Saints Row: The Third.


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2005
I'm really looking forward to this game and it's even more over the top than SR 2. And the character creation system is awesome!


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HAHAHAHA!!!! I cannot wait.


Seriously, can not wait.
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Character creator trailer!


The Demo for the character creator will be made public on Nov 1st
The demo for the character creator is up a can be downloaded.
Pimps and Gimps trailer....Also, Burt Reynolds.

Pimps and Gimps trailer....Also, Burt Reynolds.


1. Burt Reynolds = badass
2. I want the Dildo Bat
I'm loving the hell out of this game and the Hacker Kinzie is adorable.

And i love the Adult Swim radio station!
Someone found Professor Genki, and BEAT HIS ASS.


And he left me money

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Anyone wants to try out the co op?

I'll co-op with you sometime.

Just beat main story mode today :D just got activities ect... to do now bring on dlc

the video game boss level , the wrestling boss fight and gangsters in space
= soooo awesome
Someone found Professor Genki, and BEAT HIS ASS.


And he left me money


Sweet! Does he give you $300,000 exactly if you kill him?

I'll co-op with you sometime.

Sure thing! I'm mainly finishing up the Saintsbook challenges now.

Just beat main story mode today :D just got activities ect... to do now bring on dlc

the video game boss level , the wrestling boss fight and gangsters in space
= soooo awesome

I loved that
RVD was one of the play by play guys in that part
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