The great manga debate!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2004
Washington, PA
Is it taking over american comics? Is it too easy to get? Is it just plain creepy most of the time?

NO! Well, except for the last one. I do think some places go a bit overboard, but its packaged much more conviently for people. Ellis discribed it as the newest evolution in desposable media, wich I think id fairly accurate. You can't fit a normal comic trade in your pocket. Its a convience factor. PLus since most american companies are working twords production and lisencing recouping they can sell these nice little black and white volumes in large chunks. I got the first volume of Oldboy for like $7 and its got a few hundred pages to it.

The flip thing does bother me. I hate having to reprogram myself to read a book.
well, i think american comics and artists have been greatly influenced by it, but its definitely not "taking over." I mean, the artist who drew mk: spider-man during the other, pat lee i think, that looked like anime to me, i didnt like it that much. Plus, comics have been around in japan even longer than in america (i did a report on manga.) so its really inevitable for our comics to be influenced by theirs, and vice versa.
well, i think american comics and artists have been greatly influenced by it, but its definitely not "taking over." I mean, the artist who drew mk: spider-man during the other, pat lee i think, that looked like anime to me, i didnt like it that much. Plus, comics have been around in japan even longer than in america (i did a report on manga.) so its really inevitable for our comics to be influenced by theirs, and vice versa.

Really? Becuase cartooning has been a staple in america since the first newspaper was printed. No specificly bound together into a comic I'd buy, but since Japan dind't even industrialize untill the early 20th century I'd be supprised to learn that they had something comic-like earlier.

And its a pendelum. Manga was heavily influenced by american comics from the 40s and 50s thanks to WWII and the US troops that were stationed over there. Now its come back around where we've being influenced by them, mainly as to the glut of material stangefate mentioned in the other thread.
Really? Becuase cartooning has been a staple in america since the first newspaper was printed. No specificly bound together into a comic I'd buy, but since Japan dind't even industrialize untill the early 20th century I'd be supprised to learn that they had something comic-like earlier.

there was an early 19th century artist named hokusai i beleive who is beleived to be the father of comics, he drew what is the fiirst manga or roughly translated "whimsical pictures."
Love manga style art.

i have all the dragonball books in original japanese (collection purposes) and the english one thats uncut. thats what got me in to manga and anime.

star wars manga and more.

i want the spider-man mangas but they seem hard to get.

as for the style story telling ect....

I think the story telling in manga can be better than usual comics and i like how they keep same artest and story teller it helps you see it evolve more as they get better or just get in to it more.
I think they may have been ther first to put it in its own book. But I know nothing.

I don't think its taking over, it does have a huge following. But I hear the mange is always better then their anime counterpart and there's some damn good animes out there. I just hope the parts that america get influenced by are the parts that actually make it good. Think the new F4 cartoon, they adapted an anime style but failed at what actually make anime shows great
You should read... nothing. All the good ones have already been made into anime which you can watch for free on youtube. Save the money.

you can get the manga for free if you know where to look.:wink: and all of the best ones have not been made into anime, or you have obviously not read or even heard of death note.8)
You should read... nothing. All the good ones have already been made into anime which you can watch for free on youtube. Save the money.

yeah but anime versions have so much filler it wrecks the contiuarity.

it's like telling someone do not read spider-man comics just watch the movies. so much is changed ect.... it takes away from the original

but if you do go for a manga or anime Dragonball z is the way to go.
See I think the biggest problem with the Manga fans is that lots of them concider themselves JUST manga fans. Not sequential art fans and are fairly unwilling to try out american works that they'd more than likely enjoy.
you can get the manga for free if you know where to look.:wink: and all of the best ones have not been made into anime, or you have obviously not read or even heard of death note.8)
Nope. Give it a month, it'll be an anime.
yeah but anime versions have so much filler it wrecks the contiuarity.

it's like telling someone do not read spider-man comics just watch the movies. so much is changed ect.... it takes away from the original
Except animes are almost direct copies of the manga, where as the movie takes tons of liberties and try to condence years of history into an hour and a half long movie.

but if you do go for a manga or anime Dragonball z is the way to go.
I hate DBZ.

See I think the biggest problem with the Manga fans is that lots of them concider themselves JUST manga fans. Not sequential art fans and are fairly unwilling to try out american works that they'd more than likely enjoy.
See I think the biggest problem with the Manga fans is that lots of them concider themselves JUST manga fans. Not sequential art fans and are fairly unwilling to try out american works that they'd more than likely enjoy.

That is so true.

Some people dont see how I have a few shelves of manga then shelves of normal comics like ultimate spider-man. they always say to me "how can you like both they are so diffrent" and I always say if a story is good to me and the art is good i'll read it.
Nope. Give it a month, it'll be an anime.

Except animes are almost direct copies of the manga, where as the movie takes tons of liberties and try to condence years of history into an hour and a half long movie.

okay I mispelt :lol:

ok maybe I over exadurated.

it's more like x-men cmics and x-men cartoon.

animes are good I myself love them. But they add in a filler scene here and there and they **** up the time line ect.... by doing that. but yeah watching them is fun too
I haven't read much manga, but I'd love to.

If you pm me I could point you at a few that are free, though Lithium sounds like he has the hook up.

You should read... nothing. All the good ones have already been made into anime which you can watch for free on youtube. Save the money.

Better watch 'em quick. Youtube has taken some down, because it borders on plagerism (Bah! I say!).

McCheese...again said:
Except animes are almost direct copies of the manga, where as the movie takes tons of liberties and try to condence years of history into an hour and a half long movie.

Not always true, the Full Metal Alchemist manga and anime diverge greatly from each other (I think the manga is still going on). Same thing for Great Teacher Onizuka aka GTO. The anime followed the manga up until the last two episodes, then it made up its own ending.

Most of the time divergences and filler happen because the anime catches up to the manga. more time! said:
I hate DBZ.

Meh it was ok, until they went to space, then the **** hit the fan.

Thank God for multi-quotes.
you can get the manga for free if you know where to look.:wink: and all of the best ones have not been made into anime, or you have obviously not read or even heard of death note.8)
I coulda sworn there was a Death Note movie in the works...

I perfer manga style to American style, but that doesn't mean I want oen to be on top of the other. The two be different genres suits me well. But you'd have to be a fool to say manga isn't influencing American comics.

"Too easy to get"? :(
If you pm me I could point you at a few that are free, though Lithium sounds like he has the hook up.

you could have it too, i get everything free these days, but you'll have to pm me to find out how.

I coulda sworn there was a Death Note movie in the works...
its already been made, but only the first half. there is however, no death note anime, nor are there plans for any.
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Not always true, the Full Metal Alchemist manga and anime diverge greatly from each other (I think the manga is still going on). Same thing for Great Teacher Onizuka aka GTO. The anime followed the manga up until the last two episodes, then it made up its own ending.
I frickin' said...
Not even that much usually. FullMetal Alchemist is a good example of big changes, but it was great so there's no problem. A lot of others stay very close to the manga.
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I coulda sworn there was a Death Note movie in the works...

I perfer manga style to American style, but that doesn't mean I want oen to be on top of the other. The two be different genres suits me well. But you'd have to be a fool to say manga isn't influencing American comics.

"Too easy to get"? :(

Yes. Too easy to get. I remember the wilds of the 90s, hunting for new anime and manga was a task, a journey... Now you can walk into FYI and Barnes and Noble... its all gotten too easy! I had to walk 10 miles in the snow uphil both ways to get my Patlabor manga!

God I'm old...

Still, its all sequential art. Its just a diffrence in storytelling. I don't think that alot of american consumers would be willing to wait for the production scedule of the original releases. I think the mass packaging of the medium has spoiled people to a degree.