Spider-Man Spider-Man: HoM disscusion with #1-3 recap. (SPOILERS)

SM: HoM #5

Anyone else get this?
It was decent, not as great as it could have been, and kind of weird at the end. I don't know, overall the mini was good. The cliffhanger with 3 was the best moment in it, though.
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Re: SM: HoM #5

Pandrio said:
Anyone else get this?
It was decent, not as great as it could have been, and kind of wierd at the end. I don't know, overall the mini was good. The cliffhanger with 3 was the best moment in it, though.
It shouldn't have ended like that. Maybe some type of other resolution, but something that led you to "WAIT! WHAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN?!" with the white light panel from before.