The Timeline Guy
My First Adventure 1908 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
Passion For Life 1908 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
The Perils of Cupid 1908 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
Travels with Father 1909 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
Journey of Radiance 1910 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
Young Indiana Jones and the Titanic Adventure 1912 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Pirates' Loot 1912 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Lost Gold of Durango 1912 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Plantation Treasure 1913 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Tomb of Terror 1913 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Princess of Peril 1913 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Ghostly Riders 1913 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Circle of Death 1913 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Journey to the Underworld 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Ruby Cross 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Gypsy Revenge 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Secret City 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Mountain of Fire 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Face of the Dragon 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Eye of the Tiger 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Spring Break Adventure 1916 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
Love's Sweet Song 1916 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
Trenches of Hell 1916 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Demons of Deception 1916 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Phantom Train of Doom 1916 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Oganga, the Giver and Taker of Life 1916 - 1917 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Attack of the Hawkmen 1917 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Adventures in the Secret Service 1917 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Espionage Escapades 1917 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Daredevils of the Desert 1917 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones 1918 (Video Game - Sega Genesis)
Tales of Innocence 1918 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Masks of Evil 1918 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Treasure of the Peacock's Eye 1919 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Winds of Change 1919 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Mystery of the Blues 1920 (1950) (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Scandal of 1920 1920 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Hollywood Follies 1920 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Indiana Jones and the Peril at Delphi 1920 - 1922 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants 1925 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils 1926 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge (1917) 1927 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Unicorn's Legacy (1924) 1928 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Interior World 1928 - 1929 (Novel)
Indiana Jones Adventures - Vol. 1 1930 (Graphic Novel) **
Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates 1930 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the White Witch 1930 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Philosopher's Stone 1933 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Dinosaur Eggs 1933 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth 1934 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Sphinx 1934 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Shrine of the Sea Devil #1 1935 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 2)
Indiana Jones in the Lost Kindgom 1935 (Video Game - Commodore 64)
Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures 1935 (Video Game - Windows)
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb 1935 (Video Game - Windows / Xbox / PS2)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1935 (Feature Film - DVD)
Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods #1-4 1936 (Comic Book Mini-Series) **
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark 1936 (Feature Film - DVD)
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients 1936 (Video Game - DOS)
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #1-34 1936 - 1937 (Comic Book Ongoing Series)
Indiana Jones and the Arms of Gold #1-4 1937 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 1)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1912) 1938 (Feature Film - DVD)
Indiana Jones 1939 (Video Game - Xbox 360 / PS3) **
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 1939 (Video Game - DOS)
Indiana Jones and the Thunder in the Orient #1-6 1939 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 1)
Indiana Jones and the Sargasso Pirates #1-4 1939 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 2)
Indiana Jones and the Golden Fleece #1-2 1941 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 2)
Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny #1-4 1945 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 2)
Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix #1-4 1946 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 2)
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine 1947 (Video Game - Windows / N64)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 1957 (Feature Film - DVD)
Passion For Life 1908 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
The Perils of Cupid 1908 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
Travels with Father 1909 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
Journey of Radiance 1910 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
Young Indiana Jones and the Titanic Adventure 1912 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Pirates' Loot 1912 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Lost Gold of Durango 1912 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Plantation Treasure 1913 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Tomb of Terror 1913 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Princess of Peril 1913 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Ghostly Riders 1913 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Circle of Death 1913 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Journey to the Underworld 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Ruby Cross 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Gypsy Revenge 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Secret City 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Mountain of Fire 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Face of the Dragon 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Young Indiana Jones and the Eye of the Tiger 1914 (Young Adult Novel)
Spring Break Adventure 1916 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
Love's Sweet Song 1916 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 1 DVD)
Trenches of Hell 1916 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Demons of Deception 1916 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Phantom Train of Doom 1916 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Oganga, the Giver and Taker of Life 1916 - 1917 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Attack of the Hawkmen 1917 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Adventures in the Secret Service 1917 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Espionage Escapades 1917 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Daredevils of the Desert 1917 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 2 DVD)
Instruments of Chaos Starring Young Indiana Jones 1918 (Video Game - Sega Genesis)
Tales of Innocence 1918 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Masks of Evil 1918 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Treasure of the Peacock's Eye 1919 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Winds of Change 1919 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Mystery of the Blues 1920 (1950) (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Scandal of 1920 1920 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Hollywood Follies 1920 (The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones - Vol. 3 DVD)
Indiana Jones and the Peril at Delphi 1920 - 1922 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants 1925 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils 1926 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge (1917) 1927 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Unicorn's Legacy (1924) 1928 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Interior World 1928 - 1929 (Novel)
Indiana Jones Adventures - Vol. 1 1930 (Graphic Novel) **
Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates 1930 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the White Witch 1930 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Philosopher's Stone 1933 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Dinosaur Eggs 1933 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth 1934 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Sphinx 1934 (Novel)
Indiana Jones and the Shrine of the Sea Devil #1 1935 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 2)
Indiana Jones in the Lost Kindgom 1935 (Video Game - Commodore 64)
Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures 1935 (Video Game - Windows)
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb 1935 (Video Game - Windows / Xbox / PS2)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1935 (Feature Film - DVD)
Indiana Jones and the Tomb of the Gods #1-4 1936 (Comic Book Mini-Series) **
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark 1936 (Feature Film - DVD)
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients 1936 (Video Game - DOS)
The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #1-34 1936 - 1937 (Comic Book Ongoing Series)
Indiana Jones and the Arms of Gold #1-4 1937 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 1)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1912) 1938 (Feature Film - DVD)
Indiana Jones 1939 (Video Game - Xbox 360 / PS3) **
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 1939 (Video Game - DOS)
Indiana Jones and the Thunder in the Orient #1-6 1939 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 1)
Indiana Jones and the Sargasso Pirates #1-4 1939 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 2)
Indiana Jones and the Golden Fleece #1-2 1941 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 2)
Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny #1-4 1945 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 2)
Indiana Jones and the Iron Phoenix #1-4 1946 (The Indiana Jones Omnibus Vol. 2)
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine 1947 (Video Game - Windows / N64)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 1957 (Feature Film - DVD)
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