night we were on an airplane.
TGO: Last night me and your mom joined the mile high club.
Random: Let's just get to Amsterdam
Entropy: After you tell me why this situation has to do with you
Next on Law & Order, the insanity continues as Houde, VVD and Ice land in Amsterdam and meet with Private Fuzzy Birds. Also, TGO continues to misspell his own name!
Plus a new debut.
Insanity people, INSANITY!