Star Wars Canon Expanded Universe - Timeline - Reading Order

Anyone interested in doing Star Trek? It would be massive.
A long while ago I made this watch order for the seasons where DS9 overlaps with TNG and VOY.
  • Stardates are in order.
  • Multi-part episodes are together.
  • Gaps:
    • The 1998-99 season premieres each establish that months have passed. I simulated DS9's 3-month gap by stringing several VOY episodes together. The surrounding episodes' stardates prevented me from doing much for VOY's two-month gap. The stardates indicate a 37-day gap, so "two months" seems to be an exaggeration anyway.
    • "It's Only a Paper Moon" spans more time than most episodes. There's likely a larger-than-usual gap between it and "The Siege of AR-558," two episodes earlier.
    • Star Trek: Insurrection most likely takes place sometime between the opening of "It's Only a Paper Moon" and "Field of Fire." Worf doesn't appear during that period, which gives him time for off-station missions.
  • To decide when other undated episodes happened, I usually went by first airdate.
    • I say first airdate, because TNG and DS9 went direct-to-syndication. Each local station chose when to air episodes. That doesn't change the order of episodes within each series, but it means that there's no consistent day of the week when those episodes aired.
    • Exception: VOY aired on UPN, but sometimes its episodes were shuffled out of production order. For undated episodes, I looked at whether the stardates in that string of episodes are in production order or airdate order. Episodes listed out of VOY's airdate order are in bold.
    • When I had to make a judgment call, I prioritized alternating between series.

Most of it is pretty standard, until you get to the 1998-99 season. There are those months that happen offscreen, VOY is out of order, and DS9's final season has very few stardates. Lots of judgment calls there.

I expanded and clarified my notes at bit.

I should also mention that I made some changes yesterday and today. As I was going through it, I realized that I had originally prioritized alternating between the shows over using airdates. The current version matches my current set of priorities.
Last edited:
A long while ago I made this watch order for the period where TNG, DS9, and VOY overlap.
  • Stardates are in order.
  • Multi-part episodes are together.
  • Gaps:
    • The 1998 season premieres each establish that months have passed. I simulated DS9's 3-month gap by stringing several VOY episodes together. The surrounding episodes' stardates prevented me from doing much for VOY's 2-month gap.
    • Star Trek: Insurrection makes most sense if it happens during "It's Only a Paper Moon."
  • To decide when other episodes happened, I usually went by first airdate.
    • I say first airdate, because TNG and DS9 went direct-to-syndication. Each local station chose when to air episodes.
    • Exceptions:
      • VOY was sometimes aired out of order. For undated episodes, I looked at whether the stardates in that string of episodes are in production order or airdate order. Episodes listed out of airdate order are in bold.
    • Every once in a while, I had to make a judgment call. For those, I prioritized alternating between shows.

Most of it is pretty standard, until you get to the 1998-1999 season. There are those months that happen offscreen, VOY is out of order, and DS9's final season has very few stardates. Lots of judgment calls there.
If you want to start a new thread on this, let's dig in!
because high republics not going to be finished for a while should i wait till its finished or read it as it is and then later i can read it again
because high republics not going to be finished for a while should i wait till its finished or read it as it is and then later i can read it again
The easiest way you want, since Obi Wan Kenobi is about to release and it would be difficult to do both things + other comic series and novels that are coming
I really think we should have time stamp breakdowns for all on-screen media like we do other timelines. It would be helpful for things like Revenge Of The Sith/Clone Wars/Bad Batch crossing over.
You're more than welcome to make a timeline of your own with those time stamps if you like :) it's not something I'm personally interested in doing though!
I really think we should have time stamp breakdowns for all on-screen media like we do other timelines. It would be helpful for things like Revenge Of The Sith/Clone Wars/Bad Batch crossing over.
I'm in the process of making one! Taking me a while to read through everything chronologically, but right now I'm up through Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith #17. So it's very far from complete, but would anyone be interested in having access to it?
I really think we should have time stamp breakdowns for all on-screen media like we do other timelines. It would be helpful for things like Revenge Of The Sith/Clone Wars/Bad Batch crossing over.
Day 1
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x09, "Old Friends Not Forgotten" (0:00:36 - 0:16:23)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:01:49 - 0:33:17)

Day 2
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x09, "Old Friends Not Forgotten" (0:16:24 - 0:26:17)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:00:30 - 0:02:58)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:33:17 - 0:48:00)

Day 3
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:48:00 - 0:56:01)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:02:58 - 0:08:42)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:56:02 - 1:00:53)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:08:43 - 0:24:15)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:00:35 - 0:02:51)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:00:54 - 1:01:54)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:02:52 - 0:04:46)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:01:55 - 1:09:04)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:04:47 - 0:09:41)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:09:05 - 1:19:12)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:09:42 - 0:15:03)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:01:19 - 0:13:23)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:19:13 - 1:29:54)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:15:04 - 0:23:31)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x12, "Victory and Death" (0:00:36 - 0:19:12)

Day 4
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:29:55 - 1:34:00)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:13:24 - 0:18:54)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:34:00 - 1:36:38)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:18:54 - 0:21:25)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:36:38 - 1:38:33)
Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel - Chapter 12, "A Cog in Something Turning"

Day 5
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:38:33 - 1:42:18)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:21:25 - 0:41:15)

Day 6
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:41:16 - 1:10:21)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:42:19 - 2:08:54)
Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith #1, pg. 1 - 14

Day 7
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2:08:55 - 2:11:23)

Day 8
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2:11:24 - 2:13:46)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x12, "Victory and Death" (0:19:13 - 0:21:17)

I have a fairly rough timeline of all concurrent canon media that I've gone through with time stamps (@joshjodalton I'd love to see yours) so this is what I came up with through rewatches and comparing with other timelines and fan edits online. I'm sure I have some timestamp typos and mistakes. Old Legends reference books had dated Revenge of the Sith as starting at 15:5:20 as in May 20. That doesn't entirely work out with Padme's pregnancy considering that Ahsoka's trial is dated the same year as ROTS and the space twins conception is implied to be an event afterwards in a Thrawn novel (haven't read yet), unless Star Wars' humans have faster pregnancies. For my personal timeline I have the old Legends dates in parenthesis but keep it primarily in Day __ format.
Day 1
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x09, "Old Friends Not Forgotten" (0:00:36 - 0:16:23)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:01:49 - 0:33:17)

Day 2
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x09, "Old Friends Not Forgotten" (0:16:24 - 0:26:17)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:00:30 - 0:02:58)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:33:17 - 0:48:00)

Day 3
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:48:00 - 0:56:01)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:02:58 - 0:08:42)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:56:02 - 1:00:53)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:08:43 - 0:24:15)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:00:35 - 0:02:51)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:00:54 - 1:01:54)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:02:52 - 0:04:46)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:01:55 - 1:09:04)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:04:47 - 0:09:41)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:09:05 - 1:19:12)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:09:42 - 0:15:03)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:01:19 - 0:13:23)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:19:13 - 1:29:54)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:15:04 - 0:23:31)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x12, "Victory and Death" (0:00:36 - 0:19:12)

Day 4
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:29:55 - 1:34:00)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:13:24 - 0:18:54)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:34:00 - 1:36:38)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:18:54 - 0:21:25)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:36:38 - 1:38:33)
Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel - Chapter 12, "A Cog in Something Turning"

Day 5
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:38:33 - 1:42:18)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:21:25 - 0:41:15)

Day 6
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:41:16 - 1:10:21)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:42:19 - 2:08:54)
Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith #1, pg. 1 - 14

Day 7
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2:08:55 - 2:11:23)

Day 8
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2:11:24 - 2:13:46)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x12, "Victory and Death" (0:19:13 - 0:21:17)

I have a fairly rough timeline of all concurrent canon media that I've gone through with time stamps (@joshjodalton I'd love to see yours) so this is what I came up with through rewatches and comparing with other timelines and fan edits online. I'm sure I have some timestamp typos and mistakes. Old Legends reference books had dated Revenge of the Sith as starting at 15:5:20 as in May 20. That doesn't entirely work out with Padme's pregnancy considering that Ahsoka's trial is dated the same year as ROTS and the space twins conception is implied to be an event afterwards in a Thrawn novel (haven't read yet), unless Star Wars' humans have faster pregnancies. For my personal timeline I have the old Legends dates in parenthesis but keep it primarily in Day __ format.
Very nice!

The Bad Batch 1x01 is hard IMO because we're not really sure if the hologram of Palpatine is in real time or a recording. Also, Tarkin's presence makes it hard to line up with his brief appearance in ROTS.
Very nice!

The Bad Batch 1x01 is hard IMO because we're not really sure if the hologram of Palpatine is in real time or a recording. Also, Tarkin's presence makes it hard to line up with his brief appearance in ROTS.
Yeah it's hard to tell how much time passes anytime characters go to another planet as well. I believe in the episode it's implied it's a live broadcast, and the pacing from the Order 66 scene with Kanan to the broadcast fits very well with the time passing in the film. Had to do that sort of thing twice when I was getting TFA/Resistance timestamps. Tarkin's appearance at the very end of ROTS could be any amount of time after the bulk of the movie as well, as we see Vader has almost a whole comic issue between getting the suit on and that point.
Yeah it's hard to tell how much time passes anytime characters go to another planet as well. I believe in the episode it's implied it's a live broadcast, and the pacing from the Order 66 scene with Kanan to the broadcast fits very well with the time passing in the film. Had to do that sort of thing twice when I was getting TFA/Resistance timestamps. Tarkin's appearance at the very end of ROTS could be any amount of time after the bulk of the movie as well, as we see Vader has almost a whole comic issue between getting the suit on and that point.
Can you share your TFA/Resistance/TLJ time stamps please?
Can you share your TFA/Resistance/TLJ time stamps please?
Day 0
Star Wars Resistance 1x17, "The Core Problem"

Day 1
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (0:01:41 - 0:10:40)

Day 2
Star Wars Resistance 1x18, "The Disappeared"
Star Wars Resistance 1x19, "Descent" (0:00:00 - 0:03:58)
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (0:10:41 - 0:16:42)
Forces of Destiny, "Sands of Jakku"
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (0:16:43 - 0:18:00)

Day 3
Star Wars Resistance 1x19, "Descent" (0:03:59 - 0:21:24)
Forces of Destiny, "BB-8 Bandits"
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (0:18:01 - 0:49:19)

Day 4 (Hosnian Prime's Destruction)
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (0:49:20 - 0:54:10)
Forces of Destiny, "Tracker Trouble"
Star Wars Resistance 1x20, "No Escape, Part 1" (0:00:00 - 0:14:33)
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (0:54:11 - 1:08:34)
Star Wars Resistance 1x20, "No Escape, Part 1" (0:14:34 - 0:19:44)
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (1:08:35 - 1:10:49)
Star Wars Resistance 1x20, "No Escape, Part 1" (0:19:45 - 0:21:25)
Star Wars Resistance 1x21, "No Escape, Part 2" (0:00:00 - 0:01:10)
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (1:10:50 - 1:20:53)
Star Wars Resistance 1x21, "No Escape, Part 2" (0:01:11 - 0:21:23)

Day 5 (Han Solo's Death)
Star Wars Resistance 2x01, "Into the Unknown"
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (1:20:54 - 1:42:54)
Forces of Destiny, "Perilous Pursuit"
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (1:42:55 - 2:00:06)

Day 6
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2:00:07 - 2:02:29)

Day 7
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2:02:30 - 2:04:01)

Day 1
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (0:01:43 - 0:13:41)
Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2:04:02 - 2:07:05)
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (0:13:42 - 0:22:15)
Star Wars Resistance 2x02, "A Quick Salvage Run" (0:00:00 - 0:21:29)

Day 2 (Leia Incapacitated)
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (0:22:16 - 0:44:27)

Day 3 (Lessons)
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (0:44:28 - 0:54:03)
Forces of Destiny, "Shuttle Shock"
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (0:54:04 - 0:57:37)
Forces of Destiny, "Porg Problems"
Forces of Destiny, "Porgs!"
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (0:57:38 - 1:24:15)

Day 4 (Luke Skywalker's Death)
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (1:24:16 - 2:22:35)
Poe Dameron #26, "The Awakening, Part I"
Poe Dameron #27, "The Awakening, Part II"
Poe Dameron #28, "The Awakening, Part III"
Poe Dameron #29, "The Awakening, Part IV"
Poe Dameron #30, "The Awakening, Part V"

Poe Dameron #31, "The Awakening, Part VI"
Resistance Reborn

Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2:22:36 - 2:23:37)

A bit trickier for me but this is the gist. Resistance 1x17 include's Poe mentioning his mission to Jakku so I've marked it as Day 0. There's a short comic between TFA and TLJ about Rey and Chewie making a pit stop on the way to Luke, which is why I pushed TFA's final scene after TLJ's opening. It's not quite immediately after so that's why it starts over as Day 1 for TLJ.
Day 1
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x09, "Old Friends Not Forgotten" (0:00:36 - 0:16:23)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:01:49 - 0:33:17)

Day 2
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x09, "Old Friends Not Forgotten" (0:16:24 - 0:26:17)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:00:30 - 0:02:58)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:33:17 - 0:48:00)

Day 3
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:48:00 - 0:56:01)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:02:58 - 0:08:42)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:56:02 - 1:00:53)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:08:43 - 0:24:15)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:00:35 - 0:02:51)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:00:54 - 1:01:54)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:02:52 - 0:04:46)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:01:55 - 1:09:04)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:04:47 - 0:09:41)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:09:05 - 1:19:12)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:09:42 - 0:15:03)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:01:19 - 0:13:23)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:19:13 - 1:29:54)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:15:04 - 0:23:31)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x12, "Victory and Death" (0:00:36 - 0:19:12)

Day 4
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:29:55 - 1:34:00)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:13:24 - 0:18:54)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:34:00 - 1:36:38)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:18:54 - 0:21:25)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:36:38 - 1:38:33)
Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel - Chapter 12, "A Cog in Something Turning"

Day 5
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:38:33 - 1:42:18)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:21:25 - 0:41:15)

Day 6
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:41:16 - 1:10:21)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:42:19 - 2:08:54)
Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith #1, pg. 1 - 14

Day 7
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2:08:55 - 2:11:23)

Day 8
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2:11:24 - 2:13:46)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x12, "Victory and Death" (0:19:13 - 0:21:17)

I have a fairly rough timeline of all concurrent canon media that I've gone through with time stamps (@joshjodalton I'd love to see yours) so this is what I came up with through rewatches and comparing with other timelines and fan edits online. I'm sure I have some timestamp typos and mistakes. Old Legends reference books had dated Revenge of the Sith as starting at 15:5:20 as in May 20. That doesn't entirely work out with Padme's pregnancy considering that Ahsoka's trial is dated the same year as ROTS and the space twins conception is implied to be an event afterwards in a Thrawn novel (haven't read yet), unless Star Wars' humans have faster pregnancies. For my personal timeline I have the old Legends dates in parenthesis but keep it primarily in Day __ format.
Very nice! Yours is even more detailed than mine, since you include specific days. Mine only narrows it down to the year. I'm sure we'll have some differences in time stamps, since a lot of it is speculation. And like I said, mine is only updated through Dark Lord of the Sith #17.


  • Star Wars Detailed Timeline - Detailed Timeline.pdf
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Updated with the latest material! I haven't yet read Queen's Hope but it's advertised as a sequel to Queen's Shadow (which has a post ROTS epilogue), so I've placed it immediately after that for now.
Day 1
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x09, "Old Friends Not Forgotten" (0:00:36 - 0:16:23)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:01:49 - 0:33:17)

Day 2
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x09, "Old Friends Not Forgotten" (0:16:24 - 0:26:17)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:00:30 - 0:02:58)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:33:17 - 0:48:00)

Day 3
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:48:00 - 0:56:01)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:02:58 - 0:08:42)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (0:56:02 - 1:00:53)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x10, "The Phantom Apprentice" (0:08:43 - 0:24:15)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:00:35 - 0:02:51)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:00:54 - 1:01:54)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:02:52 - 0:04:46)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:01:55 - 1:09:04)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:04:47 - 0:09:41)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:09:05 - 1:19:12)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:09:42 - 0:15:03)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:01:19 - 0:13:23)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:19:13 - 1:29:54)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x11, "Shattered" (0:15:04 - 0:23:31)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x12, "Victory and Death" (0:00:36 - 0:19:12)

Day 4
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:29:55 - 1:34:00)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:13:24 - 0:18:54)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:34:00 - 1:36:38)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:18:54 - 0:21:25)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:36:38 - 1:38:33)
Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel - Chapter 12, "A Cog in Something Turning"

Day 5
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:38:33 - 1:42:18)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:21:25 - 0:41:15)

Day 6
Star Wars: The Bad Batch 1x01, "Aftermath" (0:41:16 - 1:10:21)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (1:42:19 - 2:08:54)
Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith #1, pg. 1 - 14

Day 7
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2:08:55 - 2:11:23)

Day 8
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2:11:24 - 2:13:46)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars 7x12, "Victory and Death" (0:19:13 - 0:21:17)

I have a fairly rough timeline of all concurrent canon media that I've gone through with time stamps (@joshjodalton I'd love to see yours) so this is what I came up with through rewatches and comparing with other timelines and fan edits online. I'm sure I have some timestamp typos and mistakes. Old Legends reference books had dated Revenge of the Sith as starting at 15:5:20 as in May 20. That doesn't entirely work out with Padme's pregnancy considering that Ahsoka's trial is dated the same year as ROTS and the space twins conception is implied to be an event afterwards in a Thrawn novel (haven't read yet), unless Star Wars' humans have faster pregnancies. For my personal timeline I have the old Legends dates in parenthesis but keep it primarily in Day __ format.
Legends is a parallel reality in my opinion. Like... episodes 1-6 and The Clone Wars S1-6 are fixed events but everything else is different. Sorta like how in What If...? episode 3 things were different before Fury's Big Week but it appears as if everything is identical to the MCU prior to Tony Stark's death.

Makes sense to use Legends dates, and only the dates, as long as new Canon is prioritised I would think. If it's contradicted though, toss it.
I think we need to start figuring out the gaps of time between episodes of Rebels vs episodes that flow directly into each other. I have a feeling since Andor season two will span four years, there is going to be a lot of inter-weaving between episodes of Rebels, like Star Trek DS9 and VOY.

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