C'est une très bonne chronologie Canon, mais c'est un fil de discussion Legends. Il y a un fil de discussion Canon sur ce site.
Bonjour, je mettrai ensuite Star Wars et les films de Steven Spielberg.
35000- BBY- 9 ABY Star Wars
1865 - Lincoln
1935-1969 Indiana Jones
1939 - Schindler's List
1944 - Saving Private Ryan
1974 - 1987 Jaws
1977 - Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1982 - E.T., the extra-terrestrial
1993 - 2022 Jurassic Park
2005 - War of the Worlds
2045 - Player One Loan
For me the legendary universe. it's this timeline of films.
35000- BBY- 9 ABY Star Wars
1865 - Lincoln
1935-1969 Indiana Jones
1939 - Schindler's List
1944 - Saving Private Ryan
1974 - 1987 Jaws
1977 - Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1982 - E.T., the extra-terrestrial
1993 - 2022 Jurassic Park
2005 - War of the Worlds
2045 - Player One Loan
For me the legendary universe. it's this timeline of films.
Thanks for your help, when I Will finish the star Wars/indiana Jones sections of the timeline I Will verify if some of this movies can be Canon to this universe, Just remaind me this, when the time Will come. Thanks again for your contribuition.
Hey y'all, just found my 2009 DVD Boxset of The Clone Wars Season 1. Apparently it includes 7 Director's Cuts of Episodes. Turns out that a few TCW Episodes in Seasons 1, 4 and 5 have extended cuts. Sadly, I only own Season 1-3 as DVD Boxsets
Hey y'all, just found my 2009 DVD Boxset of The Clone Wars Season 1. Apparently it includes 7 Director's Cuts of Episodes. Turns out that a few TCW Episodes in Seasons 1, 4 and 5 have extended cuts. Sadly, I only own Season 1-3 as DVD Boxsets
TCW Director's Cuts:

Rising Malevolence, Shadow of Malevolence, Lair of Grievous, Rookies, Storm Over Ryloth, Innocents of Ryloth, Liberty on Ryloth

Carnage of Krell, Escape from Kadavo, Massacre, Bounty

Eminence, Shades of Reason
fitting to revive this thread a bit, I finally reached the first Darth Bane book and while I'm still at the beginning, I'm having a blast with it!