thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
What the hell is this thing and why have I never seen this horror before?

If The Thing ever hooked up with her, their sex would make the most unbearable sound ever. Way worse than nails on a chalkboard.
Wasn't this the Defalco era long after Bryne left?
Sadly, I have issues of Fantastic Four featuring She-Thing.
I thought she first appeared in The Thing's solo series.
Anyway, I first saw her in 4 a couple years ago. But I have read her profile in the All-New Handbook as "Ms. Marvel", believe it or not.
I thought she first appeared in The Thing's solo series.
Wikipedia says Joe is right, She-Thing first appeared in "The Thing" #27, which came out in Sept. 1985, and was created by Mike Carlin and Ron Wilson.
Edit: Marvel desperately needs a book starring her, just so they can introduce a gyno-geologist as a supporting cast member.